One Step from Eden OSFE

>game is casualshit now

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the new changes barely make it any less harder. just less spammy on both sides

but what made it hard is how much shit enemies would spam at you

making the game more methodical would be infinitely more fun than playing on high tier ascensions where some enemy combinations will hit you with unavoidable combos. the game isn't fun at that point anymore and that's what the dev is looking to change. he said it himself that he doesn't want to make an easy mode and wants the game to stay challenging.

But the speed was most of the challenge, making it slower is making it easier. This isn't a game where tactics are the primary skill for victory, but dodging is.

>Selicy buffed
>one of the best and most fun characters, easily capable of beating the game with her starter deck, has been buffed
thanks shitters

I just made it to the wall as Terra for the first time and shit on it with Poison, Glaive + shield spam. Then some winged whore came down and one-shot me. What the FUCK was that?

speed and dodging doesn't matter when the only way to play loops is by building the most broken way possible to one shot enemies. it hinders creative decks and leads to boring gameplay. the game was only made for fair so you aren't lead down that route.

Is Flow rock throwing still the strongest build? Slash deck seems so damn underwhelming.

that's what you get for being a wishy-washy bitch and not committing to murder or friendship

How the fuck do you beat the gate or serif with her starter deck?

That's the neutral ending. It still counts as a victory and is required to unlock alt loadouts for most characters.

What happens if you get to the gate as Terra while sparing everyone? Actually, don't answer that. I want to find out myself.

Upgrade Crossfire, ignore everything. I was dealing close to 3k damage per Crossfire to the Gate

How viable is a deck consisting of just Anubis + Pandemic?

No, it's shit now unless you get ridiculously lucky with upgrades. Slashfic also sucks overall, a lot of AOE but shitty damage and no utility

>starter deck
user, her default deck doesn't have that.

I find poison to be incredibly weak. It lacks burst damage, takes forever to kill anything, and the overall DPS is also poor

her alt does

>No, it's shit now unless you get ridiculously lucky with upgrades.
A rock deck with Kinetic Wave + Undertow still seemed pretty decent to me. Also, how the FUCK do I not kill myself with Zenith as Slicey? The weapon dash doesn't last long enough to cast it before or after the dash. IT DOESN'T WORK.

Her alt is by definition not a starter deck.

Dies instantly to missile silos since it takes forever to kill anything.

Making it more tactical isn't making it easier.

The game should be based around punishing players hard when they fuck up and get hit. Not around mitigating a bunch of smaller hits that enemies are guaranteed to get on you.

One is difficulty, one eliminates build variety.

Nothing says you have to loop, there isn't any rewards for it or anything new you get to see

was there another update today?

>how the FUCK do I not kill myself with Zenith as Slicey?
you git gud. You need to cast it right before her dash then immediately dash. Nothing else to it

If you're playing her alt kit, you have a longer dash window so you can drop it after her dash.

>making it more tactical
Did you actually read the patch notes? The only thing they did was make enemies attack less frequently based on how many enemies there are present.

That is the definition of making it easier.

? it's a roguelite that's kinda more or less the point of the genre to just keep going until you die. and these changes are literally only for looping and ascension difficulties. (minus the first 2 worlds stuff)

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Yes. Still no boss mode so don't bother.

But I literally just told you, there is nothing you gain for looping. No new content. No unlocks. NOTHING.

yeah theres no real gain to looping in isaac, risk of rain, nuclear throne, or any other roguelite once you do it once already but thats still a huge part of the genre. I don't understand where you are coming from. it's fun and thats all the reason to do it.

you are objectively wrong in every single one of those cases, all of those games give you something or change something when you loop.

>styling on the loop enemies
>not fun
you're just a bitch

tier list

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not really, i would say nuclear throne has the most stuff you can unlock by looping but other than that its only 1-3 items you can get. but it's still doesn't change the fact that it's a huge mechanic in the genre that people do regardless of the rewards. isaac didn't even have looping to begin with and people wanted it anyways.

Yes really, I would never loop if I didn't gain anything for it. And I have looped in all of those games because of it giving me something in return.

I'm so pissed. I was about to win my second run but I got hit by accident, died and ressed. I kill the boss and she fucking hits me and I don't get ressed so I just fucking lose.

you are in the minority in this one. and you are using anecdotal reasoning to support a claim about a genre that basically at this point universally has this feature. most people still loop even after unlocking things and most people only do it because it's fun.

I've reached the point where I barely ever get hit by anyone other than Serif (because I only fought her 4 times and my deck is a clusterfuck at that point).
Two things I'm hoping for are harder bosses, gives me dark versions or something, also make the dark route actually harder in general, I don't see the difference at the moment, AND making the game more tactical by punishing the player for spamming, add more anchor to strong spells, add fragile while casting or something.
I play every character the same by picking ~20 of the good cards and spamming them mindlessly while dodging and it's proven way to effective for how braindead it is.
Also looping provides nothing challenge wise, bosses just get more HP.

I love the game but late game needs fixing.

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>Try game out
>It is frantic as fuck
>Enemies are nonstop attacking you with a bunch of markers that you have to keep dodging all the time
>You do not have time to revise your cards after the fight starts
>Weapons shuffle and give you two at a time for you to use in battle, with only small icons to indicate which weapon is on which slot
>On top of it weapons give you stacks of Flow or Trinity or whatever and once you hit a certain amount gain an extra effect
>Desperately moving around and avoiding attacks, no time to try to combo, pressing buttons and getting random attacks off that miss because enemies are erratic as fuck
How do I git gud? I am at 1 hour 55 minutes and don't wanna keep going and lose the refund if it just stays the exact same until the end.

they literally just made the game slower a few hours ago

Huh, I had no idea. Time to give it a go then, because the speed was honestly the one thing keeping me from playing. Danke user.

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How do you get 9999 shield for the achievement when Shuffle knocks off 25% every time?

get shield drone, go onto a stage you can place it down and dont get hit. wait.

grab shield generator, wait until one enemy is left and build a ton of generators

>high tier
Unless it has the +5max health/heal effect it goes into the trash.

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my game doesn't play like this

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Consume thins your deck out after it is used. Honestly a strong consume effect is better than a average non-consume card.


your buildings are like your children: beat them to make them work harder

It's the best heal spell in the game for people who need healing. +5 max HP doesn't mean shit if you're constantly getting hit

>needing healing

ok but where do I put my shit and how do I prevent bosses like Slicey and Reva just destroying everything

grab shield generator card and all non projectile spells
drop turret
go behind turret
drop shield generator behind you
smash turret while spamming spells
wait until the boss walks in front of your turret

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2020.03.29 - (1920x1080, 569.09K)

>implying everyone is gud
it's meant for newfriends

>drop shield generator behind you
How do you cast spells behind you?

I agree. As hard as I try to actually look at my deck and make a plan with what I got, I pretty much just use whatever ability is next in line and just try to only pick up good cards. This works way better than trying to manage your hand in game, shit is just too fast for that to be a viable option late game.

also doesnt help you gotta memorize the icons just to know what the fuckin spells do which I guess comes with playing the game but fuck at least give me a summary

what motivations am i supposed to have for wanting either

you can't
move two squares left, drop the shield gen then go back behind the turret

The overall difficulty change is fine. There's like 14 ascensions or something.

Based retard. Consume is a one-off of a very efficient spell which thins your deck for the rest of the fight. A free 150 shield or 50 heal that won't clog your hand for the rest of the fight is a guaranteed pickup every time.

ok, gun turret on your grid or on the first column of the enemy grid?