What computer chair should I get?

What computer chair should I get?

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State your budget. Assuming something under $400, check second hand market first for used aerons, steelcase and other high end chairs.

What is your budget?

Steelcase, Herman Miller, and Knoll make really good office chairs, but they are very expensive (500 - 1000+).

100$, maybe 200$ at the most. I don't wanna make a dumb ass decision and pay any more on that.


just stand up so your legs dont turn into pudding sacks

IKEA Markus assuming you are about average weight/height. Maybe slightly taller than average.

All budget chairs lack customization, so you really need to sit on one yourself before buying.

one with adjustable armrests, high back and lumbar support. dont get leather get something like your pc.

either one of these if you have the money.

Attached: embody-vs-aeron_orig.jpg (1200x630, 89.54K)

Staples Hyken is a God tier budget chair

this op

I'll look into these, appreciate the input fellas

Markus is for manlets

I got the jarvfjallen which is slightly bigger but its still fucking tiny

>used aerons, steelcase and other high end chairs.
I got my Leap V2 for $200 rougly a couple years ago. Best chair I've ever owned

I have about 250-300$$ budget.

I dont want a gaming chair, but I want something I can lean back in

don't get these with the gas pistons, they could explode into your anus

don't buy a car the engine could explode


Just get a regular office chair dude. Trust me, if you can find one with lots of cushion you'll never ask for more. They do the trick just fine.

Attached: chair-3-500x500[1].jpg (500x500, 18.88K)

>1500 dollars

>unironically getting into an iron death wagon

and its worth every penny. stop being poor

they are for offices
companies buy them, not people
you get no pussy

1.5k now
back surgery later

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Which one is comfier? I tried out a mesh chair in office depot but it felt weird.

Same, got one on ebay for like 250 shipping included and it is great.

>spending more than $100 on a chair

what the fuck is wrong with you

post pics of your current chair


Got this new $100 bucks 3 days ago from craigslist.

Insane how cheap people are willing to sell things right now.

Attached: ec6363cee9aa2f4026a7c703d02dd0aa.jpg (600x500, 49.3K)

To me?
I originally spent like 60 on a shitty chair and it was entirely worth it to get a chair I enjoy sitting in. When it comes to shit you use everyday it is worth spending that much.

okay overpriced chair defense force

I've got the chair in the OP pic and I find it to be satisfying enough. Pretty nice that you can have the option to lean back or lock it in place as well as slide the arm rests forward and to the side.

I have that chair and I hate it. I wish I had one that had a reclining back.

The duality of man.

Do you even consider how much time you actually spend in your chair? Or how much a proper posture effects your overall health? Stop being a retard

Anything fancier than this is a waste of money

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I think needs to get his eyes checked because what he's describing the chair in that pic can't do. The arms are fixed and non adjustable

ooooooo, sissy hypno, oooooo u crave coooock

Assuming it's the same costco chair I got, it should have a reclining feature. Try pulling out the tab that lifts/sinks the seat. That should let you recline.

It's much cheaper than treating fucked up back.

Upon further inspection it does seem to be a different chair. Sorry for the confusion.

Everybody will say the right one.

Thoughts on this guy?

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>not using a standing desk

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if you like squeaky chairs and lowers a couple millimeters every few minutes sure

user you might want to look at research on standing desks. Turns out they are hell on your knees

Are arm rests important?
Please respond chairbros

pretty damn good
Had it for a couple of years now. It's very comfortable

>sitting is bad for your back!
>standing is bad for your knees!
try lifting some fucking weights and doing something other than stabding kr sitting for 15 hour intervals inbetween shitting and pissing

I'm a gamer.

I've never had any trouble with my knees from standing for extended periods of time
Squats/getting up and down all day is what's done that for me
Fuck doing roofs by the way

whatever you do, do NOT get a "gaming" chair, or worse, an "ergonmic chair" like your picture OP, unless you like back pain. Gaming chairs are horrible, just get a comfortable padded chair. These mesh things do not provide enough support, and they hurt sitting in them for long durations.

t. someone using one right now and wish I never fucking bought it.

they are shit. I don't understand the obsession with these mesh abominations. They are garbage, and uncomfortable. Maybe if you're obese, but if you're on the thinner side like me it's incredibly uncomfortable on my ass and back.

pic related is the chair I bought. I will never buy one of these abominations ever again, my old shitty la-z-boy chair I had been using was far more comfortable. The only reason I ditched it was because the compressor was broken, the fabric stitching was torn in several places from use, and the mount for the pneumatic compressor was wobbly as fuck.

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what's the hole for?

i want to be healthy but im not rich enough
my posture is bad

What's wrong with squats user

Holding your dildo in place.

Anyone got one of the Aeron chairs? I'm 6'3 and I need something comfy with arms. my gigantic pleather seat is tearing apart everywhere and won't stop lowering.

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alternatively it acts as a fuck hole, just lube it right up

If these office chairs are so great how come they keep whining about a back pain epidemic in offices?

If you have the money for it buy a 911 dispatch or emergency dispatch chair, they're made for heavy-weight people to be sitting in them 24/7/365