Has there ever been an official HD remake of a game that was actually good?

Has there ever been an official HD remake of a game that was actually good?

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I have the ffx hd remake pn ps4 and I think it looks really good. Is this just another buzzword Yas Forums troll thread?

fuck off china

turok and ty remasters are the good ones

REmake although the hd version fucked some backgrounds off the gamecube's original

Shadow of the Colossus remake was quite good.

This is good. It makes it more obvious what a huge faggot he is.

REmake, probably the best remake ever made.

99% of the time technical improvements can’t overshadow the talent of the original art team.

Age of Empires II

"Some" of the backgrounds? over half that game is 480 filtered to fucking GARBAGE and back. The GC versions is still the definitive version. Now the RE0 HD version is almost perfect because they actually had the original assets and we now have beautiful 1080p prerendered backgrounds, but they still fucked with the models too much and changed the lighting on the characters.

lol those eyes in the remaster dont look good.

Use a mod to fix his face. This is a lot better than the default HD face which looks horrible.

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>480 filtered to fucking GARBAGE
user, the game was made for the PS1. There is only so much they can do and the PC REmaster is the definitive version.

RE0 was made for the GC and already had high res textures.

Remake or remaster? MGS HD Collection was solid.

still trash
just different looking trash

Speaking of which, if I want to get into RE, should I start with 1 or 0?

Start with 0.

...? Looks the same as the original. I swear, you faggots whine like a menstrual woman.

Amazing how a model from 2001 looks better than one from over a decade later. The industry has lost so much talent.

it looks like the remaster, empty eyes and pudgy face

Bionic Commando: Rearmed.
It's so good, it replaces the original and adds a shit ton of content on top of lithe base game.
The Sonic Remasters on mobile would be up there, if they weren't on mobile.

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You fucking dumbfuck retard idiot, REmake was on the GameCube too you stupid piece of shit, they didn't have all of the assets like they did for 0. Fuck you.

chill man
i was gonna correct the other user but you beat me to it

Good, because it's the one I already have in my library.
Also, English or Japanese voices?

Does the last of us ps4 port count?

Dumb retard.

The game was originally made for PS1. The original assets for RE1 were like 640×480. REmake was first made for GC then later released for everything else years later.

>The industry has lost so much talent.
More like the industry relies too much on outsourcing to soulless chinks.

Definitely different. Noticeably in the eyes.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 2.06M)

>Jill's lockpick is nerfed, lowering campaign differences by magnitudes
>far more linear right from the start, HAVE to go down the arrow hall and get the Sword key right away, can't go anywhere else
>Mansion goes from having a modernish look to over the top candlit halls, someone having lit the candles in the MONTHS the mansion was filled with zombies
>Guardhouse goes from looking like it was actually used (you know, since it was) to dilapidated and old, despite being where all the fucking guards lived
>Neptune's small room is changed from believable to a huge aqua ring where Neptune insta kills you on a time like it's RE4
>we get not-Nemesis, boring piece of shit that barely does anything other than add in explanations we didn't really need
>caves are expanded and made worse with the gay box pushing
>Barry's survival is changed from subtle to a literal "Yes or No" choice
>Hunters are nerfed and censored (no decaps, despite showing them in the trailers)
>Tics are cut instead of being expanded on
>Second Tyrant in Chris' campaign is cut and isn't even present in Hard mode or Real Survival
>Arranged/Advanced Mode is cut
>Battle Game is cut (and with it, zombie Wesker and Gold Tyrant)
>costumes from all the older games are cut and replaced with two of the worst costumes in the series and admittedly decent costumes that reference RE3 and CVX
>the white beretta from Arranged mode is cut
>Minimi and Submachine Gun (PC ver.) is cut
>the Library is completely butchered, the room overlooking the helipad is cut
>MO Disc collection is dumbed down
>Self Defense items are added to make the game easier
>shortcuts are added to make the return trip easier
>the ONLY new modes are just basic 'Turn enemies invisible,' 'Only have one zombie,' 'lol item box doesn't work'
>references to games beyond 2 are locked in a Japanese exclusive pile of text, Wesker's Report II
>no attempt to tie into 0
Bad remake

Modern AAA studio production lines send out orders for assets to be made to chinkoid creation farms where they flip renders and models on a mass (cheap) scale for these studios to throw in their shitty games.

Fuck off autist

The only problem here are the eyes and the hair. Both are things that are hard to make look realistic and look better when they are being blurred by the resolution. Add to the fact that's it's purposefully expanded so that you focus on specific issues with going high definition like how smooth things look when you zoom in.

Turok 2

>RE with Jap dialogue
English you retard. It's how these games were designed to be played.

just this

Ironic since you fags call so many other remakes bad/soulless yet can't handle being out-autismed

Here's your (you)

I would have liked an actual argument but ok this will do I suppose

IMO the Crash Nsane trilogy is one of the best games ever.
I wasnt really bothered with the minimal gameplay differences.

Just asking, because it's a jap game and now there's a choice. I played them on the PSX in English obviously, when they released. But I was too much of a scaredy little bitch as a kid to finish them.

I don't argue with autists

they gave him more female face shape


for me?
halo ce anniversary, you can always swap to the original and the music is nice

they literally removed the soul fuck off


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There's literally nothing wrong with the HD FFX.

>Stacy Malibu

right one looks better

Left looks more Asian and closer to her FMV appearance.

been playing ff12 ZA recently it seems like it didnt get the ffx treatment they even fixed vaans chest

Yet you come into a thread nitpicking remake/remasters, what non-autist discussion did you expect

Right is the original

Nope they are all pathetic cash grabs

It was fine until you posted your autism copy pasta you have autistically saved on your computer so that you can be autistic in threads like this.

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I am just saying which looks better, never played ff10


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Based Wakka.

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and so he beat you. he perfectly demonstrated the point of this shitty thread and I clapped because of how people make exactly equally mouthbreathery lists about all these other remasters and remakes but hail REmake as the sole exception to the imaginary rule

Halo CE had a good remake. You could even toggle between the original and the remake.

Dark Souls fucked up the playerbase on PC but overall it was a decent remake for console shitters.