Listen to me. Let's get down to the brass tacks. You and me. Explain to me in detail why we should buy this blatant cashgrab. REmake 2 was mindblowingly good. Unfortunately, this isn't. REmake 2 had an immersive atmosphere, jaw-dropping zombie gore technology, impressive visuals, excellent gameplay and an intriguing storyline. Along with FOUR (4) campaigns and extra modes like 4th Survivor and Ghost Survivors. But most of all, it had SOUL goddammit. What does this game have? Downgrades.

Attached: RE3.jpg (978x512, 156.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:

suck my dick

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I wish game rentals where still a thing. Resident evil comes from a time where for $7 you could get a game for a weekend. It was perfect for cinematic movie games like mgs.


>REmake 2 was mindblowingly good

It really wasn't.


Defend the shitty (and gutted) A/B scenarios

I bought this game for $43, so far so good for me.

This reminds me of dark souls threads
>dark souls 2 get released
>lmao what a fucking trainwreck
>dark souls 3 gets released
>lmao what a fucking trainwreck, dark souls 2 was just the superior game, 0 flaws.

>Why does everyone hate 0?

4fags got filtered hard by the item system


>removing the soulful intro

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it's as flat, dull, apathetic and uninspired just like remake 2 was

no, they hate 0 because its fucking shit.
Also no other game is worth a remaster so if they do CV next I don't care

Here's your inflammatory opinion even if you didn't ask for it
2 > 3 > 1



Attached: re3 is shit.jpg (1633x1035, 105.66K)

>REmake 2 was mindblowingly good.
Let's not go that far

Waiting for torrent magnet. Does it have DeNuVO?

The item system is dumb since you just dump all your items in the lobby.

with live action to save time.
>inb4 MUH RE had live action
and it wasn't soulless

>Buying AAA tripe in this day and age

>no, they hate 0 because its fucking shit.

0 haters confuse them sucking at the game with the game being bad, it happens all the time.

Same with RE4fags that got filtered hard by the tyrant fight in CV

quick rundown on this clown and why should I give him 10 minutes of my very important time?

Not sure, but I can't see this taking long. Be patient user!

Remember when RE2R was supposed to be the biggest blunder of all time? Your tune sure changed quickly when it's for the sake of trying this exact same shit again with RE3R. Get help.

>sucking at the game
the game is a joke, not even the hardest RE, this is some next level cope, probably a beccafag too

Just another meme "reviewer". They're all interchangeable.

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Neither CV or 0 are difficult games. Stop shitposting.

this time the metacritic is below 90 so they have more ammo.

>But most of all, it had SOUL goddammit.
ah so you have no real arguments then
duly noted

Same old schtick as every other YouTuber... Not afraid to tell it like it is, but this guy is a bit more annoying.

Seems like a decent enough lad, but this persona he uses for the videos is just infuriating. That being said, he's probably right about this game.

>see REmake3 on cdkeys for £35
>think fuck it I enjoyed REmake2
>complete it in 4 hours
>feel ripped off
>cry because I used to enjoy RE games.
whats the point bros im going out to get corona virus.


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Movie was shit, and still managed to be better than this remake. Makes you really think...

>Not afraid to tell it like it is

Mind you this is a response to people using metacritic, not you

Reading comprehension nigga. Thanks for ignoring most of my post.

Remake 2 was the game of the decade, this is rushed and thoughtless for the most part

>Buying RE games just to play them once
Do people really do this?

Attached: Nig.webm (720x300, 388.41K)

How is hardcore compared to RE2s hardcore? I just want to use ink ribbons without having to deal with bullshit zombies

Code Veronica Remake WHEN?

>Ignored the shitty A/B scenario

God Demake 2 homos are the worst

>RE3R rushed
>RE2R game of the decade
did you even played re2r?

Agree. If I could have put it in italics I would. It's a very tired act.

Whatever keeps the Patreon pay pigs paying though, right?

Didn't read. Don't care.

No ribbons, but a single zombie attack still drops you to caution immediately

No ink ribbons on any difficulty.

No but I would like some substance to a game thats full price is £50 - £60, mainstories should be at least 20 hours long.

There are no ink ribbons and hardcore for RE3R is basically RE2R standard.

There are no ink ribbons on hardcore also hardcore is the only way to play this game on your first run.
Disregard the opinion of anyone playing on normal


a compliment to say this was done by the B-Team

I don't get why they decided to rush RE3 AGAIN. Like the first one is ok, but clearly rushed, and could have used more time. And then they went and fucking did it again.

>>Buying RE games just to play them once
>Do people really do this?

Even Survivor on PS1 gives you more incentive to replay it than Demake 2 or 3.

I'm sorry but Michael was right, the game fucking blows

>Not afraid to tell it like it is
Because he has nothing to fear and with barely any subscribers, being an annoying prick is his only shtick.

then with that criteria why the fuck would you even buy a RE game?
Even RE7 was below 10 hours and even then it had a bunch of pointless shit just to pad the length of the game.

All RE games ever give you is a costume and a weapon with unlimited ammo

>Along with FOUR (4) campaigns
Let's be honest though, they're all 80% the same.
The only real difference is what cutscenes you see

room temperature IQ

>All RE games ever give you is a costume and a weapon with unlimited ammo


Attached: One_Dangerous_Zombie-min.jpg (1920x1080, 130.94K)

RE7 wasnt a RE game. I torrented it.

>FOUR (4) campaigns

>comparing gameplay to dollar value
if you're only going to play it once or act like a poorfag, just rent it.

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Don't get me wrong the item system sucks, but to say the whole game is fucking shit because of it is a bit too much imo.

Did anyone notice the stealth fatal frame reference in the camera room in the rpd?

>still pushing the narrative that 2nd runs is new content
lmao @ ur shitpost, would be more credible without the obvious grasping at straws

t. has never played Survivor in his life yet so doesn't know about the multiple paths it has so judges it because he saw some youtuber call it bad

Time to bring out the big guns boys. Keep in mind that I was the one who literally broke the story on REmake 3 and got the scoop before anyone else. Knew it was shit soon as I began playing the demo. The shills HATE me. But deep down they know I'm right.

>Jill has lost her femininity and wears manly clothes instead of her iconic miniskirt outfit
>What you have experienced in the demo is practically the entirety of Raccoon City streets
>Nemesis is designed badly and does not look as menacing as he should
>Severe framerate drops on consoles
>Ink Ribbons are gone
>Zombie gore system has been significantly downgraded from REmake 2
>Knife lacks the punch and feel from REmake 2
>Reused zombies and animations from REmake 2
>Confirmed to be not as long as REmake 2 with only one campaign
>Atmosphere isn't as excellent as REmake 2
>Writing is cringey at times and could be reworked
>Can't use sub-weapons to break away from zombie grabs
>Dodge mechanic with slow-mo trivializes the game
>Overabundance of ammo negates any sense of tension
>Red-barrel explosions everywhere allow for easy wins
>Nemesis is just a poor man's version of Mr. X
>Cut content from the original Resident Evil 3 (1999)
>Music lacks the soul of the original Resident Evil 3 (1999)
>Tacked on multiplayer game called Resident Evil Resistance that nobody asked for

Attached: Nemmy.jpg (1200x675, 103.89K)


post disregarded

Indeed! It's curious that, as that business model disappeared, more games worthy of it started appearing.

>Why rush RE3?

Nemesis literally wrapped in bin bags

0 haters never had to make sense or explain themselves

Cope demakelet

>Remake 2 was the game of the decade
coomers are truly delusional huh

So... Is this game an 8/10?

REmake>4>REmake 2>2>1>0>Rev2>REmake 3>3>7>CV>Rev>5>6

>0 haters never had to make sense or explain themselves

Item system is stupid, leeches are not scary or exciting, goofy enemies (fucking monkeys?), the zap system used is not clever or interesting, becca's characterization makes no sense given RE1 happens literally a day later.

It's a Dead Rising reference

>10 minutes and 20 seconds long

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>Explain to me in detail why we should buy this blatant cashgrab

50 pounds is nothing to me desu, but yeah it should of been DLC

I got it like 30 mins ago and I am already in the sewers, the Demo was THE ENTIRE RACOON CITY STREETS


>REmake 2>2

What makes Demake 2 better, actionfag?

>Item system is stupid

Like I said RE4fag, you got filtered

Could apply to either really, my mind went to fatal frame for killing enemies

Anyone else wish they changed nemesis's design?

Sure it might be faithful to the original but the long black skirt just makes him look like a reskinned mr. x

>Demake 2

A 7 or an 8, essentially. Keep in mind that in the eyes of the average Yas Forumsirgin, that is irredeemable garbage, because they only live in a world of absolutes.

>tfw Michael was right

Attached: 1496837635358.gif (300x164, 1.86M)

>you got filtered
I've beaten RE0. So you're wrong there and didn't even bother to refute my post. I know you have nothing worth saying - being a contrarian is all you have.

>He didn't say why it was better

Demakelet pls

no sorry

Nigger I had a ps1 when I was a kid, I played all of them and I even liked survivor

Your other arguments are who cares when RE4 goes full retard anyway when you're fighting a midget and a giant robot, so who cares?

nuJill is the least likeable protagonist of the entire series. I hate the thought of them remaking RE1 with her.

I'm not him, retard