Did Yas Forums buy a Valve Index?
How was Half:Life Alyx from 1 to 10? 10 being best
Did Yas Forums buy a Valve Index?
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well 8 weeks waiting period
1st batch chad
HL:A looks so good on index and knuckles are comfortable as fuck so 10/10
are 2nd and 3rd batches already in as well?
Story is excellent, interactions are 10/10
gameplay puts it down because it's actually a little behind Boneworks-level
to add to that, I had OG vive previously. Grabbing a letting objects go with knuckles is so intuitive as compared to wands. Being able to relax your hands really adds to the immersion
yeah done everything except the gnome run
valve needs to make more vr software, they're the best
Played on oculus CV1. Solid 9/10, maybe 8.5/10 if you pushed me. Jeff was the best part.
>motion control
I don't have $1000 to blow on a toy.
Mine shipped in 2 fucking days, I was impressed.
Half Life Alyx was 8/10 for me
Boneworks is 9/10
Half Life Alyx is a good game and return to the Half Life series, but in terms of “pushing VR forwards” it’s absolutely nothing. It perpetuates problems VR games have had by sacrificing for the comfort of completely new players.
Sure, Boneworks will make a first time user very queasy, but it wares off. And once it does, you realize that Boneworks is literally the best VR game yet. You can do so much and it all just works. The only problems are the graphics are pretty bad and the enemy variety is tiny.
Again, no hate for HLA, good game, but the old Valve would’ve said fuck new users and gone the Boneworks route.
>You can do so much and it all just works.
No it fucking doesn't, its a pile of messy jank where your arms get stuck in the walls, and melee feels like slapping people with pool noodles.
But at least it’s THERE. At least they tried. The future doesn’t come if we all stand fucking still and do nothing. If we cater to casuals, VR won’t ever grow past teleport and one handed guns with no recoil.
lmao bonecucks
>Waggling VRshit
No sir I didn't buy it for I do not suffer from the 'tardation
I want to fuck this... otter?
Stop posting and then deleting your posts to bump this thread
Can we rank levels of cope?
Gordon is such a nice guy giving that little furry a pistol to off himself with.
Like others said, it's a solid HL game and the only real downsides are Valve going too far with the VR comfort measures. Teleporting for jumping/running isn't end-of-the-world to me but enemies like the Antlions could have been bit faster.
Yes, and 10. I play VR stuff all the time, but even then HLA was next-level in many ways. The controls strike a fine balance between comfort and realism, which is very welcome after the jankiness of Boneworks. I played it almost non-stop until I finished it. It felt like a game from the future.
Any non-sicklets try teleport mode anyway for a 2nd playthrough?
It's interesting, I thought the game was way too easy on Continuous, but on teleport the difficulty seems really good. Headcrabs actually offer some amount of threat and the Combine feel a lot more aggressive for some reason. Even though you can still move pretty fast with teleport the fact that you can't mindlessly strafe around enemies changes things a lot.
So I'm definitely convinced that continuous mode was an afterthought but the game in its original mode was balanced really well desu. Makes me think a version of HLA designed for movechads would have been really great.
Butthurt poorfag
I’m still waiting for my Index. Latest update is 3-5 weeks and I have a note under my shipment info that’s telling me of an imminent email to confirm payment.
I’m just generally avoiding Alyx threads for now. Can’t wait to play it soon though. It looks amazing.
Here's an fyi of what furgins really are. Puppy killing, animal raping, child molesting ticking time bombs and this is why they need to be gelded with barbed wire covered blacksmith tongs before being executed.
Mine's been stuck on 3-5 weeks for seemingly a while. Still not sure if I want to actually take the plunge and pay for it once it asks me.
furfags fuck off
Boneworks was awsome but the visuals in half life alyx fucking curb stomps boneworks imo. The game just looks so damn pretty.
Played it on my phone
Game is slow but it makes sense since Alyx was never breezing through the level like Gordon.
yiff in hell maggot
If you say anything less than 10 VRCultists will say you never played it.
For me it was a 6, probably 8 if it was my first VR game or I still had the novelty of it.
They tried and failed. I don't think making a full physics body is the way forward, not until we at least have full haptic feedback, which won't exist until brain interfaces.
Alyx definitely catered too much to casuals at points, but the opposite end of boneworks is far worse. I'd legtimately rather have a teleporting experience than boneworks janky parkour.
cute lombax
Is this the new level of cope? Literally any disagreement is a 'cult' now?
Alyx certainly isn't stretching the bounderies of VR but it's consistent. You really need the motion controls for it to work.
9/10 and I'm not really a fan of fps or half life in general. A bit too easy and safe for stomachlets unfortunatly.
How have you not encountered VRCultists, dude? They're the kinds of dudes who own FBT, spend 16 hours a day in VRChat, and think that a shitty anime Second Life is the future of video gaming, so they'll constantly pretend every game is amazing.
>Literally any disagreement is a 'cult' now
vr cucks don't disagree, they threaten you
>You really need the motion controls for it to work
no you don't faggot, it's the whole premise of the many Alyx threads around
>Any mention that VR is beneficial or the games are good is "pretending"
really damn good, the entire last level gave me chills I've never had in a game before
I just wish there was more of it
>>>Any mention that VR is beneficial or the games are good is "pretending"
99% of the games are not good. And I don't think VR is beneficial, I think it's an extremely specialized field that doesn't appeal to everyone, and that the best VR can realistically manage at this stage is on the level of Time Crisis.
>Did Yas Forums buy a Valve Index?
Yes, it arrived on Tuesday
>How was Half:Life Alyx from 1 to 10? 10 being best
Haven't played it yet, gonna wait for more patches first
> they threaten you
Yeah I've never seen that. I feel like you're projecting as badly as those saying vr users want Alyx to be exclusive "to justify their purchase."
I've been in VR since the Devkit 2 and I disagree. The immersion of the headsets alone beat the biggest monitors and when motion controls are done right, old school KB+M feels stone age. It just needs time to up the resolution and tracking and become more affordable as an option, like all tech.
Sad thing is me saying I'm invested in VR makes me one of "them" and so any experience I share is to be dismissed as 'buyers remorse' or whatever nonsense.
>when motion controls are done right, old school KB+M feels stone age.
I don't think so. Motion controls are absolutely fun. They were fun a few decades ago when I was playing Time Crisis.
The problem is that there's nowhere for them to go. Light gun games fell out of fashion because real FPS games came out. Now, we have a resurgence, but to me it just highlights why light gun games died. You can't just stick a joystick on a gun and have it make sense. Artificial movement in VR is awkward and cumbersome, and I don't think it'll get better until we have brain interfaces.
If you watch footage of people playing stuff like Alyx, you'll notice that people don't really move and shoot. I don't think I've ever seen footage of someone reloading on the move in VR, it's just not really possible with the control setup and the lack of feedback. You might not notice, but you can't really do anything out of sight in VR. Big motions, like pulling out a backpack, sure. But fiddly actions that are pretty trivial blind IRL, like reloading a mag, require your constant attention in VR.
We've already hit the peak of what current VR is capable of. It's shooting galleries and headtracking for sims.
Alyx pretty much turned Boneworks into an irrelevant tech demo overnight. Made all the pretentious humour about Boneworks being so above every other VR title in the tutorial age very badly.
>If you watch footage of people playing stuff like Alyx, you'll notice that people don't really move and shoot. I don't think I've ever seen footage of someone reloading on the move in VR, it's just not really possible with the control setup and the lack of feedback. You might not notice, but you can't really do anything out of sight in VR. Big motions, like pulling out a backpack, sure. But fiddly actions that are pretty trivial blind IRL, like reloading a mag, require your constant attention in VR.
It's a practised thing. I'm able to reload the guns in Alyx and other games pretty quickly and pressure only makes it more interesting. The other stuff is possible but really just impractical in the end? Would be nice if AI ducked under cover, so spraying some surpressing fire while moving was a actual tactic.
I think a problem is we're used to being a box with a gun taped to it and having all actions automated by E and R keys and now we make the speed of that the standard. In VR, the level of interaction means things will seem a bit slower on videos but to the person playing, it's far more involved.
I actually went back to the old HL games after Alyx and was a bit disappointed by how 'detached' everything felt. "Walk, click on that guy, walk there, click on this manhack", etc. May as well remove the combat altogether and just browse the scenery.
Pay him no heed, it's the same autist from the last thread who owns a fucking ancient Oculus devkit with a tracking system totally unsuitable for the game and complains that the game wasn't very good as a result. He'll probably start shilling his YouTube video again.
I'm more so waiting for the SDK, need to make me some nutty custom campaigns.
Same. Valve did good but there's some things I don't agree with them on. Like antlions being anything but speedy fodder that you can shoot anywhere.
The shirtless otter is CUTE.
Yes and the game is pretty solid as far as VR games go.
Would rate it 7 or 8 or so.
I give it a 9 and also give Boneworks a 9, they each excelled in different ways as VR games and had basically the exact opposite strengths and downsides.
>Did Yas Forums buy a Valve Index?
Nope, streaming wirelessly to my Oculus Quest using Virtual Desktop. Much recommended if you have a wired gigabit connection going through your home.
>How was Half:Life Alyx from 1 to 10? 10 being best
9/10 maybe a 9.5/10. Played it on a moderate dosage of LSD though and it then it was a clear 10/10 and one of the most immersive gaming experiences I've ever had. First time I have TRULY felt in the game and interacting with the game world.
Source for the pic? I need some otter porn
Here's an interesting video on why Alyx excels at tricking your brain into thinking you're experiencing a real thing: youtube.com
The game is easier with teleport what do you mean? You’re so fast you can just zip past every enemy and beat the game in an hour
>OG vive
Vive had shit controllers that seem to have been designed for pressing the screenshot button and nothing else.