Simps will defend this

Simps will defend this.

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yet if someone complains about all the generic white male nathan drake-type protagonists you'll shit yourself crying

Horse fuckers

Go back

what does race have to do with anything sperg

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Those women protags are from more recent games not 10+ years ago

what are you even complaining about then if not that they all look similar

It's the clothing he's complaining about you retard.

Its weird how people think Muh stronk female character is just a average looking girl wearing a tank top and jeans, there are other examples too but I dont know who truly started this

their boring fucking outfits?

Why is Claire there?

i'll gladly defend my wife, claire

don't forget grease and dirt smudges

really need to hit home how FORD TUFF they are

I actually quite like this aesthetic, it's like they think they're harder-core than they are, and then they meet a real baddy and get REKT.

Opinion discarded.

>games then
>generic mcbeardy face with pants and biker boots
>games now
>generic pony tail lady with pants and biker boots

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What's a simp? Is that the new buzzword?

Know those fags that throw money at e-whores? Those are simps. White Knights and orbiters with mommy's credit card or expendable income from their shitty loser job.

So it's the new buzzword for someone you don't like. Gotcha.

No. It's a word with a specific meaning. It refers to losers(probably you) that throw money at and grovel at women because they're pathetic sacks of shit.

You and I both know that that is not how it is going to be used around here.

Nu Lara is fine. From the first TR reboot, not Shadow or Rise.

>FUCK how dare the digital characters not be half naked

I don't care about them being naked or sexy. I'd settle for them being at least partially interesting or stylish.

If I wanted frumpy plain women, real life has plenty of them.

yo look at this guy's
LOOOOL what a fucking loser!

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post your example of "partially interesting or stylish" design.

I didn't play any of those games

>implying it has to do with the amount of clothing
resetrannies gotta go

Whitoid angry that he's gonna go extinct by 2050.

>simps want female mc's to be clothed
user, i think YOU might actually be the simp

lol ok simp

>needing to masturbate to 3D renderings of fictional women
>others don't

lol simps

Now this is a Simp

That's its exact usage everywhere I've seen it in the past month, fuckface. Take your 12 year old ass, stick your hand in the sink, and turn on the power. I don't want to read your posts anymore.

as a pitfag I welcome this

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Okay simp

Must suck having to live with crippling autism you fucking retard. Only the two in the middle are hideous goblins because Resident Evil 7 is garbage. The rest are perfectly fine and don't disrespect my Clairebear you fucking nigger faggot!

it's pretty realistic for women to all follow a trend.

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Wish we had some diversity in body types.
Devs think it's impossible for a girl to naturally have a huge rack.

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So what, last gen it was this

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too bad she's skinnier than the girls in OP's pic now

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At least brown haired 30 something white males are believably capable. I've never met a woman as capable as a 30 something brown white male.

I wanted to use her "original" outfit but then i realized they changed jills skirt to some ugly ass basketball looking shorts i said fuck it and just used the default

Just give them a fucking jacket or something, even that would make the design better.

It is very rare for a woman to not have other body features when she has naturally large breasts, large being D or larger. The hormones along with body shape that push development of larger breasts also create boxier hips and waist and fat deposits elsewhere. Kate Upton is the 100% best example of what happens when those hormones take over entirely.
This is earlier A&P. You can't get to even basic LPN status without knowing this.
Pay attention when you see chicks with large tits now. Look at how, even when underweight, they have fatter arms, bigger hips/waist, large gut, shoulders wider, etc. It is a good tell for fake breasts. If I were to guess maybe 1 out of 100 larger breasts girls don't get these features.

Also, this is talking about NON FAT WOMEN. Fatties are their own problem.

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Just fix it bro

>reee they are white and middle aged (the average demographic)
>completely ignores their outfits and character designs, just focuses on race and sex
hmmm who could be behind this post?

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To be honest, before it came out I wasn't a fan of Jill's model but after playing the game I can say it's grown on me. I think it's that her personality and mannerisms make her better compared to a still jpg. The original costume helps too, even if it's not as good as I would like.

So hairloss is the new chad thing?

>hot or not threads

you guys are much bigger faggots than reddit

Big breasts are offensive. The only way I'd be okay with them being included is if the developer were female and the breasts were saggy and misshapen so they're not sexualized.

Underage confirmed. People WERE complaining about similar shit for dudes. Google "bald space marine" for a history lesson kid. This is just the modern female equivalent. Different time, same uninspired designs from shit tier devs.

wow, you're fucking dumb.


>black female character
>is a sassy caricature with a Afro

seethe and dilate

5 1 6 4 2 3

keep up with the times, boomer