Bought pic related because it was on sale

>Bought pic related because it was on sale
>It's easily one of the best games this gen
>Realize the only reason Yas Forums didn't talk about it was because the board is filled with sony drones when this game came out on the xbone
Its Tony Hawk Pro Skater with guns

Attached: sunset-overdrive---button-1542679001413[1].jpg (1080x1080, 369.11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a Sony franchise now retard.

It's not, dumbass

>Insomniac Games
Fuck them. They betrayed Sony so they can burn in hell.

>the board is filled with sony drones when this game came out

it's on that gamepass thing but i don't want to download 30gb for tony hawk proskater with guns
Ok retard.

more like jet set radio than tony hawk. tony hawk's balancing act is fun in itself.

It's a great game, but it very much needs a sequel, everything from the mechanics to the story felt half to three quarters baked, and just needs refinement that a sequel would bring

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Imagine thinking this world is all about loyalty and not just accruing jew paper.


first games are always kinda succ but man even tho half baked that grinding and shootin with the punk blastin in the backround was more fun than a barrel full'a tits while it lasted

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>no momentum
>humor so cringy and tryhard it makes borderlands look funny

I pirated it because you can make a punk grrl and the customization sucked.


Post your character.

Attached: my wife.jpg (1920x1080, 581.63K)

> only reason Yas Forums didn't talk about it was because the board is filled with sony drones

what an absolute halfwit

This is how drones actually think

And they wont do anything with it

Then why didn't Yas Forums talk about it since it's almost everything Yas Forums wants in a game

>wacky third person zombie shooter

>Its Tony Hawk Pro Skater with guns

This is a shitty meme, it's more like a platformer where you move on top of rails a lot of the time.

shut up and post your fucking characters right now

It's sonic adventure with guns but not shit like Shadow the hedgehog


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this game sucks ass and isn't fun, it's bland and non descript, thats why everyone forgot it existed a month after its release

It was also just slow. It should have been about 25% faster. You can feel it having been balanced around controller aiming.

Name other recent shooters like it

im so sick of the console wars brand loyalty bs on this board. theres like 0 diffrence between xbox and playstation these days. the only reason I prefer sony is because all of microsofts exclusives like this game are on PC.

Sunset Overdrive is mindless fun in the best way possible
Grinding around the map shooting Od's is so satisfying, not to mention the killer soundtrack
I pray they make a second one

i don't bother to remember bland video games user, no shooter should aspire to be like sunset overdrive, it was a complete failure

Vanquish was basically Sunset Overdrive except the entire ground was the rails

>spastic monkeys spamming the same 4 power "chords" over every song is a killer soundtrack

totally accurate battlegrounds

eh, I already got it from Games with Gold years ago.

Been thinking of buying Lost Odyssey because I missed that one.

Game is fun but you're missing out on the online action if you get it on PC.

>it's bland
>That's why there are no other games like it
Lol, retarded sony drone

I did.
Its boring after the first hour.
>shit missions
>shit bosses
>combat feels stale after the first hour
>tumblr-tier writing

This. It isn't a boring as cover shooter. I hate it!


The characters and world of vanquish are infinitely more bland than Sunset. And no, Vanquish had almost no verticality.

i didn't say that, your just angry because no one likes the inferior version of jet set radio, you can like it, but the game still sucks ass

Am I the only one who really likes the voice acting in this game?

>the characters
Play Fortnite if you want more of Sunset Overdrive’s aesthetic
You got me there.

don't forget the literal shitty music.

sony shills called this game ass because it was on xbox despite being an insomniac game. this game was LITERALLY the foundation for spiderman.

Come on, everyone in Vanquish is bland as shit. I only really remember not Hillary because she fuckin shot herself.
I think the aesthetic of SO by itself is meh but is really propped up by the action and writing. That one old guy asking if you had guns in a cutscene followed by the weapon wheel appearing onscreen was funny.

That and it’s cool to skate on water.

Honestly, the game isn't supposed to be balls off the walls amazing, just a time killer with a short story with most of your time taken away by online play. Once you finish it, the only ting that drives you playing with other folks besides achievements.

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spiderman was also bad

I'd take Vanquish's dumb autistic writing over Sunset's megacringe

Sunset is indeed one of the best games of this generation, but you won't hear too much about it here since this board is filled with incels that would rather play Persona or other japanese garbage

Attached: 2019-02-14_4-00-51_PM-q1kaywvv.jpg (3840x2160, 879.23K)

Las Feministas
Robutt DLC with Scientist Nerds

The characters in this were so cringe they gave me cancer

>he doesn’t revel in over the top cringe

The reason why no one talks about it is Microsoft's shit marketing.

no one owns an xbone even idorts because it has no fucking games retard

It's on Steam

It would be great if it wasn't that fucking slow

I own both a XboneX and love it
Microsoft sold more or less 50 million Xbox Ones in the world

You sound like one of those shut-in virgins that has a gaming desktop in his bedroom right next to his fucking bed

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It was honestly my GOTY for 2014. What a great game, cringy dialogue aside, but nowhere near as bad as Borderlands. Seemed more campy.

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I thought all the movement mechanics were great

But the enemies are way too braindead and the whole game is begging to be sped up, it really feels like the controller held this game back. If they could design around fast-twitch based gameplay this would be an amazing game. Instead you grind on a rail slow enough just so you can pluck shots at enemies who have no chance of fighting back. I wanna play this game like I would quake.

It has you collecting all this bullshit, but theres fuck all to actually do with the collectables. Theres like two worthwhile upgrades, with the health regen one making you invincible, and then the rest is shit. But thats only like 2 more because there is fuck all to unlock with the collectables.

For coming from rachet and clank, the weapons sure are fucking boring. And also not a whole lot. Like why is there just a straight up ak47? Machine guns are the last fuckign kind of gun i wanna be fucking around with in a crazy game

Goes without saying the writing and dialogue is unbelievable obnoxious and makes me hate the game. Story might as well not exist.

I wish it was that, it wouldve been so much better.

Where else is the PC gonna go

Soundtrack is complete fucking garbage. Its like one of their engineers also was in a shitty pop punk band

In your office/work room

It was a lot of fun. The humor was pretty hit or miss, but the gameplay never once disappointed.

or because a lot of the dialogue is bad and they LITERALLY reference reddit, and during the time the game came out that was fucking worse than it was now

>the nigger incel character references how he wasn't paying attention to what the protagonist was saying because "I was browsing reddit"

how exactly does this detract from the quality of the game?

You are 12 and need to return from whence you came.