Jesus Christ I have been laughing at you spergs absolutely foaming at the mouth. FF 7 Remake is GOTY and will be a massive successful both critically and financially. There is nothing you can do to stop the success
Not getting the game but im glad they did something new with it.
Why are her boobs so small
Sounds like the exact same retards seething about BG3.
Man doomposters are working overdrive. It’s hilarious.
The tranny lobby.
>how to know if a game is good
>Yas Forums seethes about it
Yep FF 7 Remake confirmed a great game
Based Nomura
Why aren’t you getting the game user?
What insane twists can we expect in part 2?
I never said I didn't want change, I just wanted the change NOT to be retarded. I guess good storytelling is too hard to understand for false flaggers.
why are you so mad
No one expected a 1:1 remake at this point. The "additions" are fucking awful and they really didn't need to be.
our boy Zack gets more screentime
You're paying 60 dollars for a remake of a tiny portion of a 20 year old game. If you wanna get ripped off thats your choice dude.
>bannerlord remakes warband but with new graphics, exactly like everyone asked
>insanely successful, takes a fat shit all over doom eternal and other AAAs released recently
>ff7r is remade and sold in pieces, with tons of changes to both the story and an entirely different gameplay system
>????? why are people mad lmao
Blame Sephiroth. He's the remake itself.
Fuck off falseflag faggot.
They're not additions, it's literally another completely different game.
It'll sell a gorillion copies, just you wait.
Good, that's the point of a REMAKE and not a REMASTER
Just like in films. Nobody watched Brendan Fraiser's The Mummy expecting the old black and white shit, just like nobody expected Tom Cruise's The Mummy to be like Fraisers.
Because she's fit and boobs are just fat. Fit chest is superior.
Aerith lives. Goddamn Yas Forums will go absolutely nuclear and I will cum buckets
oh it will, I'm just saying it's no surprise that people are mad.
women need ~20% body fat to maintain any amount of muscle mass due to low test levels
None. Thats the point.
The one think i can think of is that sephiroth wont kill aeris, but aeris will kill herself to have access to the lifestream.
the cutscenes are cringey... i don't understand, is that how japanese people interact with one another? when a person gets stabbed you don't just stand in place with your mouth agape you run towards the attacker to drive him off as fast as you can.. honestly the cringe goes to a level where it's just uncomfortable, like an uncanny valley of cringe
What changes and surprises did they make/add? Also, how long is it? Like what part does it end at?
>People want a version of FF7 that doesn't look like shit.
>"No, have something that's mostly the same but changes random bullshit before completely changing course at the ending."
But why?
Post F to pay respect to the Tifafags who were sure she'd win this time
>multiple games are necessary in order to give the full original story the polish it deserves
>oh nevermind fuck the original story here's some fan fiction my 10 year old nephew wrote lmao.
what did they mean by this?
Expect some time fuckery
my fucking sides
It's honestly beginning to sound like no one wanted a FF7 remake at all and instead wanted just a remaster.
Why'd they do it bros?
ff7 has been remastered to hell and back anyway to ps4 and all that shit
Im not paying $60 for an incomplete game.
Christ. This is advent children levels of donut steel. I wasn't ever even a 7 fanboy, but jesus.
They meant fuck you, pay us piggies.
Why does this board’s seemingly vast majority get mad about everything? I have never seen it happy about something at all. It’s like every piece of news drives people to anger.
hey retard, the story has already changed. character that are supposed to be dead by now are alive. which basically shows sephiroth or whoever can stop people from dying and even change fate.
You one of those idiots, huh? They're the same size they were in the original concept, promo art and game.
Wait is the guy who wrote kingdom hearts writing the story for this game?
I just wanted whatever Kitase and the rest of square enix were promising
user, dont engage. TifaAutist is just using all the ending excuses to do his shit again.
Yas Forumssetera only enjoys being outraged about things anymore.
You're one of those trannies, huh?
>Fate is changed and Aerith is saved
>Tifa dies instead
People literally wanted the original game but without lego models, and maybe a bit of sprucing up here and there. People have been asking for it since Resident Evil Remake, because that's exactly what they wanted from it.
The new combat system and some changes here and there were accepted by the majority as understandable concessions in order to get the game they wanted. Now it's not even that, and future entries will be even further from an actual remake.
>yfw FF7-2 has Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth teaming up to defeat Genesis
biggs surviving is almost meaningless
that just means fate cna be changed not that the story COMPLETELY changed
>Cloud starts literally teleporting around
>that's the point
what's the point? That this is now a completely different game and no longer a remake?
>fans wouldn't be pleased with that
But the fans totally wanted Kingdom Hearts shit
people wanted a ff7 remake not a ff7 fanfic oc donut steel
>that just means fate cna be changed not that the story COMPLETELY changed
that means fate WAS changed. it's also heavily implied Zack is still alive.
to tease you into thinking you can change shit but aeris will still die.
Oh i see
Jesus fucking christ, this better be all in his head.
>FF7-2 has Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth and Genesis teaming up to defeat the Time ghosts so they can all have a gay orgy to appease the fujos
As long as Genesis is nowhere to be seen I don’t care what new shit they add. For fuck sakes Nomura NO GENESIS
Sounds pretty hot, ngl
This. I'll wait until you can play the complete package since I'm not foaming at the mouth to play it like some people, and I'm happy they're taking it in a different direction instead of being a simple retread. An actual remake would be a creatively dead endeavor.
Yes i mean that fate was and CAN be changed.
> it's also heavily implied Zack is still alive.
In another timeline. Destroying the spirits mean shit can be changed now. I like this dude theory
lmao but I guess shoehorning time travel mechanics to retcon the plot is just the pinnacle of creative writing
the game is a complete game.
If they made a single release they wouldn't be able to fit all their time travel fanfic into the game.
People wanted the exact same story? Are they retarded? Just play the original, LOL!
Sums up the shitposters foaming at the mouth right ?
One thing is have another take on a story and other is to add time travel and the motherfucking Dahaka, is like making a remake of Little Women and add time travel, or make a remake of Pulp Fiction and add time travel, or wait those are movies, is like making a Resident Evil remake and add time travel.
>the complete package
user, this IS the complete package.
The incels stuck at home just want something to shitpost about. Last week it was VR. Honestly, the world would be a better place if every poster here killed themselves.
Nothing personel Barreto
>creatively dead
lmao but I guess shoehorning time travel mechanics to retcon the plot is just the pinnacle of creative writing
It's literally not the full game.
Sephiroth kills Barret but not really because spooky ghosts interfere to fix the timeline because meta
>FF 7 Remake is GOTY and will be a massive successful both critically and financially
someone is taking the time travel meme to far.