Why is it that the characters in Danganronpa who should be the smartest on paper completely lack any common sense...

Why is it that the characters in Danganronpa who should be the smartest on paper completely lack any common sense? This guy, Kazuichi, and Miu all have a lot of knowledge but do fuck all in trials and only come up with retarded ideas that make no sense.

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Shitty writing


Why would have a lot of specific knowledge also mean that you have a lot of common sense
If anything it means they're only good at one thing

>Bro you just gotta believe in everyone that's how you stay motivated!
>Noooo stop saying Gonta is the culprit I believed in him what the fuck bro!

It's a Japanese mentality. If you work in a trade, you might as well be retarded.

Why did V3's cast have so many fucking Ks in it?

Isn't that all?

>forgot Kaede
I don't blame you

>I forgot Kiibo
Point is, too many Ks

Also, all of those characters kill somebody.

You're supposed to say that before punching him!

How does this guy have a lot of knowledge? All he knows about is operating rockets.

>"Ultimate" Astronaut
>is actually the world's shittiest astronaut, to the point of never having even gone to space

I mean admittedly he was probably the best one who was still a teenager.

Is he tho? Isn't he older than everyone else?

Who is the best V3 student and why is it Gonta?

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>Isn't he older than everyone else?
What makes you say that?

A lot of people irl are dumber than you'd expect. Every retard can get a diploma as long as they are willing to bash their head to a wall enough times.

It’s Rantaro because he died before they could make his character shit and also Kaede for that reason and she has the best tits in the series

He's the tallest and he weighs the most

He doesn't have any knowledge besides how to do the practical astronaut things. He scammed himself into the practical tests and aced them so hard NASA still took him even though he technically is too young to be one.

The knowledge Kazuichi and Miu have is utterly useless in solving murder mysteries, especially since none of the murders use intricate mechanical setups. It's honestly retarded to assume any Danganronpa character has the necessary smarts to solve these very specific problems in the games because they're all revolve around the one thing they're good at. One of the best mechanics in the world probably doesn't have the time or interest to ponder murder mysteries. The only exceptions are detectives, smart asses who don't have a talent they consciously have to practice or Byakuya who's perfect at everything

I dunno, he has a goatee and his official art shows him smoking. He just felt "older" than the others

finished v3 recently and the fucking shit translator who localized gonta with unga bunga speech should honestly fucking hang themself.

no shit it's just roleplaying like every other character

Was he not like that in the japanese version?

It also makes him seem literally mentally handicapped, which also has the effect of making Kokichi seem like an even bigger piece of shit than he was supposed to be.

>every single character with glasses other than Togami and the Imposter (who doesn't actually need glasses) is a murderer

Ryoma. Shame they killed him off before he could get any development.

Uh, isn't it because in reality none of them are actually special at all and don't have the skills they're purported to have? None of them display any real skill at their supposed talent other than maybe the crazy angry slut mechanic girl. Everyone else is just a bunch of random nobodies. Even canonically, as far as I know.

Right but they still get those skills 'implanted' into their brains so they know how to do everything and have all the information.

Wait he wasn't? I legit thought Gonta was supposed to be disabled

In the original japanese his speech is more normal (though he is still very naive) other than speaking in the third person, which Tenko and Angie also did.

I mean to be fair he was "raised by wolves" so of course things that seem common sense to us would seem foreign if not impossible to him

nope and it ruined his entire character for the worst. Japanese have their own version of unga bunga speech too and there is a damn good reason why they don't make Gonta do that. It makes him seem more retarded when in reality he is actually want of the ones that contributed to the group more than the other fucking casts with the observations that he makes which in the Japanese version he seems like he actually knows what he is talking about.

Gonta was raised in the wild and the embodiment of Tarzan. Speaking fluent would not work with that character at all no matter what language he spoke.

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I think the channeled American Gonta for the second half of that post.

You can only pick one from each set
The fightan girl
The 'I love you' and the 'I don't care'
>Toko and Byakuya
>Kazuichi and Sonia
>Tenko and Himiko
The psycho
>Genocide Jack
The trial brainlet

this isn't even a debate


Any other answer is objectively and subjectively wrong and if you disagree you have to lick my girlfriend's feet

Stop slandering miu. She pointed out the culprit in each trial every time but nobody listened.

Hiro was more of the designated retard of DR1. Hifumi was only in two trials and while he didn't do much he didn't come off as completely braindead (not until 1-3 at least).


Korekiyo is easily the v3 psycho, even if you exclude the incestous serial killer bit he literally killed a girl just because he wanted to show off his seesaw trap

They don't have the right intelligence for a trial

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How would Sayaka, Leon, Mukuro, Imposter, Teruteru, Rantaro, or Kaede have fared in a trial where they were alive and weren't the culprit?

>pick one from each set
For what?

Man, I just want another stylish murder mystery game. Why did it have to go like this?

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There is something weird about the motive video: If what it told Ryoma was that no one in the world was important enough to him to kill for, wouldn't Ryoma already know that? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that no one cares about Ryoma enough to care that he's gone? Maybe it's a translation thing

I thought ryoma was under the impression that his memories were manipulated to a degree so it was possible that "maybe" there was someone that he loved or was loved back and the video was just twisting the knife

Because Mugi Tsumugi Smoogie Smoogs "The Moogs" Shirogane made him that way with her powers as Best Girl.

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Nagito "Fats get the gat" Komaeda
Nagito "Live Free or Die Lard" Komaeda
Nagito "Morbidly Obliterated" Komaeda
Nagito "Lose your weight or lose your life" Komaeda
Nagito "Gunfight at the Golden Corral" Komaeda

Tsumugi was literally the most disliked character in V3.

Even more than Angie and Korekiyo?


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Was this before or after she was known to be the mastermind?

>that awful cop-out ending
I don't know, you tell me.

>killing anyone
kill yourself tsumugi

Those opinions of others don't make Tsumugi any less wonderful to me.

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The translated descriptions for why the voters picked what they did don't mention it, but I'd assume so, they just didn't want to show spoilers.

how could anyone hate seesaw man? his character was butchered but he is based