Is he, dare I say, based?

Is he, dare I say, based?

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uh, hello, scum department?

He really is a magician on how he gets away with things

What is based about literal shit?

>makes zoomers and leftists cry

it's not hard to get away with things
most people are just not scummy enough to try
more than 50% of murders in america go unsolved

What? The games are full of shitty zoomer humor...

A based twat, si.

he should be president

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>Likes cunny.
>Directs shitty games which he filled with Reddit memes.
>Fucks over his employees.

Yes, he is based. Anyone who says otherwise is attempting to deceive you.

>causes everyone to cringe
>gets away with everything
>gives himself a huge bonus
>shits on his workers after that
He's almost as based as Mugabe.

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Exactly, he attracts them like flies to honey and then snaps the trap shut and capitalizes on their stupidity. Based

would be but his games are all irredeemable shit

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His games are cringe, but it's pretty frickin' based to get away with CP and promise your employees bonuses to boost morale, then tell them to fuck off and keep all the money for yourself after you release the game.

He's your average sjw, so no.

He wishes he was Pierce Brosnan

>steals money from Sega to secretly fund Borderlands
>punches a guy at GDC
>tries to save his dying game by encouraging kids to make porn of the characters
>carries around CP on a thumb drive and then loses it at a fair
>"accidentally" posts weird fetish bathroom pics of himself on twitter
>steals money from his employees
>tells them to go fuck themselves if they don't like it
>somehow gets away with it all
He'd be cringe except he somehow survives all his completely retarded antics. Which makes him kind of based. I also love that all the scumbags who are willing to work with him are getting fucked over

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Sup, Randy.

>people really think the Borderlands 3 developers deserve anything for their shit product

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You think with all the coverage he's gotten on him, something would be addressed. Guess having friends in high places helps or he really is a wizard.

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Randy is like DSP except rich

Randy is woke, which is the polar opposite of based.

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>he's not just pretending to milk retards

>the pretending to be retarded gambit
what motivates you to defend a guy like this?

>be randy
>realize he can either find a new job or pander to retards
>blatantly tell everybody he's going to start pandering
>class action lawsuit for being a d-bag
>be 80 IQ liberal
>buy randy's game because it's virtue signalling
>randy burns all his 80 IQ liberal employees
>cry on twitter

He fucks over people who are dumb enough to buy his games or work with him. So that's pretty cool of him

How does he get away with it? Did he maxed out the luck skill?

his wife is also fat and ugly as fuck and his kid is autistic

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>woke, which is the polar opposite of based
How do you not slip on your drool when you drag your knuckles from basement to toilet?

He might be. his son just might walk among us on these imageboards as well.

on what

How can I be as badass as Randy?

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Nobody ever calls him on his bullshit, it's that social justice shield

>he's a massive fucking weirdo on top of being a hypocritical asshole
He just might be "our guy" and/or "one of us" .

>Someone vaguely game related acts like a shitter
>Someone makes a thread like this
Like clockwork.

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Retard, actually try to read some shit written by muh SJW boogieman
He gets called out a lot

>He gets called out a lot
SJWs squealing gets cancelled out because he's also an SJW. It's the perfect strategy.

Because those happen in ghettoes whose residents police doesn't give two shits about

He technically is in the highest place because Gearbox is his privately owned company. No shareholders to answer like Gabe and Valve. The only thing that would ruin him is a situation like Dennis Dyack and Silicone Knights.

This, when there's entire populations of people who hate cops to the point that they won't cooperate in murder investigations you know something's wrong.

What situation is that? Never heard of that dude, if you don't mind spoon feeding me.

Retard, read some actual shit written by slighly-lefty centrists AKA SJWs.
le ebic SJWs are notorious for only being loyal until betrayed.

>literally steals money and defrauds publishers
>is not in jail
I have to at least respect how he fucked sega over and got away with it. Did sega even do anything?

>slighly-lefty centrists
Depends. You can go to the gun range, hunt, love light beer and watch nascar but you'd still be an SJW if you think men should piss in women's bathrooms.

>man i hate the smell of feces
>but le leftists hate the smell of feces so it's le based
how far we've fucking fallen

Going by your example, centrists are SJWs

Stole Unreal engine assets after not liking working with it. Then later found out he was pulling kind of shit with Activision
to make an Eternal Darkness 2 prototype to pitch to publishers

More like look how far the gaming industry has fallen when the only news is leftists fucking over leftists.

If you believe in any social justice shit then you're a faggot. End of rine.

Are you forgetting that he's woke as fuck?

I'm a centrist you dumb nigger. What do you think of that? Maybe it's about perspective. See, in the real world outside of the Bay Area most people haven't been broken to the point that they'd celebrate crossdressers taking hot shits in women's bathrooms.

Sure thing, extremist retards.

>woke as fuck
>fucks over other woke people
Based, he's the cancer that will see balance restored

It's horrifying that no matter what happened Borderlands will always be a success and he can continue being a millionaire by pumping them out. If he's ever in trouble the boom borderlands 4

And retards will eat it up

>What situation is that?
Retard used unlicensed Unreal engine and then had the balls to sue Epic for not providing updates.
And the end of the story is, his game got pulled from the market.

Does Yas Forums really like randy now? He used to be like Anthony Burch 2.0 when battleborn died. I guess at least he isn't Anthony Burch.

The left always eats itself.

Afte seeing the word used on Yas Forums for many years now I have come to learn that 'based' means:


So yes, he is very based.

Randy Pitchford being based is actually a redpill.

>vaguely game related
He designed levels in Shadow Warrior back in the day and is now the head of a major studio, that's not "vaguely"

I live really close to Frisco Texas, and I am very salty that of all the game studios that I could live near, it had to be Gearbox.

>No shareholders to answer like Gabe and Valve.
Valve still has multiple private shareholders, so the major shareholders like Gabe are still answerable to each other to prevent any one guy from going crazy.

Does Randy own 100% of Gearbox?

The unsolved murder case is very high. Sure it’s higher in ghettos but our government has been working overtime since the 40s to downplay this fact. If people knew how easy it was to get away with murder, more people would probably do it — so our media generally plays up how easy it is to get caught.

Christ. Never liked the dude after Alien Colonial Marines, would see news thumbnails later on, but never gave it any mind, as I figured this guy was just a scum bag willing to do anything to bank some extra dough. Wonder how long till he finally gets his or will he keep on dong his schemes. Guess crime really does pay.

user, my post was about Dennis Dyack.

Has he had a Twitter meltdown about the latest news yet?
Such a shame that he has handlers now.

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Niggers have twice the unsolved murder rate when compared to white people within Chicago. Who knows how high it gets when compared to people outside of chicago

Oh shit my bad clicked on both thinking they were about Randy.

This is just sad, man.

Not that user, but yep it's 100% his.

Gearbox is a remnant of the heady days of mid-90's Texas-based startups making first person shooters using the Id model.

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of course this board has retards who actually like this dude, that just makes sense

is randy completely autistic and not self-aware at all or is he a massive troll? i mean look at this shit