Wtf happened to DOOM

wtf happened to DOOM

it used to be about shooting shit and violence, now it's just Super Mario with some shooting bits in between for "lol doom so violent XD" memes sake

Attached: BING BING WAHOO!.jpg (1920x1080, 963.36K)

lol your opinion doesn’t even matter soicuck

fuck off

I wanted Doom Eternal to fail so badly, and instead it's the most successful entry in the franchise. Now both me and OP look like complete fucking morons.

Attached: doom bad.png (634x492, 112.83K)

If the original doom had the same spinning traps you wouldn't care

Doom used to be a fast-paced survival horror game. Now it's been turned into a parody of itself.

Yas Forums has always been powerless when it comes to predicting the success or failure of games. That's why they hedge their bets and scream that everything is going to fail, so that when something does they can pretend like they had a hand in it, despite their 'influence' being less than worthless.

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>survival horror
Shut up zoomer. You don't even know what those words mean, you weren't born when DOOM came out and you likely weren't born when Resident Evil came out.