>Shits up a promising game
>"haha we didn't rip all the quality stuff out and replace it with a garbage story to rush a game to market by bait-and-switching people
What did Finn "FAGGOT" Bryce mean by this?
Shits up a promising game
It’s insane how much unbelievable potential this game had, I will never NOT be upset at how they screwed it up so badly. At least it’s a bit more fun with mods:(
We shouldn't need a billion mods just to play the fucking thing, sadly. What the fuck, Tiy?
no amount of mods can polish this turd
That's pretty much unanimous, but many people still stick around the dumpsterfire.
>somehow clicked on the wrong post
See? Retardation.
>all those nonhumanoids
wait, how the fuck do these races handle armors?
Custom sprites.
Otherwise the same as the others.
The fact that they'll still work, just be ill fitting, doesn't bother me.
that's not how the armor system works. the armors are rendered on top of your character's body in a single way regardless of what race you play. there's a female and male variant and that's it. you have to make a second set of armor if you want to fit it to a non-standard body
Ok buddy, don't belive me then.
he doesn't have to. is correct.
Reminder Tiy got away with his scam and Mallygos, the femoid that wrote that atrocious forced story is working at Valve, VALVE.
Where's the dog, Tiy.
You're just doing this to piss people off.
Ignore the attention seeking furgin.
No, of course not.
t. shit tastes
>MOLLYGOS is working at VALVE
>with the SHIT STORY
what the fuck how do they keep getting away with this
>ss13 general was plagued by an avaliposter
>turns out to have been Sarais the Evolve shill
I will never not be mad. How the fuck does a game get WORSE by leaving early access???
>he actually believed this
>We've had this thread so many times that we no longer have anything to complain about that hasn't already been said
>In fact its now counter intuitive to bring it up because it incentivizes avali fags
Man I wish Seed of Andromeda wasn't a bust
TIY BRICE is how.
There is legitimately less content in the release then there is when beta was a factor
The only thing the game is good for is the mods.
A fucking crying shame.
>it incentivizes people that want to shit on the game to shit on the game
The evidence was there
>"goobsev" was the identity of the avaliposter in the game
>searching "goobsev" returns results for when sarais changed his twitch name to goobsev and when the Steam URL of Sarais' account had goobsev
>both played Starbound
>both are into vore
>random reddit account mentions sarais/goobsev
>attempting to derail the thread
source code fucking when
I thought the current topic was avali posters
Same reason the Fire Watch sòyboys wrote Half Life Alyx and destroyed everything Laidlaw created.
The current topic is in the OP.
We don't care about imported drama.
This here post is mighty based, I tell you what, stranger!
I dunno but whatever happened it turned out that guy really is here
Anyway, Starbound kinda sucked and it was better in the early versions
How would you have handled Starbound Yas Forums?
Starbound is still unironically one of my favorite games
Starbound was a revenge project. It was doomed from the start.
Elaborate. Was there some drama between Tiy and Terraria devs?
tell tiy to fuck off
keep space racism
keep the cutesy-at-first-glance-but-actually-grimdark-as-fuck lorebooks
have more interesting biomes and combat
more weather types
retain temprature gauge
My condolences.
how many are unironically using this mod anyway?
I'm out of the loop. What happened?
Instead of having infinite procedural generation where everything is samey I'd condense it to smaller, hand crafted quadrant with planets that have thought put into them. Story to why you can't leave is a ghost Nebula mysteriously blew in and any ship that enters it disappears for a good few days before being violently thrown out as a husk.
does your dick ask you permission to rise when it sees something it likes?
it's hard to actually play the game with this
>ate too much
>can barely move
>bust a nut
>guess I don't want to play anymore
> Keep the random creatures. It makes no sense to see the same enemies across plants.
> Promote exploring space but also make it higher stakes (i.e no more warping back home)
> Make the tech ladder harder to climb. Have getting away from your first planet feel incredibly rewarding
> Fuck the main story. Fuck the outpost. Fuck all the story characters
That's to name a few things
all games cut content and scale before release; it's literally the ONLY way games actually ever get finished. competent developers know this, the developers who don't never actually finish their game
it's a bad game so now we need one autist to make a "starbound was bad!" thread every day because he has no other way to get people to talk about his favorite shitty game
Everyone unanimously agrees it was a shitty game.
But what a shitty game it was.
Starbound was easily the worst for this though.
Starbound added a pissy story that nobody asked for. How is that "the only way the game would ever get finished"?
that last level that suddenly makes you 5 blocks high is fucking retarded
not that it matters much since you move at a snail's pace, but whatever
>keep random creatures
No fuck off make hand crafted creatures so they don't end up looking like shit pokemon reject sprites
Hand crafted creatures make no sense in a space exploration game
Being full space exploration was the first big mistake though.
But that's literally the fundamental concept of the game. If you don't want space exploration then you can just stick to Terraria, no?
The only problems I have with this mod is how there's no in between the last level and the prior, you get too big too fast when passing that threshold. The other one is how you can't get bigger than the current maximum. The modder is still a fucking god for actually making me finish the game for the first time ever when nobody else could.
Low IQ post.
It legit makes the game a mixed bag harder to play. At least the mod has the sense to kill fall damage
That post is talking about how you would fix Starbound and the first fatal mistake was making it way too open because procedural generation that doesn't just effect terrain is fucking shit. To negate that would be condense the world sizs fo much smaller handful of solar systems wifh hand crafted planets.
I played this on sale with a friend but every time I see the game brought up people always go on and on about how amazing it could have been. What was it actually supposed to be, it seems nobody ever says anything about that exactly.
It is incredibly lame that right at the start the player is roped into notStarfleet rather than being able roleplay a character.
a guy in the same forum is making a mod with an in-between level between the last one and the second to last one but it's taking forever to release
and i don't really blame them for not wanting to make bigger levels considering how wonky the current last level already is
just skip the intro bro