Name a more overrated visual novel
Name a more overrated visual novel
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cripple fucker
Probably KS or Doki Doki, Saya no Uta is old enough that there aren't 14 year olds who played it as their first VN
newfag detected
Fate stay in shit
Retarded EOPs shouldn't call anything overrated, don't advertize your dogshit taste you bottom feeding faggot.
Additionally, if you want the actual most overrated VN of all time that easily goes to Muv Luv or FSN, but personally I give it to Muv Luv since you staight up have to read two full length VNs to get to the good part.
This genre fucking sucks 98% of the time
Sounds like I hit the nail on the head
/vng/ called, they want their residential shizo back
Next question
Muv-Luv Alternative. Specifically Alternative.
You start, SnU was great
That would be all VNs
Read a book nigga.
I haven't played Muv Luv, but what makes it overrated? I've mostly heard good things about the third part at least
>always called "baby's first VN"
Are you OK, retard?
I do both. Just finished Murakami's Hardboiled Wonderland. Honestly, only the last quarter after MC got out of the caverns was good, I enjoyed Norwegian Wood from him much more overall. What have you read lately?
Most VNs are poorly written schlock compared to actual literature because japs can't into writing
Maybe overrated 10 years ago.
Who cares? I read VNs for wild rides and crazy ideas. Most literature is boring as fuck and even more pretentious than your average VN.
play sweet pool.
I see this all the time, but I'd take a VN any day over someone like Dickens. Do you actually read that stuff? Most of it didn't age well.
They are if they have at least one choice.
But in all seriousness its Umineko. A big pile of pseudointellectual wankery its tranny fanbase circlejerks over for more a decade.
Gen Urobuchi is a fucking hack. I still don't get why people love his shit.
Recommend me a book.
Man stop reading the fuck outta his books. I was a baby /lit/fag like you and I realize all of his books are kinda fucking lame. Thanks IQ84 for taking me out of his dumbshit trance. As soon as I read "Kafka on the shore" (his best work supposedly) it was complete fucking ass.
His book about running is pretty comfy though.
>a game liked only by 70-75% of the very niche group of people who actually played it
that's definitely not what overrated means
Adding FSN and DDLC. All three of those are far more overrated than SnU.
>compared to actual literature
Best modern novel was literally published 405 years ago.
>Man stop reading the fuck outta his books
I've read Norwegian Wood about 3 years ago, it's not like I'm on a Murakami binge or anything. Thanks for the advice, though.
Fate stay/night and --by literal dozens of people on this board-- Dies Irae.
By maybe a few dozen autists here, yes. Otherwise no.
>not Steins;Gate
>DDLC with the Purist Mod that a Shoggoth waifu? AAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH
FSN easily.
I got so annoyed by the constant moaning and grunting from Shiro. If they absoloutly want the MC to be voiced, then at least give him a VA that has a bearable voice to listen to. Or maybe give the option to mute voices.
Also the writing is complete and utter garbage.
read The Overcoat, no-nonsense short story
some of the best Jap stories fully embrace the camp though, and have the right music to go along with it
VNs I don't like are overrated as fuck. Holy shit, have you *seen* how shit the VNs I don't like are? 99% of them are the ones I don't like, and the rest I fucking hate. Overrated garbo.
Is it impossible for Yas Forums to talk about VNs without calling them buzzwords?
Any books that take place in modern times in which you take a teenager, put him into a fish out of water scenario and you just read how badly he cracks in that scenario?
>Russian old book
Is this all you /lit/ fags recommend? Is anything post 2000 to shit for you?
>Is this all you /lit/ fags recommend?
Yes. It's why nobody listens to them.
Literature is not like video games, good stuff doesn't come out often so you're better off sticking with the old ones.
>good stuff doesn't come out often so you're better off sticking with the old ones.
you just described vidya, you dumb out-of-the-loop boomer
>It's just some old faggot writing down his thoughts like a diary
>Or philosophy
lol gottem
is there any way to play most VNs on android? i have many on my back log but i would like to play them on my spare time while i go to the office
name a more kino vn
Vidya is more alive than it has ever been, despite what Yas Forums tells you
Literature as a medium has been in huge decline for the past 50 years
>Recommend me a book.
Ficciones by Borges. Some of the short stories in it are genius.
Never read it cuz I don't like its tags. I'd rather play Koihime Musou.
from business perspective it's very alive yes.
actual decent playable games? uuuuuuugh
gg no re
>highly regarded as the best VN of all time
You're kidding, right?
Muv-Luv Unlimited
Is this truly the Zeta Gundam of the Gundam franchise?
That's cheating
thanks user, how?
There are more than a dozen fantastic games released last decade alone.
Same can't be said for literature.
Right now the last stuff considered great by most people came out in the 80's and 90's. Not "phenomenal" but just universally praised. I don't want to get too far into it, but vidya is much better off these days, trust me.
You can. I have all the shitty ones on my phone.
>Shitfinity series.
>Shit no Uta
>Kira Kira Shit
>Fate shit night
>Crosshit Channel
IIRC there's a port of Onscripter for Android, so you can natively read Higurashi/Umineko.
If you're brave, you can try some remote desktop software and just stream VNs from home computer to your phone.
>You can.
>doesn't say how
>instead goes on to insert his scat fetish onto game titles
Serves you right for using crappy Yas Forums memes.
I'm not spoonfeeding lmao. It's not even hard bro.
>/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #1359
>/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General: Katawa Shoujo General #3771
muv luv is the epitome of shit taste
you fags always say that everything is "baby's first VN"
but what's baby's second VN?
name a more ludo vn
>His favorite VN is Ever17
Before or after you learn Japanese?
It might be Nakazawa's most insane VN.
>baby's second VN
>picks the most complex of shit
when i was on my VN binge, i fucking read everything under the sun. I/O is still the only one I dropped because of how much gay shit he writes. he's even worse than stephen king with his exposition. someone post the stupid fucking cactus quote.
undertale is a pretty overrated visual novel
the """gameplay""" is piss easy, and watching alphys flirt is cringe.
games where you just talk to npc's are fucking trash.
>bending a definition just to shit on Undertale
rent-fucking-free holy shit
Honestly E is where it's at. But you do just have to stomach the boredom of A/B routes and the extreme confusion of C/D routes, yeah. Don't read A' and B'.