Were they seriously going to make RE4 a paranormal horror game instead of being about bioweapons?

Were they seriously going to make RE4 a paranormal horror game instead of being about bioweapons?

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>Implying it couldn’t be both

I'd love for the REmake to be a REmake of this original version. Resident Evil 4 holds up so fucking well they could honestly never touch it again and it'll always hold up as one of the greatest games ever made.

No, Leon was infected and hallucinating in this version of the game. As an interesting side note this build of RE3.5 is being used as the basis for RE8. Its going to be first person of course.


Leon was going to be infected by a new virus in the early builds that carried over to RE4's Plagas infection
It was probably going to be a hallucination caused by the virus

Why did they waste time with remaking re3 when everyone just want re4?

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I agree with you, but it's frustrating because you KNOW they'd fuck up the artstyle and give it the same westcuck treatment as REmake2&3.

because RE4 is already perfect

Sauce? I already know about the hallucinations and shit, but on the RE8

>this clouded by nostalgia

Are you implying Umbrella couldn't weaponize the paranormal?

yeah bro thats so silly. RE5 and 6 are so much more ludo kino with the boulder punching and that guy in 6 who just turns into a fucking multi-story t rex thing. imagine if they went down a more horror themed, fatal frame route, that would be like, so cur-inge bruh. gimme that pure action-kino bruh!

Well thank god RE4 is playable on literally every modern console and PC so Capcom can freely release RE4make and even if its bad you faggots don't need to whine about how they ruined it since you can just play the real one on the Switch or PC or PS5...oh wait...you fags will still cry about it anyways

Friendly reminder that this is the type of person who literally thinks it's a shame we didn't get spoopy RE 3.5 instead of... fucking Resident Evil 4.

Pretty sure it's all hallucination it still bioweapon

How naive and young you are

I mean spooky 3.5 did look pretty cool.

But RE4 is great, so it's hard to be too upset.


Just a reminder, thanks to RE4 we got Devil May Cry, RE4, AND Haunting Ground. How can one sequel be so based?

That is just a rumor.

Though it's a rumor I hope is correct, I'd love another first person RE, though I dunno if Ethan needs to be the protagonist again.

RE4 does not hold up all that well.
The village section is still atmospheric and great, the castle has a ton of cool ideas crammed in, but the island fucking sucks. It's basically a shittier version of gears of war.

The constant QTEs are game-ruining. You have to go through the whole minecart level, and then you have to PRESS X fast enough or you just fucking lose and have to do the same thing again. Even outside of QTEs, there's just too many times in the game where if you don't know what to do, you instantly die, but if you know what to do, you get through it easily. For instance, the castle segment that requires you to snipe the catapults before proceeding - without knowing that you need to destroy all of the catapults first, it looks like you should be able to walk between cover. But if you don't shoot the catapults immediately, Ashley will die Every. Time.
I just played through the whole game over the course of the last couple weeks and the game play really is fun and engaging. But the instant deaths around every corner forcing you to restart were super grating to me. No other RE game has so many opportunities for you to be fucked, and it actually lessens the tension because you know if you die you just get loaded 5 minutes earlier and have to repeat everything again.

>people think they're going to jump ahead to remaking 4 when Code Veronica exists

For the hallucinations stuff look up the leaks from Evil VR. He leaked most of the side content for RE2 and the RE3 remake/project resistance fiasco. He deletes old tweets to avoid cap com taking down his account but people save his shit

the pc port is dog shit.

who the fuck is this twitter account anyway, anything 'leak' related recently has been coming from it

The original PC port sure, the HD port is fine. The only issue I ran into was the bolt action rifle's reload animation stutters slightly, but it's hardly gamebreaking.

no its not, i could run it at 1080p 60fps with no dips on high settings with an fx-6300 and a gtx 760

>RE4 does not hold up well at all.
Stopped reading right there

The HD port's only real problem is the QTEs being tied to framerate. It wasn't an issue for me except for the mine cart section's QTE for some reason being weird until I finally got it.

4 already has a western style you id pol obsessed tranny

they need to remake 1 again before they do cv desu

What a chad, look at him running a game from 1890.

No it isn't. It's got a realistic texturing style, and realistic proportions, but the eyes are extremely Anime. You can tell it's Japanese from a mile away. Same with REmale1, which unlike the other two actually has SOUL.

His point is that the port is good, unlike what said. I hope that wasn't you, because ur kind of a bitch if it is.

git gud

You stopped reading before you even started, it seems.

I don't think I'd call any of the aesthetic of RE4 anime.

Admittingly, it does have something about it that I'd peg as japanese, but I'm not quite sure what.

no that was me and fuck you for calling me a bitch you faggot

Then stop being a bitch, bitch

kys nigger

>missed out on RE4

Yes let me break out my simon says to practice for the I N T E N S E B U T T O N P R O M P T A C T I O N

What a truly Yas Forums moment


I know that Leon was to succumb to the infection and die at some point of the game in the original script(so I heard)but they changed that

Yeah. It was pretty retarded, but gladly it worked out in the end for the most part. I mean, at least we got Devil May Cry out of it, plus some fun co-op in Resident Evil 5 and 6.

>thinks it's a shame we didn't get spoopy RE 3.5 instead of... fucking Resident Evil 4
Yes. I'm not contrarian enough to say it's a bad game but I would have preferred RE3.5

>It's basically a shittier version of gears of war.
RE4 was first.

no it wasnt, gears came first

I feel the stupider part is that he actually compared RE4 to gears at all when literally the only thing they have in common is a third person camera.

only if your first console was the 360

RE4 was 2005, gears was 2006.

gears was in development first, so it came first. i am right.

Are they extracting his semen on that container?

Resident evil 7 is the REmake of the original re4 concept.

>but the eyes are extremely Anime

No, they absolutely are fucking not.

I wish that I could hate your zoomer ass to death.

Should be Supernatural crossover with Dean and Sam. Yes Resident Evil and Supernatural. But Resident evil is about science and biopunk, though.

>An atmospheric exploration based HORROR game vs anime faggotry where you QTE suplex not-zombies into exploding barrels while quipping into a totally not MGS codex

Yeah man, it would have been so terrible.

Code Veronica.

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You are mean Gun Survivor or Dead Aim?

Mah nigga.


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He was infected and hallucinating. You wouldn't know if all the shit you saw was actually a zombie or not there at all. Really cool set up for an RE but nah we had to get an action fest instead. I mean I had fun with 4 but as an RE title I'd have much preferred this. Like obviously that zombie can't be phasing through walls, but it still might be a zombie that you're perceiving as doing crazy shit. So you still have take care of it or avoid it. Wish they'd go back to the idea for a future RE title.