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shut the FUCK UP BITCH

old dog good
new dog bad

there are literally zero good horror movies from Asia

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This but unironically

the wailing is good

white women would fuck both tho.

>there are literally zero good horror

Asian horror is shit

we're on Yas Forums, retard

I mean it's still better than American horror, which is literally just white women screaming because a door slammed shut

Unironically right captures the essence of Silent Hill more, twisted forms that only vaguely resemble what they once were. Left is a generic zombie dog.

>Bram Stoker's Dracula
I liked those at least

World of Horror is pretty good tho.

I don't get it, is this supposed to imply that the one on the right is worse?

the one on the left looks like your average street dog, what's so scary about that?

um zombie ass is a thing sweetie

Western horror is shit
>boo! jump scare so scary wow
>blood and gore

Your picture makes a good point op but I think we can all agree that silent hills greatest strength is the sound design

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Tetsuo is the best body horror movie ever made.

No, I don't think either looks particular to either brand of horror. Both western and eastern horror have good and bad, subtle and blunt, and over time there's been a lot of shared influences between the two.

here's your horror game dog, bro

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Its just a japan good west bad thing, either is fine.

Terminator isn't a horror, its a thriller

wow that is so deep

I mean it’s not good because it’s scary, or even scary at all, but it’s still unironically good

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Looks like chinese dinner
>western horror
Looks sci-fi to the point of not looking like what its supposed to

Western horror is shitty as well
>woooo gore and lound noises
>wooo 20 hours of nothing happening maybe the real monster within us all along

Slashers were kino. We just never got the perfect slasher film that had the right mixture of savage brutality, a creepy killer, cool music and visuals, and a decent story. Literally every slasher film has a cocksuckin' flaw in it. Fuckin' needed Kubrick to make one or something.

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unironically the best horror movies are the ones that are not horror (The Thing, Midsommar, The Lighthouse, etc.)

Also this Gothic masterpiece, honestly the only good horror films are old overtly gothic ones

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nearly all of it dogshit and the extremely few ones that manage to rise above the rest are usually just as shitty, but have one saving grace that shoots it up to cult status.

to the people who appreciate masterful sound design: check out little nightmares. incredible atmosphere.

The one on the left is scary because it's something familiar but subverted. The one on the right is like some shitty alien looking thing, makes you feel nothing.

Imagine thinking Western horror is just ghosts. When's the last time Japan made horror that wasn't paranormal?

>No blood and gore because Asians are such fragile creatures decapitation is banned from videogames and their media
>You know what's reaaaaly scary? A POWDER-WHITE BOY THAT MEOWS LIKE A CAT, THAT'S HORROR

Based taste, user. Some of the best cinematography ever is in that movie.

Right looks like it could fuck my shit up more easily but left looks like it only needs to scratch me to give me a disease or something. Left is definitely more grounded in reality since stray dogs can do that in real life, that probably makes it scarier because most people have a real life reference for left while the "dog" in the right belongs 100% to the realm of fantasy.


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>Western horror touches on your primal instincts, human gore is unsettling because it tells your instincts humans died here = bad place for you, being startled bypasses reason and logic if only for a split second
>Japanese horror tries to be deep and subtle but in the end it boils down to SCARY FACE and relies on having a weak will to be blown away by it


on the topic of horror shite, are the Siren and Fatal Frame games any good?

I saw a webm of the former the other day, and it looked scary as fuck.

Shitty roadside picnic rip off

A24 is kino and no amount of basedjacks is going to make me change my mind

I miss the s o i horror meme

Vampyr just seemed silly at first, but it’s so surreal and strange that the creepiness grows more and more. The scene with the guy in the grain silo was legit freaky.

I don't get it

>he didn't read the books

What the fuck is wrong with English Breakfast tea you shitcunt

Imagine thinking mangy looking dogs are something Japan can only do

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What am I looking at? Is the badly animated cgi zombie bear supposed to be scary?

nothing to get, he's a retarded contrarian trying to feel special

i feel kind the same but not
The on the right is unsettling because it still recognizable as a dog though very sickly and dirty.
The right is spooky because it shares the form of a dog but is alien in nearly every way like you look at it and your brain is immediately like "this isn't right" "You should stay away from that because you can't predict it"

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>Imagine thinking Western horror is just ghosts.
He didn't say ghosts. He just said white women screaming. Or did you think by that he meant banshees?

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Train to Busan

Psycho's pretty great if you want to throw that in with slasher flicks. Psycho II is actually surprisingly good too and has a different feel from all the slasher flicks of the 80s, but that definitely falls into the flawed category. If you want to go foreign with it there are a lot of really good Italian Giallo films.

Terminator hardly constitutes a horror movie and I can't take Bram's Dracula seriously.

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left looks like a zombie dog.
right looks like a alien creature (from which game is this?)

>A24 is kino
Hereditary, Midsommar and It Comes At Night were shit, but everything else is definitely kino. I liked A Ghost Story quite a lot.

Everything in this imagine is based, soi posting needs to stop.

black swan is

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Yeah, the left looks like a rotting corpse while the right looks like some alien monster.

Both are shit. Also, Silent Hill was never that great. I remember renting the first four as they came out, they were just okay.

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yes, but not for the motives you imply you strawmanning faggot

Based western horror

Maybe the devs for Homecoming were just shit at their job.

Yeah pretty clearly

get a hold of this absolute pleb, go back to gender studies tranny

He said door shutting which is a stereotype of ghost movies
Post something that you find scary then faggot, also how is it bad CGI?

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based nip horror

Literally all three of those movies were great

Its because the old dog looks to dog-like and Westerners don't like the idea of hurting dogs unlike gookies

Western horror is shit
>It’s a big guy with a knife! You can’t fight him! Scary!


Stupid westerners just don't understand intricacies of the horror of a cult corrupting old indian burial ground energies. It's all very esoteric and original.

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Why are wolves common enemies in video games then? They are basically dogs.

Black Swan isn't body horror. it's psychological horror. As in actual psychological horror, not bullshit "I'm going to call it psychological horror because I think psychological horror is synonymous with smart horror" crap like Silent Hill.

>We just never got the perfect slasher film that had the right mixture of savage brutality, a creepy killer, cool music and visuals, and a decent story.

Yeah that sounds pretty horrific dude

SIREN Blood Curse is scary as absolute hell. Sometimes I lay in bed and see the cutscenes on the back of my eyelids. It's enough to keep me up at night. They are super unnerving.

One of my problems with modern horror designs is how a lot of things are overly designed to look scary.
FNaF is probably a great example how the animatronics went from looking normal to being covered in stitches and looking demonic and shit. Basically the same thing that happened to the Chucky doll.

Because when you see it snarling and growling at you, you don't see it with the lense of "Cute pet!" or "Man's best friend", you see that dog and it makes you remember that throughout history people have been torn apart by dogs, either wild ones or ones trained to do that very act. Right now, there is most likely someone in the world being killed by a dog. A child by a pitbull, a third-world farmer being torn to shreds by dogs that have never been domesticated. It takes a familiar thing and gives it a horrific, yet very real, bent.

The other just makes you wonder how this skinless fuck hasn't died of infection yet. And also you can see exactly where the KILL ME veins are.

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I played that game and got so scared I almost spilled my basedlent

Name a game from japan that is almost entirely beating up homeless meth heads with wrenches. You literally can't

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>the one on the right
>recognizable as a dog
Maybe it’s just me but the thing on the right looks so much like a generic alien creature it doesn’t parae with me. The one on the left is almost an ‘uncanny valley’ dog, the emaciated body, the long snout with teeth bared and blood dripping, and the sunken eyes make a compelling picture to me. I think it’s the missing fur that makes the one on the right lose it, it’s just a quadrapedal monster, not necessarily a dog.

Yes silent hill 3 was dumb, I think that of the good 3 most agree it is the weakest

Is the sequel worth watching?

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How is Rule of Rose? I never got to play it.

the real redpill is that the best SH game is PT

I hope the rumors are real, and Kojima has another chance to work with this series. Say what you want about the guy, but he clearly understand horror.

what game is closest to Suspiria (2018)

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And then we wonder why all the STEM jobs are going to Asians, and why we can't see a doctor without them being Indian. Why Harvard actually has to give White people affirmative action over Asians.

So it's the greatest horror game ever made, right?

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The part where you scour the mansion with an UV light scared the shit out of me.

>compelling hook for a murder-mystery played straight
>nah bro its supernatural bullshit lmao beat up hobos for a few hours and call it horror

It's English

Oops i meant to say the one on the left is recognizable as a dog sorry

Sweet Home. KYS

probably Cultist Simulator honestly

>>compelling hook for a murder-mystery played straight
Right from the start it alludes to a secret society pulling strings behind the scenes. They played it straight for about five minutes.

underrated post

Because wolves used to be celebrated by Pagan Europe, just like foxes and black cats.

Guess what we were trained to hate under Christendom.

Also generic alien creature my ass the only other thing i've seen like that is from that one movie about a cyborg dog going around killing shit.

The annihilation bear ironically follows the design philosophy of the old silent hill dogs, which is something usual corrupted into the unusual.

Imagine thinking things are bad because of blood and gore.

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A shitty rehash that adds a retarded political theme to an otherwise classic horror movie?

Not really, its clearly another lazy xenomorph inspired creature, which is lame since the xenomorph is horribly overdone.

bro the original was hot garbage
and there really wasn't anything political about it

I was pleasantly surprised by the remake. I really didn't have high hopes for it when I first heard about it.

The original post simple said both designs reflect the difference between how westerns and japanese see horror, not that one was better than the other. But of course the double digit IQ mongoloids on this board who are unable to see anything beyond a "us vs them" lens had to immediately turn this whole discussion into a dick mesuring contest between both designs.

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Horror is about as subjective as fun. For instance I find your post horrifying as fuck.


>it's just jurassic park dinosaur style noises

I doubt the people who care more about dogs than people are christian.

It just makes me think of necromorphs. It's fucking boring.
>Hey what if we took thing and then took skin away?

It's not bad, but it's not original. And due to pervasiveness it's also not as scary as it used to be.

nice job completely failing to understand that guy's point

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Pagans also liked dogs mate. Pagans liked animals.

it was worse than the italian movie though

Sounds nothing like that you shitposting retard

Best horror is one embedded in games that aren't horror. Regular horror games are just worse puzzle games.

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They're straight up just raptor noises

Can't literally relate to any of the things in that pic except for may the tea.
Feels good.

>mom said its my turn on the xbox

You do know "Pagan" wasn't a religion, right? Pagan was basically just a catch all term for anyone not Christian. It encompasses are a lot of different groups of people who held a wide range of beliefs.

Horrorfags are subhuman. Literal troglodytes that get off to their own fear response

Pretty much this, the sound design and music in those games are amazing.

Silent Hill 2 is also full of cult shit, as is one.

have you seen it again recently m8? It has some good shots here and there, the Goblin soundtrack is pretty nice, but aside from all that it's garbo

aged like milk

It's just a fucking dog

sounds like t-rex taking a dry shit

>Silent Hill 2 is also full of cult shit, as is one.
There was absolutely no mention of the cult at all in SH2

All horror is trash for brainless plebs
Thrillers are for chads

finally, a good fucking post

The right is just a dog in china

No they're fucking not you retard, the raptors are not literal screeching monstrosities. Penguin, turtle and cassowary sound splicing isn't screeching, Stop shitposting for the sake of arguing