How fucking long until Halo 2 Anniversary is out?
Halo thread
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who cares the collection is garbage
It's imperfect but I want to play 2 again, it's been a long time.
Probably 2 months. It took about 3 months for 1 to come out after Reach.
Imperfect is a very generous term to use for that mess
They're testing it soon.
Just get Project Cartographer then stupid
Also probably June for Gaylo 2
They said they're doing tests for Halo 2 MCC so hopefully end of month or early May
Why does 343 fail so absolutely at everything it does? I don't know of any other company that has never delivered a good product
Can we all agree that H2 was the peak of Halo? Best story, best soundtrack, best MP, most nostalgia, most hype, etc.
probably by the end of the month
I imagine 3 will be out by June
Nope. Halo 2 is the worst of the original trilogy, which still means it’s better than everything else after but still.
CE has the better campaign and 3 had the better multiplayer. All 2 really has is the best OST.
I'm only buying Halo 3 on steam
>Halo 2 is the worst of the original trilogy
>CE has the better campaign
It has like 5 levels not counting the rehashes. Even if you remove the shittiest arbiter levels on Halo 2 you're still left with more fun levels than CE.
>3 had the better multiplayer
debatable, the main improvement was forge
That’s not an argument though. 2fags will always be the cucked unfinished broken mess of a game. Everyone moved on when 3 came out, why haven’t you?
>Everyone moved on when 3 came out, why haven’t you?
That's some bullshit right there.
You have no idea how level design works.
>More fun
Nope. More unbalanced, unfocused and unfinished.
And fixing button combos.
Fucking CEfag can't stop seething. Neck yourself.
3 was and is the face of the franchise and the universal favorite. CEfags are either PCfags or Quakefags in disguise, 2fags are MLG tryhard kiddies who miss BXR and superbouncing, or furfags. 3fags are chads and normal, well adjusted people. Reachfags are spics and fanboys. 4fags are lore autists and coomers. 5fags are CoD converts or “reformed” 2fags excited to play another jankfest that doesn’t play like Halo at a competitive level.
>Literal Child
I played 2 for the first time on MCC and even I know it has the best campaign.
*Jackel Snipes you in your railroaded leveldesign*
Heh, nothing personal k- *Look forward to the exciting climax of this post in Halo 3, coming 2007!*
weird way of spelling best
So then I flew that Banshee down to the platform, pulling off a PERFECT landing, and said "TAKE MY BANSHEE ARBITER!" And guess what, he took it! Proudest moment of my life, babe.
>pc cucks yet again begging for games they won't even play
Even in the age of 343niggers, 2fags still fight for dominance over who gets to be the most insufferable subsection of Halo fan.
>my reach is good
dead after a week
>muhh my CE will beat reach
not even close
>muhhh halo 3 will be the superior thing
It will be a continuous fight between Halo 2 and Halo 3.
>muhh halo 4
no one will play that shit outside btb
I got into Halo when 3 came out and bought all the games with an Xbox 360, although I had played 1 and 2 at friends' houses over the years. Played 1/2/3 campaigns in sequence and played MP of both 2 and 3 while they were still running in the early days of Halo 3. My thoughts were:
>CE was unpolished but had charm and great music, covenant levels were way more fun than the flood levels and had an exploration feel to them while the flood levels were stale and rushed
>2 had the best single player experience with the best story BY FAR and the best soundtrack, multiplayer was ok but kind of broken
>3 had a good campaign that was really fun in co-op but the story sucked, soundtrack didn't add anything new, multiplayer was amazing
>3 face of the franchise
Time to neck yourself 3bab
I have more nostalgia for 2 because mid 00s were comfier than late 00s
>CE rushed
It's not as unfair as Halo 2, though.
what's with the Reach spic meme? Did mexicans buy Reach en mass or something?
you must play on onions difficulty in all your games then
kinda this, 3's multiplayer is the peak of the franchise where everyone agreed
based and 3pilled
Pls take me back
>muh unfair legendary
Get over it. 2 is still the best overall just for the story
Legendary on CE is like Heroic on 2 or Heroic+ on 3
so it's perfect?
Halo 3 has a lot of shit maps, and the netcode is kinda garbage, it can't handle BR spread and bullet travel time. Also 60 FoV is some subhuman shit, the game feels awful to play. Maybe the PC release will fix a lot.
CE > 2 > 3
This and based, 3 is the Super Metroid of the franchise.
pretty fucking casual during a pandemic
I'm sick with covid and also playing other games like AC on my Switch
Halo 3 was the peak. Better campaign, better multiplayer, more fun gameplay, just Chief.
>playing a casual game in bed while sick is cringe
ok dude
Halo 2 campaign was the weakest of the original trilogy in terms of gameplay/level/encounter design.
The correct term is disaster
2 story's was the best
MP was a mess and only bug abusing tryhards care for it.
>bug abusing tryhards
so sorry you're a complete failure at life and can't even master a video game LOL
Accurate, my favourites are CE and Reach (for campaign at least)
>Gets dabbed on so hard in 3 he runs back to 2
3 is easier than CE, there's no such bullshit as rocket launcher floods or spec ops elites
343 only gave out invites to H2 flights to streamers and other people like that.
The invites for halo insider/waypoint haven't been sent out yet.
Rocket Flood still exists in 3 but they're rare and only appear in the last level.
2 and 3 are masterpieces in game design and are some of the most influential shooters of all time. It's a fact and you literally CANNOT refute it.
CEfag who is a PCfag here, 3 had a terrible campaign. CE had the best story and atmosphere in the series. I want a VR port of CE at this point, but not with the Anniversary garbage attached to it.