What went so horribly wrong ?

What went so horribly wrong ?

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Naughty Dog became Bioware 2.0

Nothing. It’s gonna be the best reviewed game of the year and will win every reward conceivable.

ND produces the same ol shit on repeat. they didn´t released one original & decent game since crash.

>still cant do hair

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Can't think of a better description of them than this


they hired carl from TWD and downgraded him

Sony lives in your head rent free

What even happened to BioWare?



in your wet dreams, pc beggar

Uncharted 4 crunch fucked up the Naughty Dig
Almost all of the senior programmers and animators left Naughty Dog and they hire juniors with almost zero experience in industry. That's why Ellie looks like shit. Also Neil Druckmann is not serious guy anymore. Look at other writers or devs, they barely talk about their game, just focus on developing. But Neil Druckmann acting like he is only person making the game and talk so much about the game. Also this shit happened to Kojima. As a summary social media corrupts production.

Holy fuck how does someone hit the wall this hard before age 20?

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by being wh*te

Those darn white people always causing trouble. Without whitey peoplekind would be in space by now and the earth would be a green unpolluted paradise.

This but unironically

Nice downgrade

>beady eyes

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god damn that bitch is ugly

Yas Forums-pol BTFO

Mogs any hag you'll settle for in t(probably a gook).

>this realistic skin
>wet eyes
>cracked lips
It's very impressive but she doesn't look like a person at all. Not uncanny, just still an impressive realistic doll. Fucking Sarah from the first game looks like a person, and she does not. Joel, on the other hand, is the same but with more hair.

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Is this shoop'd? she looks like a rat

What happened with the first model? Is this the same one, it's the angle? This is not Ellie.

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Seems like they changed the model again


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getting MASSIVE Horizon Zero Dawn vibes looking at that OP picture, yuck

she's just saying many more women are working in the gaming industry now than when she started. what's wrong with that? it's not like she's saying less men should be working or more women than men should be working.

>grew up with an adopted father and no mother
>became an ugly dyke
Based Naughty Dog

It's well known most women aren't as capable as men. They even get jobs when they have inferior resumes but get the job anyway because they're women

this is always helpful. if we didn't have internet anonymity, i might actually need feminists to occasionally convince me they're not just whining about nothing. thanks.

Feminists ruined the economy, you're seriously delusional if you think women helped anyone. We were better off before

Ellie is a cute though

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>Sony santa monica has more women than men
>ps5 is rumored to have overheating issues and may not make the nov release data
>devs are going to xbox sex
>last of us 2 delayed again due to being unplayable
It's like a curse lol

Anyone notice how unhappy and perpetually angry Lesbians are?

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>last of us 2 delayed again due to being unplayable

They literally said it's basically finished do you not know what's going on in the world right now?

game looks like trash bruh
moviegame wont hit theatres XD
look at that snow deformation oh nonono

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They made it look like shit so people can buy the ps5 version that will look like the trailers.

>videogame companies never lie
Ex employee revealed that a competent studio could've released it a year ago, and that they focused so much on cutscenes, they started to lack game devs. They have more film animators than programmers. Gameplay is a crashing unplayable mess with 6 hours of cutscenes.

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Why is it always the worst possible scenario with you people? I remember when Sony pulled out of PAX and a bunch of you people were making ridiculous posts about how they were unhappy with the state of TLOU2 and some other shit then when a bunch of other companies pulled out you all shut the fuck up. Are we going to go through the same thing when other games start getting delayed?

Neil is literally fucking the Naughty Dog team to the point where some of the OG devs have left.

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Druckmann is a Jew, you figure it out.

This game is for the new sony fanbase you bigots.

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What's wrong with Jews?

Haha, in your dreams, cisboi, she’s built for BBC (Big Butch Clit)

A game that gets delayed 4 times has serious development issues behind closed doors. Most of us don't want to pay for a broken game with 6 hour long cutscenes. The multiplayer also got cut in november last year, but keep telling yourself that the development's being going fine. If they can't even release the ps4 port now, how the hell they'll make the ps5 port a launch title in november ?

It's been delayed twice

they enable degeneracy like

>every pic I see of Ellie is looking more and more like my wife

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The question is if TLOU 2 will be their Mass Effect 3 moment, or their Mass Effect Andromeda moment. Considering the massive talent drain even from UC4 (70% of staff left. And 90% who were on TLOU1 are gone as well), I'm betting its Andromeda.
I remember that thread. There was some pretty damning shit about Sony in general like people leaving Santa Monica after God Of War because they could not stand it any more and just being driven through the grinder.

>he doesn’t know

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I mean, if the goal is to look like a 42 year old lesbian librarian, they knocked it out of the fucking park, just perfection.

Pics m8

Ellie noticed her gurlfrends nose is still growing.

Her hair looks like absolute shit

Made to cut content and speed up their products by publishers. Namely EA.

this can't be real

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That ain't happening.
Just look at Ellie, or deepfake Remy Lacroix face on Gianna Michaels body, which is actually closer I think.

How old is she?
She looks like a granny with fetal alcohol syndrome


Now post the videos of the trannies lusting over a literal child.

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cope more sonybot

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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>people actually want to play this propaganda

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Cute dude.

It's making fun of Druckmann, you obsessed faggot.

So is my dick