Vidya recommendation thread

Recommend games to other anons who have no games to play
My recomendation is this one. It's one of those rare good cellphone games, about self-discovery. I recommend it because i love Es

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want a good jap rpg game with a good story, but not some boring generic jrpg shit. No big series like FF, SMT etc.

I loved the art, the music and the dialogues in this game, but don't be fooled by it, it's just a clicker that will waste your time

did you play the world ends with you?

What's it's name

try Chrono Trigger if you haven't yet, it's pretty good.
Alter Ego
If you loved it, it wasn't a waste of time.
Time that you enjoy is not wasted time

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yes, the 5 minutes each cutscene were very enjoyable, the hours of waiting for numbers to go up to get there weren't
this would work better as a straight up vn

you would be surprised

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It's about self-discovery only up to a certain point, then it just focuses on Es and the rock wall thing and shits the bed massively

Massive cringe imo. Is this underage Yas Forums FoTM?

Did you do the post game? It picks up from there.
Also, if you answer the questions honestly it's still about you.
You even get the broken mirror complete with your first ending.

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This one is a bit janky, but if you are a jojofag it's a good game to play.
I wish there was more het trish hentai.

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>I wish there was more het trish hentai
I wish there was more trish hentai*

I love Es!
i wish there were more straight jojo hentai in general.

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is it too long? i was thinking of playing it myself

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Link the game. There's a million games called Alter Ego. No clue what I'm looking for.
here you go

I ended up finding it immediately after posting because I'm stupid
thanks anyway user

No problem
Do tell me what do you think of the game if this thread is still up later

I unironicaly like doing sidequests and talking to npcs in games, I would prefer low-stake local adventures rather than world saving bullshit.
Now recommend me some good rpg like that, I like both western and japanese games.

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its not short but its too long either. Just play it, it's the best game the Shu Takumi(the guy who created the Ace Attorney series) ever made.

Ah, an user recommended me this, I'm currently reading No longer a human.

Gimme a short trpg or arpg?

Modded skyrim
Alright, i will take a look
Thanks user.
It was probably me. I was also going to start to read no longer human, but i don't like to read. Might try an audiobook.

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>No longer a human
Ahahahaha ahahahahaha


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Terranigma and the previously released games like Illusion of Gaia and Soulblazer.

Fuck off you underage faggot lmao

Trails in the Sky

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Reading Fahrenheit 451. Can't believe that this girl got me back into reading

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Is that one weeb RPG maker game a lot of people were talking about
Your Turn to Die
or something.
Is that finished and fully translated yet?

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The Witcher games
The Elder Scrolls games
Assassin's Creed Origins and Odyssey

So I'm assuming this is the Yas Forums underage thread.

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Tales of berseria

>t. underage faggot

you have to be a pleb to not realize that Yas Forums and Yas Forums as a whole for that matter are filled with underage retards and normoes.

Need an anime girl to convince you to start breathing too?


>cellphone games
Get out.

This thread makes it way too obvious.

Recommend me some books then asshole. /lit/fags not welcome.

>trying this hard to fit in
go to a coomer thread or something, we are discussing videogames here
i can tell you are a newfaggot because you tried to say normie instead of normalfag

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Okay nigger tell me what you like first.

like clockwork.

Oh no, people are reading books. What a bunch of faggots, right?

I never said normie lmao.

>l-like clockwork
i'm waiting for your apologies
yeah, you tried to
but you are too much of a retard to type it right

does anyone else like anime girls hehehe they make my peepee HARD omgooood cute anime girls i love subpar games because they have cutesy anime girls and I only read books that a cute anime girl tells me to read i wouldn't read books otherwise because they are STINKY

why are you so mad?

go away underage fag.

apologies on what?
suddenly normie is reddit and the overusage of normalfag isn't? what make you someone that is already "part of the long-dead culture"?
I hate plebbitors as much as you but the old good Yas Forums is dead. moot is gone. hiro proceeds to fuck user.

What's a game where I can play as a loli?
And have sex.

Horror game with tank controls. I already played all the major franchises.

Final Fantasy XIV.
The real horror is the playerbase.

>at least three actual coomer threads up right now
>thread talking about a game with an anime girl

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>fight against AI as it tries to learn everything it can about you and uses it against you
>Blame! megastructures
>art and OST are top notch
You owe it to yourself and the devs cause the studio is fucking dead to play this game

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Is it even possible to finish reading Dogra Magra? What happens when you do? I tried using a cheat engine to advance months at a time to recover ego but I gave up about 10% into the book. Also She's cute and crazy ending got me scared.

Hope you understand french, you retarded underagefag.

Je ne sais pas lire le français.