
Persona 3

Persona 3

Persona 5

Persona 3

Persona 4

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Other urls found in this thread:

Persona 3

Persona 4

Persona 5

Persona 3

Persona 4/5

Persona 3

Persona 3

Persona 5 Combat and Daily Life
Persona 4 Dungeon Exploration

Persona 3

Persona 3

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Persona 2 Innocent Sin

Persona 2 Eternal Punishment

Persona 2 Innocent Sin

Persona 1

Persona 2 Innocent Sin

Uh buddy, we're discussing Persona here.

>Persona 2 Innocent Sin
Okay, now you're just shitposting

It's the only game where I don't have to worry about yucky yucky fusing and summoning and I can focus on taking screenshots for upboats on reddit

Persona 5 has the best of all those categories and you’re straight up delusional if you convinced yourself otherwise



What the fuck is a Persona 2?



>persona 3
I'll never get this meme. Yukari and Junpei are the only characters with compelling character arcs and development. The rest of the cast is either mary sue tier or incredibly underutilized, barely staying around long enough or doing anything for you to actually care about them. Persona 4 was definetly the best in terms of characters, followed by Persona 5.

Persona 5 Royale

Persona 5 Royale

Persona 5 Royale

Persona 5 Royale
Persona 5 Royale

> Story
Persona 3
> Characters
Persona 3
> Gameplay
Persona 3 Portable
> Atmosphere
Persona 3
> Music
Persona 3


Persona 2

Persona 3

Persona 5

Persona 2

Persona 3

Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal

yukari's shit and akihiko is based, you're just a retard

>Persona 3
>Persona 3
>Persona 5
>Persona 3
>Persona 3

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I'd rate the gameplay of 5 technically higher than the other two.
But honestly I found the stealth stuff and puzzles more annoying than anything else.
And morgana being with you all the time ruins my comfy vibes.

Persona Q
Persona 4: Golden
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Persona 4: Dancing all Night

P3 has some of the worst characters and story in the series. Contrarians unironically suck off a 100 story game that has zero fucking story. I can’t even imagine the mental gymnastics

Persona 3 or 4
I like both for different reasons. I'd put 4 maybe a little above 3.

Persona 4

Persona 5

Persona 3 or 4

Persona 3 _p_

lets end this thread
Persona 3

Persona 4

Persona 3

Persona 3 = p4


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imagine having a non-canon pedofile waifu

that's the best part

Persona is gay as fuck. Check em, homos.

something as easy as persona 5 can't have the best gameplay


If persona 3 didn't have tartarus it would easily be the best in the series.

Prove me wrong.

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what's wrong with tartarus? you fight some enemies then go upstairs
it's fine

>Persona 4 Dungeon Exploration
Boy did I like walking down a randomly generated, reskinned corridor that forked every now and then.


Each dungeon had several rooms that weren't randomly generated, which puts it above Tartarus.

All the dungeons in P5 were designed like shit, so having not random dungeons don't matter when your dungeons are ass.

You know what I didn't get about Persona 5?
>People hated randomly generated dungeons and Tartarus
>Listen to me here...what about upside down Tartarus
>Steve I fucking love it. You're getting a raise and my wife.

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this, but for music it should be Persona 3/4 instead of 4/5

I'd give Music to Persona 3 as well, personally. So basically, I'd give everything but Gameplay to Persona 3.

Yup, still not buying it


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Because the Palaces themselves are way too short to offer enough gameplay considering you can finish them in a single day.

Fuck you atlus. Where's SMT V?

They couldn't think of another alternative?

nice bait

I never played Persona 3 or 4 though.

Never ever. Enjoy your dancing game nigger when was the last time we got SMT news anyway?

This is Atlus we're talking about.

Gameplay: 5 = 3 > 4 > 2 =1
Story: 3 > 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
Characters: 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 4
Dungeons: 5 > 3 = 4 > 2 = 1
Music: 5 > 3> 1 = 2 > 4
Final boss: 3 = 2> 5 > 1 > 4
Waifus: 3 = 2 > 5 > 1 > 4
Overall: 3 > 5 > 2 > 1 > 4

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Persona 2

Persona 2

Persona 5

Persona 2

Persona 2

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>kawakami that low

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Teaser trailer in October 2017? Other than that I think it was just "we're working on it" in some interviews


I don’t like reddit tier fetishbait characters

No u


>all these p3 shills
Both persona 4 & 5 improve upon practically every aspect of the original game, the only arguably point being in it's story and characters, and even then it pales in the social links department since half of them are mostly forgettable and too mundane, and the other half being just alright.
I played through the game recently and can hardly remember the social links. The ones that come to mind being Aigis, Akinari, Yukari & the old couple. wich felt more in balance with the plot of the game.
also strega and ikitsuki suck ass as villains
i would go on but what's the point

Mementos in Royal blows the fuck out any arguments that P3 or P4 have better dungeons because it’s literally random gen but actually good

>mostly forgettable and too mundane, and the other half being just alright.
You could say the same thing about P4.
The only ones people talk about are Moon and Hermit

This except Persona 4 is also shit and only slightly better than 3

Persona 3

Persona 3

Persona 3

Persona 3

Persona 3

What did they do different compared to P5 OG