Official Nomura hate thread
Official Nomura Hate Thread
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Nomura is absolutely based
Fuck nomura
Can I get a quickrundown?
Did something happen with FF7? I dont like it but it is a huge game
Why did he pull a Kojima by calling it a remake bros ?
I trusted you Nomura.....
okay heres the qrd, major spoilers ahead:
Sephiroth is a time traveler from advent children
Zack isn't dead
Barret dies and is revived
Alternating timelines
Please come back, Spirits Within might've killed Square Soft but we need you more than ever.
Damn I didnt expect a real reply thank you very much
That all sounds extremely retarded if true
I played FF7 in 97 but never cared that much for it, that just sounds like fanfiction though
Did the meaning of the word remake change lately?
They should have called the game FF7 Rewrite if all that is true
In case you were wondering why everything in Crisis Core, FF8 and FFXV are super gay-disgusting.
Has this man ever written a story that made sense?
Fuck him.
Nah mate the guy is a hack that sunk his company to gacha hell.
Nothing worth left in this person.
Not it hasn't, Nomura is just a piece of trash. Also cool to see an actual decent reply from you, I was expecting "HAHAHAH FF7 FAGS BTFO".
Nah Im too old for that shit, but damn if FF7 is really getting shit on by everybody thats going to be a spectacle to see huh, it was so incredibly anticipated
Good luck selling the other parts I guess
I literally warned you faggots about nomura for years, why the fuck do people still eat his shit up? The number of retards who think FFXV would have been good had he stayed director is staggering
The last good thing he did was produce TWEWY (2007), the last (and only good) game he's directed is the original kingdom hearts (2002)
Sakaguchi isn't going to save shit, lost odyssey and last story sucked dick and the mobile shit that came after even worse . Pic related is the last hope for FF
i knew from the moment that nomura added all these extra belts to cloud, aeris and tifa that the remake was gonna be shit.
>Came on board for FFXIV, special thanked from XV
>did some random arcade games related to Dragon Quest
>Sure let's have this guy direct a mainline FF game, what could go wrong?
You assumed it was talking about the product. As in " A remake of the original ff7 1997 game".
But it was a plot point as in "ff7: in which a time traveler sephiroth REMAKES the story".
Technicay the title is right.
Sorry, I meant FFX not Spirit within. My bad
>Crisis Core
those are Tabata's messes
Sorry, I actually meant your favourite square soft game
Nomura had a huge influence on CC.
"Tabata mentions Yoshinori Kitase and Tetsuya Nomura as his biggest influencers at Square Enix, saying that the passion the two worked with gave him a good sense of what series' creator Hironobu Sakaguchi expected from a Final Fantasy title."
are you dumb? he's the only one post FF10 to not fuck up a large FF project. In fact, he pulled the biggest FF disaster out of the pits of hell and made it one of the best
Nomura was the one who made the main cast and everything gay about them.
He can't fucking write to save his life. All of Square best talent joined Monolithsoft and other companies. I miss Sakaguchi.
yeah based on shit
That doesn't imply that Nomura had much to do with CC's stories lmao.
Why people are now pretending to hate Crisis Core?
Nomura's a hack, but I love how you idiots just ignore Nojima.
You know the actual person WRITING the damn game.
>another nomura blunder
Not surprised.
Will XV ever be topped?
Cause they're both hacks
It was a mess storywise, and the gameplay wasn't super engaging.
The only thing of worth out of that game was Zack, and pre-jenova Sephiroth.
Pretty sure he's happy making mobile games now
Mmo is garbage
Can we all just agree that we hanged an innocent man?
Sorry, for one moment I thought Crisis Core was Advent Children. Yes, Crisis Core was a mess.
He is the director, he should be the one telling Nojima how much the story sucks ass, which he, obviously, didn't.
Get in boys
People don't like Advent Children either for all it's worth.
What happened to Hiroyuki Ito, is he still around? Guy created the ATB system, directed FFIX, rescued FFXII after Matsuno jumped ship. I’d trust him over the likes of Nomura, Tabata etc.
There is some dumb shit in Kojima games, yes. But nothing tops the kind of abhorrent shit you see on Nomura games.
At least Kojima tries to make it coherent. He attempts at story telling. Nomura just says, "nah, it's magic bro, not only I don't gotta explain you anything, I will double down on the retarded crap."
Kojima games are always good.
And death stranding is a good game just heavily divisive
Of not, it was never top anything. It can’t even manage to become SE’s top blunder, it’s that mediocre
better than the other heaps of shit to come out after 11
>last story sucked dick
t. homosexual
my gf in a webm, keeps taking my food
I have yet to play Death Stranding but from what I've seen of the game, I agree with you. It's the gameplay that makes it so divisive, not the narrative.
>lost odyssey and last story sucked
lmao I would do anything to make those games the respective Final Fantasy XIII and XV in my timeline.
Nomura is the George Lucas of Final Fantasy
>cat vomit is better than horseshit
not saying much
You're mistaken. George Lucas made something good once. Nomura never has.
I don't actually believe this. Is ther even proof of these claims?
No you Yoshida dick sucker, it's obvious that ONE big name celeb can't do shit. Name me a single, individual Nip dev who delivered fully on their promise after leaving their company. NAME ONE. Inafune? Mikami? Igarashi? Matsuno? Kojima? Do you honestly think Yoshida would be relevant if he didn't have SE's talent pool and resources? Retard
If you'd smelled either you'd know horse shit is better.
Nomura drew some good pictures, but I think that's it.
Barry when will you go outside?
>Name me a single, individual Nip dev who delivered fully on their promise after leaving their company.
nomura always wins, baby! HOES MAD!
Was he the guy with the belt fetish?
Lost Odyssey is great, up to the quality of the PS1 era FFs.
TLS cover combat takes some time to get used to, but its quality still doesn't stay away too much from the PS2 era games.
The Lightng carrousel trilogy and the Band Boys Adventures are only Final Fantasy by name and are terrible fucking games. I would delete them all without a second thought if I could. And I would do the same to the deviant art fanfic that is the Kingdom Hearts series.
>took a complete travesty of an MMO launch and turned it into the actual WoW-killer.
>Writing and characters are actually decent.
>No waifu obsession or incomprehensible plots filled with anime BS.
>What happened to Hiroyuki Ito, is he still around
he's still around but they're having him do fucking nothing for some reason.
On top of that, he says FF Tactics is his favorite game.
That makes him the right person in my opinion.
I thought Bloodstained was pretty well-received.
Yet somehow still the best FF since the last garbage mmo
Lost Odyssey was literally an FF game in every way except the artstyle. It was far more of a valid successor than anything Squeenix has shat out since Sakaguchi left.
It did. Ignore that massive homossexual.
Bloodstained is the Castlevania game Konami refuses to make.
I'm going to kill Nomura if his retarded fanfiction means I don't get Nier Replicant.
It's literally called Remake because they're REMAKING History
You forget, uses Timetravel TWICE in the story and does it way better then FF7R.
I don't give a fuck what anyone says, Lost Odyssey has some of the finest writing I've ever seen in vidya. The Thousand Years of Dreams are a literary masterpiece.
Zack is not fucking alive, stop spreading lies.
Nomura does some pretty nice monster design
Well duh, no one is actually thinking that.
But what Yoshida did was provid leadership and a solid vision for the game which carried to great sucess to the leve of carrying the company.
Nomuras leadership is obviously poor and he approves the dumbest fucking stories.
Hey. Hey guys. Hey, you FUCKING absolute moronic, supposedly smart fucking RETARDS. Hi, yeah, hi.
So you see this bullshit they're doing with the remake? Yeah, it gets you to talk about it for free. It really riles you up, doesn't it? Almost like it was intentional. Almost as if they bait you into it, right? As if they don't have 2 more games to undo whatever they do to do the story since they can conveniently alter timelines and shit.
Almost as if it was done on purpose to get a reaction out of the fans. I mean, I could be crazy, right? I could be wrong.
Don't be fucking autistic retards. They know it would piss people off and slowly they'll bring back the original plot and "fix" whatever dumb shit they do. It's a corporate move as much as it is a creative one. Stop falling for the bait.
Or don't. Your choice.
So is he an Aerithfag?
I'm pretty sure all this alternate timeline stuff started with trying to justify a way to keep her alive.
lol Nomura really can't help himself can he? By now it's nothing short of mental illness that drives him. I think FF13 Versus broke him.
The game as a whole is a masterpiece fuck contrarions
>They know it would piss people off and slowly they'll bring back the original plot and "fix" whatever dumb shit they do.
>Fixing anything
you're a fucking idiot if you believe they aren't going full-hog on Nomura's wild ride.
>through a Grindr post
You're one of those tards that think New Coke was actually a net gain for the company, aren't you?