Do you agre with this journo, Yas Forums?

Do you agre with this journo, Yas Forums?

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this is like the least controversial opinion ever, yes max payne is a tps staple

Nah MP1 is good but a bit too rough around the edges it also drags with some extremely boring filler levels like the docks and the laboratory.

Now Max Payne 2, there we have a true action masterpiece.

>that baby platforming puzzle bit

what were they thinking?

> dude interactive storytelling, trust me dude

>normies: Max Payne is action kino
>gamer chads: Black is action kino

Replayed it again last week. It's a decent 7/10. Surprisingly, it's a little boring and repetitive. Great interactivity with the environment, though.

>not complete filler
shut up retard
They thought most PC players wouldnt turn into Michael J. Fox for 10 minutes

Nah, it's a mediocre console shooter made by racing devs and it shows

I sure do. I’m a 20 year old zoomer who play it for the first time in January and I enjoyed the game a lot. Great soundtrack and fun gunplay

I used to play black yearly and I say you are full of shit


It's one of those games that was truly innovative at the time(I did so many 360 spinning torpedos and needlessly cinematic entrances into everything when I first got my hands on bullet time), but it aged like milk. Without that novelty actually being a novelty, the game is pretty dull.

I played them and feel like they are vastly overrated like pretty much any old game boomers coom to

I only played 3, and that was mainly because I rented everything else on 360.

What's the best version of 1? I remember the PC version kept fucking out for me after the level where your in the apartments but this was years ago.

Best third person shooter ever.

Those mazes were easy as fuck, shit nigger what are you doing

>aged like milk
Wrong, dumbass.



Max Payne 2 was better than 1 in every way

Max Payne 1 enemies are annoying with pinpoint autoaimbot accuracy from behind any object and the game really crunches down to a halt constantly whereas MP2 flows with much better run and gun action.

MP2 has a better story and a better written one too, as well as just looking, feeling and playing better.

Fuck I wish Remedy would make a Max Payne again, 2 was the last one they made and it was kino.

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2 > 3 > 1
don't (you) me

I don't think many games can compare with Max' fluid movement, easy controls and satisfying shooting

Correct opinion

The shit taste, oh my god...

Attached: max payne2.jpg (5000x5000, 591.53K)

>tfw the section playing as Mona, her animations are really slinky and agile, long ass sniper rifle with that amazing CLAAAAASSSSHHHHH sound when you noscope some guy and he ragdolls backwards crumpling into a pile of shit

>tfw you turn on the nude mod


Yes. Max payne 1 and 2, as a package, are a masterpiece.
Each one of them on their own are a masterpiece. The games are fucking great.

MP1 is absolutely kino because it combines noir with subtle norse mythology. MP2 is just MUH MONA. Absolutely terrible, not to mention the shitty escort missions.

1 > 3 > 2.

3 would be the best if not for the constant cutscenes.

I think you might be the first person I've ever seen with that opinion.

I like it a lot but I still feel that a lot of the enemies just get the jump on you unless you already knew about where they were.

MP1 is Remedy at a fledgling level. Take the blinders off, MP1 is really clunky and poorly stitched together compared to MP2, it's a great game but MP2 is bascially flawless from start to finish. "Escort" missions? You mean the awesome level with vinnie in a fucking cartoon suit? That shit was kino as fuck you retard.

MP2, the city apartments levels > everything from MP1 not even close

Wallpaper dump

Attached: Max Payne 2 Address Unknown.png (1920x1080, 806.63K)

Attached: Max Payne 2 Address Unknown Billboard.jpg (1920x1080, 1.34M)


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Attached: Max Payne 2 Dick Justice Billboard.jpg (1920x1080, 2.58M)

Somehow people actually like 3 and hate 2 ?
Wtf, the third is literal third world trash with balding basedboy as protagonist gunning down skinnies in rio ghetto.
Literally the GTA retardation Mafia 3 pulled going from Italian mobster to niger ganbanger.

Attached: Max Payne.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

> subtle norse mythology

Forgot Sam Hyde was in this game

Attached: Max Payne filtered.png (1920x1080, 3.61M)

THE Max Payne. The masterpiece itself.

Unwarranted sequel that shits all over the first game's continuity for no fucking reason. Also, remember the old characters? They all fucking die! Why, you ask? Because fuck you, at least the gameplay is good. It still keeps soul regardless being vastly inferior to the first.

Fucking lol
Not even a Max Payne game. The identity of the series is completely lost, the gameplay, the cutscenes, the setting, even Max himself, from the design to his personality. It doesn't even reference the old games IIRC, he just mentions his dead wife once and that's it.

Attached: max payne.png (334x354, 184.35K)

Attached: Max Payne 2560x1440.png (2560x1440, 3.35M)

>balding basedboy as protagonist
Wrong, 3's Max is the most Yas Forums version of Max.

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Nope, he's correct.

Max Payne 2 is the formula, setting, style, visuals, feel, combat, level design and everything perfected

Max Payne 3 is a stellar game functionality, balkistics, combat wise however drags it's feet with modern tropes and shit like chest high walls, shitty AI and linear feel, too many cutscenes but on the whole a solid game

Max Payne 1 is good but aged poorly, repetitive copy pasted corridoors and areas, visuals and themes are very half draft compared to 2, comes off as an indy project with low budget, audio work is terrible particularly with awful compression and volume problems, honestly Max Payne 1 is less fluid and fun than Tomb Raider 1 was so I'm not sure why it ever gets rated in terms of 3rd person combat, it's really actually not that good.

i think i spent the best part of an entire year trying to get this game at higher than 10fps on my toaster back in 2001; never the less the game had a fuck ton of atmosphere

Attached: Max Payne 2.png (2560x1440, 479.86K)

>caring about the story and not the gameplay.
Go read a book nerd

Shit, that's a based opinion i I ever saw one

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These games are meant for PC. 1 had a bunch of cool mods.

My main complaint with 2 is that you spend 75% of the game shooting guys in janitor outfits.

>honestly Max Payne 1 is less fluid and fun than Tomb Raider 1

invalidates your entire post, holy shit



>Fuck I wish Remedy would make a Max Payne again, 2 was the last one they made and it was kino.

Have you played a recent Remedy game? They don't have the touch anymore.

Play 1 on the PC, you're gonna want to install a 3rd-party sound fix but then you're good. I remember 2 just working as intended when I installed that one, and it's good too.

>he doesn't want to shoot jannies everyday

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The right order was 1>3>2, and anyone who told you otherwise was dead wrong.

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I remember having a bad time with the first one since the damage received dynamically scales up if you don't die. The game doesn't take quick loading into consideration so you can very quickly have some pretty annoying fights on your hand.

The amount of SOUL max payne has is incredible.

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i fucking hate you faggots with your shit tastes, heres the real list
all of them are good

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Why did Remedy have to turn into shit?