>Yas Forums thinks this is attractive
When did this board became overflowing with faggots?
>Yas Forums thinks this is attractive
When did this board became overflowing with faggots?
Other urls found in this thread:
White guys are attracted to white trannies, common sense
thats a dude
Whats with her dead eyes?
penis lol
women are uglier than men without makeup
She is not, she just has a shitty personality and is in shitty remake
>When did this board became overflowing with faggots?
Ever since the board was conceived
How to spot newfaggot tranny
She looks like that tranny freak called Jazz.
I only find Astolfo attractive
2016 onwards, this place is filled with gaffugees and zoomers now
Her brow-ridge is just too pronounced.
Cope Vothfags. Gigastacy Jill looks better than ever.
Dilate, tranny.
Voth will always be Jill idc
I disliked her, but she's grown on me. Especially with the nude mods and SFM porn.
You guys are never getting laid man
Rent free
God she looks so fucking terrible. Doesn't even partially look like the character.
You'd be grateful if she peed in your mouth you pretentious neckbeard. Video games fried your brain. She looks perfectly fine.
>posting this edit in a thread with the actual real render right above
>finding women attractive is a faggot thing
You'll never be a woman
When will silly white girls learn...
bro she looks like a supermodel, if you saw a chick like that IRL your balls would shrivel into ovaries
She looks like a jewish tranny, though.
She'd be a 10 if she had long hair.
Damn the new Tomb Raider game looks great!
Actual gay faggot that likely won't even play R3make, reporting in:
She looks... fine? Definitely better than average. I still don't know what the fuss is about.
That being said I prefer Claire in terms of looks. She's just so cute I wanna pat her on the head every time I see her.
Don't even fucking get me started on Leon. I get a boner just thinking about RE2make Leon.
It's okay, come out of the closet.
I want Jill to deepthroat my alien dick.
Where is the "No, I'll wait for the crack" option?
I can tell that you are huge faggot by your shittaste
I admit I'm gay for NuJill
I'm a huge faggot at least because I completely destroyed your tender boypucci with words alone.
When mods started banning for racism
she's so fucking hot
Post her feet
jesus christ that manjaw
How do I get a Casca GF?
*blocks your GFs pussy*
I want to lick the dirt off her face.
imagine how bad her feet must smell after being beaten up so badly and wearing combat boots all night haha
>toe rings
where are the lewds?
if you see a woman wearing a toe ring it means she's a footfag also
t. a knower
I wear them all the time.
she also wadded through a sewer. Take that into account.
Holy fucking shit is that thing supposed to be a fucking woman? Jesus Christ, when will the SJWs, trannies, militant far left, Bernie Sanders, deranged dems, soibois, cucks, anti-americans, and jews leave our fuckin vidya alone?
You aren't wrong, but
>she looks like a woman that's more attractive to other women than to men
In other words, she looks like a man.
I wish I could find a gf who's into it, most girls just tolerated it and indulged me. It's more rare in girls for some reason
Where is the "No, and I'm not planning to ever plan the game" option
post feet
I can't even hate Griffith, I feel like most people would've done it, it was his only way of achieving his dreams now that he couldn't talk or walk, he was a fucking veggie. Fuck, the eclipse chapter was so damn good
Griffith is fucking based
trannys don't count
no, she looks intimidating and unapproachable like pretty much every gigastacy.
Like imagine if peak Mila Jovovich and Natalie Portman had a baby or some shit, that's Jill.
That's why they gave Nemesis the nose.
It's rarer if you're a woman looking for it in other women, too. Even if it's like casual and not a 'thing' you need.
I'm autistic so I legitimately do not understand the concept of a woman being intimidating.
that hairstyle sucks, out of all the changes why didn't they change that
I'm a manlet with a handsome face so pretty much every attractive girl that gives me a double take makes me want to curl into a ball and roll away.
I've missed so many opportunities by disregarding their hints as friendly due to insecurity.
>those legs
Their hairworks of the engine fucking sucks
They have been using the same one since RE7 and it's still trash
I honestly don't even fucking know anymore. Way back then it felt wrong, now it doesn't feel like anything I could describe, but definitely not right either.
Guess I just can't relate anymore because I've lost all dreams and hopes altogether. Wouldn't know what to do with godhood if it fell on me one sunny day. I'd just go for complete non-existence.
How tall.
5'7, but the average in my cunt is >6'2.
feelsbadman, but I get by okay and have fuggered plenty of tall girls and married women.