>we need a protagonist
>say no more
>we need a protagonist
>say no more
None of those shitty generic games will ever be on my top thankfully.
The apex creativity of Western design
Phrenology is a thing. Variation is important but those faces fit the vision of what people imagine a "hero character" to be.
Yes this has been going on for too long that we need more blond aryan male protags
short hair requires less physics fuckery/custom animation, and whites men are the main demographic of those games
they may not be the most inspired designs but they serve their purpose and arent made the way they are for no reason at all
Hitler was right, Amerimongrels are so cringe
Most of them do not look like white men. Some of them look like spics, latinos, and jews
Conditioning us to accept them as white.
Michael from GTAV barely counts because you can still play as a nigger.
>implying Ethan, Michael, or Naked Snake are anywhere near the same person
most are what one would call "white passing". If you were in a room with the average person and told them to sort these characters, a bunch of black characters and a bunch of asian characters into racial groups, most of the one in op's pic would go into the white grouping, with maybe some falling into a hispanic/middle eastern category
Based, the most superior race and gender justifiably ruling in one of its many domains, women and minorities BTFO
2000s men
Half of them don't even look similar. They're literally just white males.
I remember the days when Yas Forums would bitch about "generic white male protagonist". Then Yas Forums came back.
And yet they look, act, and play differently from each other.
But who can name them all is the biggest question.
Reeee not the white men. When the other lot starting making their own games they can model the protagonist on whomever they wish.
Thank god the industry is now regulated to alienate white males. Now they produce less games and we get less games to play.
All of them look different, what's your point?
whites all look alike
>game has character creation
>end up making handsome white man with brown hair anyway
Old Yas Forums
>lol look at these generic white guy protagonists so dull
what happened?
Start naming or fuck off. They might as well be Lemmings you delusional Yas Forumstard.
What happened is that you weren't here. You are a historical revisionist that doesn't know that Yas Forums called the genre of FPS shooters generic all the time.
How am I supposed to recognize characters from games I never played? The newest game I played was first Witcher.
But all those characters look different, they differ in facial features, skull shape and hair. Some have similarities but literally all of them are different men. That's about the level of variation you'd encounter if you went to a bar.
facial blindness is a symptom of autism, you know. whats wrong? need more BING BING WAHOO-tier character designs? or anime shit?
Why do you hate white men so much?
lets see
Jason Brody
Sam Fisher
David Mason
Alex Mason
Alan Wake
Booker DeWitt
Aiden Pearce
Nathan Drake
Ethan Mars
Martin Walker
Frank Woods
Norman Jaden
Chris Redfield
Francis York Morgan
Issac Clark
Michael DeSanta/Townly
Frank West
Eric Bane
Bill Sherman
I Am Alive man
Murphy Pendleton
Max Payne
Ronan O'Connor
Sebastian Castellanos
Naked Snake/Big Boss
I missed a few.
>games cant have a white protagonist or else the trans/v/estite will throw a bitchfit
>thinking they are all similar
>you can still probably name every character
>could not do the same with niggers
I said nothing about white keep seething nigger
Tranny hands wrote this post
But since some characters I recognize from Yas Forums, let me name them
>that guy from Bioshock Infinite
>Aidan Pierce or whatever it was spelled
>Sam Fisher from SC Conviction
>Alex Denton
>guy from Uncharted
>guy from Spec Ops The Line
>daddy from TLoU
>that one guy from GTAV who is the richest of the three
Back during the GG fiasco most feminists, trannies and left wingers used to argue for diversity citing pic related as an issue.
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
2 terms
2 genders
2 scoops
Where exactly is the Yas Forumstard part, you weirdo? Stating that differently looking white people are indeed differently looking is now being a Yas Forumstard or what? You're the one being delusional here.
>what happened?
the current sociopolitical stance of systematically hating white people (among other things) started seeping into video-game media
based and whiteguypilled
Notice how even the worst of these games are way better than any of the "Diverse" trash that's come out since?
I'm going to name every single one I recognize
1. >literally who
2. sam fisher in conviction
3. >literally who
4. >literally who
5. alan wake
6. wait a minute that card
7. watch doge
8. >literally who
9. >literally who
10. >literally who
11: alex denton
12. >literally who
13. bioshock?
14. frank woods from black ops
15. >literally who
16. chris redfield from resident evil 5
17. japanese agent cooper
18. battlefield 4 box art
19. >literally who
20. >literally who
21: >isaac clarke from dead space
22: >literally who
23: one of the characters from GTA V
24: >literally who
25: >literally who
26: pain killer
27: alone in the dark?
28: >literally who
29: >literally who
30: >literally who
31: >literally who
32: >literally who
33: >literally who
34: >literally who
35: >literally who
36: big boss
37: commander shepard
>Ugh, white men? In my video games?
>But all those characters look different
No they don't. And they're all from incredibly mainstream games too. Way more mainstream than The Witcher 1. And no one remembers them. Why? Because they are in fact generic as fuck. No one cares about skull shapes you clown.
Generic white male video game protagonist has been a joke here for 15 years. These days it's a political statement. Because of tourist Yas Forumstards like you that get offended by it.
user even when I squint really hard I can't not make out Big Boss and Shepard in the bottom corner and immediately be drawn to them.
What this proves is that we need more blondes.
we woke up
post the one for the 2010s now
>all brunette white women
what the fuck
They're usually mixed race with bizarrely masculine features such as intense jawlines
>And no one remembers them. Why? Because they are in fact generic as fuck.
Funny that you say that because some people ITT managed to name most of them. It's almost as if you were the only faggot not recognizing facial features
>deadly premonition
go back to new york phil, you're not a real gamer
They're generic and not memorable. You have no idea who they are and you didn't care then and you don't care now.
Just admit that you don't actually give a shit about the MC from Dark Void and then fuck off back your containment board, Yas Forumsnigger.
It's funny that I've played video games since the 90s and the only games I played from this list is MSG3, Farcry 3, Mass Effect, and GTAV. Michael from GTAV shouldn't even be there, because there are 3 protags in that game. My guess is that this just confirmation bias. I've played more games than this and a lot of them gave my a chance to custom make my characters. I also played a lot of JRPGs.
Most of the games in this list are also generic themselves, not because of the protagonists, but because of the gameplay. They are games made by AAA devs who do cookie cutter action games.
>These days it's a political statement.
Well it is a political statement because it was weaponized by sjw crowd to accuse video games of being racist/bigoted/whitewashing/sexist/whateverphobic long before Yas Forums even caught up to it. You acting like you don't know or don't understand any of that while at the same time aggressively accusing everyone of being Yas Forums makes me doubt how really nonpolitical you actually are.
When old Yas Forums complained about buzzcut white man protagonist, it was a critique of the state of the industry and how the games are all boring uninspired messes, made for the lowest common denominator masses with just profit in mind, the idea was that gaming should be wild an creative, that protagonists should be robots, talking animals, animate objects, fantasy creatures etc.
Instead we got the exact same thing except with shitskins and trannies.
I don't give a shit about Dark Void, the character has nothing to do with that.
I never played Uncharted but seen some videos and the mc looks like an interesting character.
Alex Denton doesn't count because he's a non-character and was meant to be so.
Snake is one of the most recognisable male characters in gaming, you're fucking retarded for stating otherwise.
That guy from Infinite is a mute non-character like Gordon Freeman, so it doesn't matter.
Sam Fisher is one of the best characters in gaming.
A lot of people say good things about that guy from TLoU.
Show me an example of a male character you consider non-generic.
ye I'd rather have a fat disgusting tranny that is offended by everything 24/7 as a protagonist because being trans and gay is a character and in their pursuit of their sick fetish they cut off their own dick and then kill themselves.
>we need more blondes
Man I miss when Yas Forums was calling this out. Now you have only election tourists spamming wojaks when you don't want boring straight white males grumping al over your game.