I was really on the edge of buying this game but I liked the demo and the combat was better than the trash in ff15...

I was really on the edge of buying this game but I liked the demo and the combat was better than the trash in ff15. So I was planning on buying it but I was kinda confused why they added the
>shinra blew up the reactor
part since that didnt happen till the second mission. now that im seeing theyre adding all this weird stuff im making a hard pass

I really hope people cancel pre orders or even sue over this. its not whats been advertised. at all

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anyone else feel this way?

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It's been over 20 years and they gotta appeal to zoomers

>the combat was better than the trash in ff15
How? FF7 combat is literally spamming attack until you stagger them and then use abilities. Positioning/dodging matter extremely little in this game. It's a braindead hack and slash.

But shinra didnt blow up the reactor in the other timeline user

I could cancel my preorder right now
but i wont

the game is not even for them square enix is finished after this flop. hopefully someone that is not a pandering lib shit buys the rights to final fantasy.

>I really hope people cancel
My brother and I just preordered

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i'm sure you did, tranny. the game is made specifically for subhumans like you.

Isn't that what happened in the original as well?

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Not only are SE incapable of making new games as good as their old ones, they're fucking up their old ones and destroying what love was left for them.

This game is absolutely the Advent Children fanfic garbage I was afraid it would be.

Remember how fucking shit most of the compilation of FF7 games were? Remember that FUCKING STUPID idea for FFX-3 was? This is like the unholy aborted baby of those combined. Search Results
Web results

Kazushige Nojima has entirely disappeared up his own arse and thinks he's surprisingpeople and subverting expectations when in reality it's just "Well done, nobody expected you to do something this fucking stupid"

>multiple games are necessary in order to give the full original story the polish it deserves
>oh nevermind fuck the original story here's some fan fiction my 10 year old nephew wrote lmao.
what did they mean by this?

>or even sue over this

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no in the orginal the sucessfully blow up reactor no.1

when you get to reactor no.5 (the second mission) shinra ambushes you and stops the bomb from detonating. they blow it up anyway themselves after fighting you and use it as a way to gain money and public opinion after blaming it on AVALANCE. then they go on a mission of their own to destory an entire sector

when i played the demo I was just kinda like. huh... i mean i guess its okay they added that but thats a little off the path of the og story i hope they dont change to much

they changed way more.. i was surprised no reviewers commented on it we saw this bullshit coming weeks ago

not what was advertised
look at no mans sky. I hope it happens this is bullshit

I mean, they're marketing as a remake when it isnt, you realize that, right? It's a shitty fan fiction sequel with time travel

we can devs said they would not change the story. they lied. even said they would stay true to the original story.

FFXV had bettet combat than this shit.

They advertised a remake
This is a remake

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I found that FF7 was spam attack until your gauge allows you to perform an action, at which point the only good action to take is to have a potion.

Are ou fucing dense? Not what was advertised, lmao.
All they advertised is a new, remastered FF7 game. They never explicitly said it's a 1 to 1 remake.

You literally cannot sue them over this, and to think otherwise demonstrates a sever lack of understanding of the real world and how things work. Fucking neckbeards man. You can't just stomp your feet and cry cos someone takes something a weird direction. Vote with your wallets or shut up.


they said its a re-imagining and to expect additional parts added to the overall story of ff7, that's what they're doing.
it was never advertised as a 1-1 remake, no matter what you delude yourself into believing. you never planned on buying this game anyway heres your (you)

Appeal by including time travel elements?

How can you meme this when it's literally the truth. Everything new is just garbage these days.

no you're really wrong here

the accepted nomenclature has been established for over a decade that a
is an enhanced edition of a game. think higher res textures, quality of life improvements
would be a version of the game built from the ground up that follows the same game. think new engine, new mechanics, much more in depth world

the word you're looking for is SPIN OFF

Despite its title, Final Fantasy VII Remake won’t actually be a straight retelling of the original game, but instead a deeper exploration of its world and characters. During a closed-door presentation at E3, producer Yoshinori Kitase said that simply recreating the game with new graphics wouldn’t have been enough to get the team — which includes many of the developers from the original Final Fantasy VII — excited enough to come onboard. “Our goal here is to remake this genre-defining RPG for a new audience, for a new era, and not just to make a straight one-to-one copy or a remaster,” he said.

>Final Fantasy VII Remake won’t actually be a straight retelling of the original game

>but instead a deeper exploration of its world and characters

>During a closed-door presentation at E3, producer Yoshinori Kitase said that simply recreating the game with new graphics wouldn’t have been enough to get the team

>“Our goal here is to remake this genre-defining RPG for a new audience, for a new era, and not just to make a straight one-to-one copy or a remaster,”

>Our goal here is to remake this genre-defining RPG for a new audience, for a new era,

you faggots need to learn reading comprehension. also square soft hates the fan base that made it the most money.

>it's literally the truth
upvoted, so epic and contrarian

Remake is a pretty broad term, user. Remaster is pretty basic. Remake is not.

The fact that they kept this hidden for this long is a serious achievement though. Holy shit. If I worked for SE either in Japan or the west and read any of this information I would’ve immediately leaked out of frustration.

> that's what they're doing.

That's NOT what they're doing, it's a sequel where advent children sephiroth time travels back to change the timeline

If you dont think that's fucking retarded then you are fucking retarded

Based nomura dabbing on nostalgiacucks

The thing is: They're adding all this stuff specifically for old fans. I don't see new fans being a part of this because it's clear that knowledge of the original is required to enjoy the remake.

it's literally titled and printed on the box

Final Fantasy VII REMAKE

promising new content and places to explore in midgar doesn't mean adding a story plot where you see the future and septhroith (who btw was never tech present it was jenova for the majority of the game) kills barret

this is just a train wreck

>time travel

are you serious? played the demo yesterday and it was alright, i prepared myself to not hate on the "innovations" so i can enjoy the game and then peope write about time travel in FF7, first i thought it is an attempt at trolling. god damn it.

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>think new engine, new mechanics, much more in depth world
This game has every one of those

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you where warned back in early summer 2019, dumb ass.

Already paid for the preorder. I'm dreading and looking forward to playing it. It's a weird feel. Like going to have sex with an ex after she got really fat.

not trolling, this isnt a remake, it's a sequel to advent children, AC Sephiroth travels back in time to change the timeline

>Call it a remake
>Deliver a sequel
At what point is subverting expectations considered false advertisement?

Did they actually change the basic underpinnings of the story or are you just making shit up?

the entire reason it's episodic was to make sure the entire original story could be polished

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nah its been pretty solid what that means for ever a decade

this is ff7 remix 1.5 HD not ff7 remake
yes? it does. good job

>the primary enemy is now completely aware of the events from the original game
How is it possible to change the plot any further??

I want to imagine that when the N64/PS1 was released, there was this old proto-boomer clinging to his Genesis/SNES looking at all the new games, hissing at their announcement and shitposting the social groups of the time.

if this is anything like advent children that will good. I'm worried about the retardation of ff13 series storytelling being in this remake.

>It does
So it's a remake

I don't know what happens in the remake because I haven't been watching other people play it.

btw will there be a world map? with different parts it can't be open world like the original game.

>deeper exploration of the world and characters
As if that was in any way telling us "we're adding ghost shit and it's a sequel to the original with time travelling bullshit" instead of what everyone assumed.

>I'm worried about the retardation of ff13 series storytelling being in this remake.

This is literally the exact same shit as 13 triology, time travel to change things so nothing means anything and random shit can happen because fuck you

no. those things make it a remake

changing the story drastically makes it a sequel

pretty easy

It isn’t episodic. This is all they are making.

no but that wasn't part of the game in midgar anyway

If you're that upset about it, I feel like you probably have very little of value in your life.

What do you hope to gain with a lawsuit?
It would never hold up in court.
Watch some streams of the game and you'll see how awesome and fun the game looks.

Also thinking about it another way, the game's original story was Neon Genesis Evangeleon tier bad at times, so it only makes sense to give it the same remake treatment.

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>No other reviewers
>No current reviews
You're a fucking retard. Multiple publications pointed out that there were different story beats in the demo and this isn't new news

the fact that the original game exists side by side makes it a defacto sequel. It's 100% not a remake

None of them played the shitshow at the end that ruins everything

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How can it be a sequel when you play 95% of it events from the original game? And in the next games we will probably still go to the places the original world map had?

If they called it a sequel it would have been even more of a rip off

>Neon Genesis Evangeleon tier
there is a reason for that story line you brainlet.

>this faggot is actually fucking serious

They already said they have started production for the second installment

> but that wasn't part of the game in midgar anyway

fucking retard.

idk the game being leaked 10 days early saved a lot of people $60. i still can't believe we essentially got the kingdom hearts version of sephiroth thrown into ff7.
they didn't respect the source material at all and are falsely advertising.

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ya that will be halted in a few weeks after the horrible sale numbers of this "installment" come in