True frontal brain grower games?

Are there any video games that require pure and maximum thinking which means not being bound to memorization. Chess is so don't mention it.

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Where's the /fitlit/ version

(insert your favorite videogame here) is a game that requires skill and adaptation to win. I'd say it's a pretty great game

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any zachtronics game


unironically high mmr dota

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>multitasking which destroys the frontal lobe


>No High level thinking



>High level thi

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Fast-paced action games are observed to improve cognitive abilities more than other genres.

this game me a good fucking chuckle

Creating algorithms is not memorization.

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Fast peace is bad for your frontal brain aka reasoning

Any game that zoomers don't excel at

Whatever you're playing, is clearly doing some damage.

>>>not memorization
What are opening moves and endgames?

Soldier of Fortune 2's random mission generator

>your post

Thats what I said

Master of Orion 3. Factorio.

>Spread sheet simulator

He asked for big brain games. Good luck playing moo3. Invest in ECCM.

The Witness
Portal 2

baba is you

And that isnt.

Dota 2

>High level thinking

If you're talking about games that focus purely on strategy and have as little reaction time and memorization possible in them as requirements to succeed, then maybe grand strategy and layton-esque puzzle games?
Although there is a lot of memorization involved in grand strategy games.

I think card games would be good examples if there were any that were popular and weren't pay-to-win or heavily rng-based.
No wait, the perfect big-brained games that require as little memorization and reaction times as possible are the worms games.

Your wording is ambiguous. It can either mean chess is or isn’t bound to memorization.

>High level thinking
This is also extremely important. Though youre kind of right about layton

if you play like a monkey and use the same main bus for the whole game, it’s not complicated. If you want real efficiency then you have to think occasionally

anything that have a high level of difficulty were you have the necessary skills to get you on the zone.
bullet hell games

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The Witness is literally almost impossible to beat completely

If we’re going by the rule that any game with memorization is ruled out, then that means any game you’ve played once before is automatically ruled out.

There is no way to completely divorce memory and cognition from any task. There will always be external/past experience helping you.

Driving simulators and Flight simulators

>half time I ever stepped into a public library there's some faggot watching porn

God I fucking hate humans

Also spacechem/infinifactory if you prefer visual engineering.
100% pure self-consistent problem-solving, absolutely no bullshit or gotchas involved.

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Fighting games

Where do you live?

Literally just my job

baba is trans rights

Not true.
>no bullshit or gotchas involved
This is actually important for high level thinking as long as the answer is still in the actual game.

on the moom

Embedded or reverse engineering

anyone have the Yas Forums one?

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Zachtronics stuff.

friendly reminder any game not played in real time or with some sort of time limit is not a test of decisionmaking, but an exercise of effort

Hardware/Firmware engineer

Not necessary true and it might be outright wrong. Multiple ways of solving is good too.

No, it's absolutely true. Given infinite time, you have no reason not to make the absolute best, most optimal move. The only hurdle is putting in the effort to figuring that move out.

There's a reason chess has a clock. Making the best decision in a limited time is a true test of your mind.

And what is wrong with that? You're supposed to do the right thing, not the one in hurry. Quickness is not high level thinking. Its half assed and intuititive.

[Your favorite game] is SHIT

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No, quickness is everything. Quickness is what seperates a smart solution from a dumb one. Quickness is the difference between figuring out Engima and brute-forcing every possible option. There is no intellectual challenge in solving a problem in an infinite amount of time. Anyone can anything given enough time - which infinity has plenty.

>Quickness is what seperates a smart solution from a dumb one.
Not really, quickness is usually done out of desperation and lack of pure cerebral power to reason way ahead.
>figuring out Engima and brute-forcing every possible option
Brute forcing is not high level thinking though, you're once again just going off freestyle without thinking. You're deluded in being close to something absolute which you clearly can't even comprehend in the first.

>Brute forcing is not high level thinking though
Exactly. But given infinite time, it's no worse a solution than figuring out Enigma. They both get the same result, the only difference is quickness. Hence why time as a constraining factor is important in intellectual challenges.
And 'reason way ahead'? You have it backwards. Given infinite time, anyone can reason to infinity because why not? You could be the dumbest neanderthal, you'll get there eventually. Speed makes the difference. Speed is why bubble sort is dumb quicksort is smart.