>video game character mentions God
>lowercase g in subtitles
Video game character mentions God
what kind of shitty complaint is this you fucking mong
God isn't the only god
ok boomer
you can spell God in a lowercase g if you are not referring to the christian God
also spelling it god is technically correct
Society is advancing and we are no longer being held down by fairytales like religion that shame, exile and kill the innocent over extremely petty and sometimes downright-false claim.
Look at this faggot lmao
Yeah we call it politics now
God is a name, not a title, thus the first letter is capitalized. Different story alltogether wether or not in different media people use "God" as a titles, then it should be lowercase
Capital G refers to plato/ philosopher or monotheist God, like an unimaginably huge divine intellect that is the progenitor and controller of everything. Lower case just means a powerful being
Trannies are exiling me because I call them by their REAL PRONOUNS!
yet muslims are taking over europe and america is owned by jews
I find it hilarious how these are the same people who follow their own political ideology, as if politics are any different than religion conceptually
how do you reconcile your religion with the fact you stand up for trannies, Ahmed?
the muslims are being treated like dirt, friendo. They aren't taking over shit except perhaps the united caliphate.
That's exactly what the person you're replying to said.
Esotericism is a bit much for your average midwit. They very much like oppositions in everything, so religion is stupid and tribal and the opposite is obviously science which is clever and objective. Never mind that many genius scientists like Einstein or heisenberg or even kaku today aren’t or weren’t atheists, for these kinds of people you are a born into it retard American Protestant or an atheist
God isn't a name, it's a title. I hate retarded c*tholics so god damn much. It's the Tetragrammaton.
believing in god is so absurd lol
i mean, if your magic fag exists, why does he let me call him a magic fag? is he a bitch? why is my life so great despite not believing in any god, while hardcore true believers are stuck in poverty?
your god either doesn't exist, or is evil and actively hates you while rewarding people that don't believe lol
>cuckstains actually worship a jew that told people to be racemix
Everytime I feel down I remember that the majority of the world is gullible and weak enough to believe in a magical sky daddy to cope with their existential crysis.
So how much Americans did this god of yours save from Coronavirus?
sorry, I deleted my post because it was ESL as fuck.
I was also your sverage fedora tipper in high school, but later grew to realise that the church has nothing to do with God and the clergy are none the wiser on the matter than your average pleb. It wouldn't surprise me if it were some ancient sex ring or some evil shit like that.
And you think they should be treated any better?
>midwit reddit assblasted reply
>muh "magic man"
Why don't you just stay on plebbit, real question though, like unironically?
What makes you come to Yas Forums and say, "hey, i wanna shit this place up with my retarded centrist reddit opinions!"?
If god did exist, I doubt he'd give fuck about you calling him a fag. He's god, after all
nah they are niggers and I hope they all die.
The bible unironically explains why all of that happens
1.) we were given free will so that we could choose to do good or do evil and to choose to love him or not so that we wouldn't be pressured into it. Hell is just being without God, after all.
2.) life is hard for believers because earth is the devil's domain and he hates anyone who follows Christ. Additionally, it's tough for anyone to attempt to act like a perfect being. It's one of the fundamental reasons it's so difficult.
I suggest starting with the book of Job, it's a good example of the latter.
free will doesnt exist
even if it does, everyone has their own special interpretation of free will noone agrees with
there is this vague notion that everyone understands what free will is, but noone can define it
Every time I have some hope for humanity, I instantly remind myself that the majority of the world is dumb enough to believe in an invisible skydaddy and believes so strongly that they're willing to negate proven facts to protect that belief.
science has disproven the existence of God?
link study fren
>attempting to use a secular abstraction of the more obvious implications of a statement instead of just accepting the statement at face value
free will is that you can choose your own actions. That's all it has to be.
>avoiding the main problem concerning the free will argument
try to define free will on a fundamental level, you can't ;)
>blebbip durrhurr u dont belong on the pedo website
great response, surely proves the existence of god lmao
>magic man
>too scared to type fag
>everytime you notice an inaccuracy in the story, a wizard did it, please buy my book
>blooby blooby look at my words durr i know so much about this made up bullshit
shut the fuck up virgin
>treated like dirt
>my country (sweden) literally doesnt have a single politician that represents its own countrymen, but plenty who represent sandniggers
such an exciting time to prepare for the inevitable race war and civil unrest that will last 40 years
the ability to choose your actions
earth round
sky not impermeable shell with tiny holes in it
disease not caused by tiny demons??
yes, you and the UK are perma-fucked. Germany too.
Eastern Europe is the future of this continent.
You can't prove a negative. The existence of a deity is equally probable to an imaginary thing you can think of like sentient pink diapers or assassins made of toilet paper and twinkies.
a lion is a big cat
okay now explain the machinations of the universe and its purpose
>having principles and moral preferences is the same as religion
You might actually be retarded.
Lots of anime games mentioned on this board
then how come galaxybrained people like Tesla or Newton were believers?
>Flat Earthers
>climate denialists - in burgerland, plenty have religious motivations because "(((YHWH))) gave us the world to mercilessly exploit"
>Christian Scientists - mostly dead now, but it's still funny
>racialists - often religiously motivated, at least in burgerland
>all the shit that is happening in muslim countries
Of course you can always go "god of the gaps" and drag your unfalsifiable, non-scientific hypothesis further into irrelevance, but there are plenty of examples of people who didn't do that and got proven wrong instead.
Exactly, so saying "science has disproven god" is stupid.
Why is every other planet worthless?
Choosing to believe in a god is not a logical choice.
Bible says god is in the heavens
But he aint there just clouds and after that comes space
So where is god?
Jesus is a fucking jew
>implying homophobia and racism are bad
I'll take Jesus over aids and increased crime rates, thanks.
Those things are a product of class, not race.
He didn't imply that, though.
>there's no such thing as secular dogma
Yes, you might.
yet the nost logical people ever born were believers.
Funny how that works, it's almost as if we have no fucking idea what reality is and outright rejection of a higher power is simply dumb.
It actually isn't correct grammatically when referring to the christian God.
Absolutely based. Watch the christcucks seethe
Citing historical figures' religious beliefs mean nothing, and is an appeal to authority. Someone is not right merely by their notoriety. I can cite atheist historical figures too, and historical figures who believed a whole bunch of different things. It's not an argument and means nothing. Intelligent people can believe wrong things.
Sure, but on the flipside, science has shown the existence of a deity to not be grounded on any kind of observation or intelligent merit. It is purely blind foolish faith, in the same way believing in sentient pink diapers is foolish. There is no evidence to support the existence, and thus is essentially a worthless concept.
then how come the poorest white and asian neighbourhoods have lower crime rates than upper class black neighbourhoods?
Blacks are objectively a violent bunch, it's fact, just like how they run fast and can't swim well.
Dios mio....
>niggers are lower class everywhere
>kill the innocent over extremely petty and sometimes downright-false claim
Do you honestly think without religion that would ever stop? You think most countries these days are bombed because someone is doing it for god?
Not if there isn't a reason to believe in a higher power. Which there isn't one at this point in time.
It is, because "God" is the name and "god" is the "species".
Just like a human named "Human" would be both a human and a Human.
Why don't you? Since you're brazen enough to claim to know anything about the way our universe works, let alone that there is, in fact apparently, a god. This is why I think theists and atheists are equally retarded
>muh appeal to authority
so you are implying that you are smarter than Isaac Newton and Nikola Tesla?
Yes God is the name. So calling the christian God "god" is incorrect.
>>lowercase g in subtitles
Gods are living beings. We have yet to find one, but once we do, I'm going to eat it, and leave behind my corpse, and ascend to a new level of biology.
DO not worry my child, your time will eventually come, to be embraced by the warm, loving embrace of the great Dark, back to where we all belong.
Being secular does not precipitate belonging to any group or adhering to any particular dogma. For example, I'm an atheist, and I'm politically quite conservative. I don't belong to any group of atheists, don't read atheist literature, and have nothing in common with other atheists other than a lack of belief in deity. Trying to brand this as equal to religion is a pure religious cope.
>>muh appeal to authority
Oh shit we got some 21 year old faggot who just took his first philosophy class over here guys. Now the REAL discussion begins amirite?
>implying a deity would care how you depict his name in your puny human language
you fail to realise the same issues were discussed during the enlightenment. humanism invariably leads to hedonism, degeneracy, and eventual societal collapse.
Do you think that successful upper class black people are violent? And what do you think happens to a culture when it is beaten down? Im not shilling for niggers but hating the race over the culture is stupid. That's like saying eating burgers and being fat is white culture. Its American culture.
how is every other planet worthless? because a barely sentient species of aggro piss apes can't find anything that fits its own definition of life?
why would a god create a near infinite number of completely pointless planets?
Only when you refer to him as one of the gods.
Calling him a god is perfectly fine in the context where he doesn't have to be differentiated from others.
you're the one who started throwing babby's-first-Yas Forums-sticky fallacies around faget
>religion did not / does not instill moral principles
You're an idiot and have made it clear you're not worth responding to past this point. Plenty of rare geniuses have believed in different deities or no deities at all. Citing the religiosity of historical figures as proof that they must be true is beyond idiotic.
Prove his existence using actual solid evidence that hasn't been fabricated by lunatic followers.
I never said it's the same or that they're equivalent. I'm saying that modern politics is mostly dogmatic.
The assumption of lefty cucks(which you are), is that once you remove religion you'll remove dogma as well and people will naturally become more rational, but the truth is that you'll just replace religious irrationality with secular irrationality.
bruv what the fuck is gravity then? The Universe is literal clockwork of some kind.
>humanism invariably leads to hedonism, degeneracy, and eventual societal collapse.
Not sure if retard or pretending.
100% Orange Poe's Law
god works in mysterious ways lol XD
>why would a god create a near infinite number of completely pointless planets?
yes that is the question I asked
>life is hard for believers
Life is hard for everyone, faggot.
>Society is advancing and we are no longer being held down by fairytales like religion that shame, exile and kill the innocent over extremely petty and sometimes downright-false claim.
you are alive.
He's not me you moron. And it's not my fault you're an absolute brainlet who is engaging in day 1 logical fallacies.
>Durr god must exist because some smart guy several hundred years ago believed he did! idz drue!!
Literal mentally damaged tier logic, and yes, an appeal to authority fallacy.
>This is why I think theists and atheists are equally retarded
Yeah, the group which says that unprovable mystery being exists is just as retarded as the group who says "probably not, seems unlikely".
Great logic there.
Wrong post, meant to reply to
Morality exists independent of religion. Religion did not "invent" morality as we have plenty of historical evidence of morality existing before whatever retarded religion you believe in, and it's easy to logically deduce its existence operates independently of religion.
okay I guess Tesla was a dumbass american protestant young earth creationist
I don't think you know what atheist means
It doesn't though. It installs rules for peasants to follow and authority to enforce.
>calling people who don't bow to a cult cucks
>I'm saying that modern politics is mostly dogmatic.
Sure, but that's irrelevant to anything we were discussing.
>lefty cucks(which you are),
I'm a conservative capitalist. You're an idiot.
>is that once you remove religion you'll remove dogma as well and people will naturally become more rational
Not a single person stated or even implied this in this thread. Blatant strawman. You lost the argument and now you're flailing and going off on tangents and other topics that nobody else even mentioned.
christianity does indeed instill good moral values in people, or at least they try to.
Other religions are literally just weird sex cults.
wanna know how i know youre a jew? or a dumb burger?
>>climate denialists
the issue is not that the climate is changing, that can be examined (by the little ice age for example) the issue is the actual impact global humanity has.
you can argue ecological collapse with desertification, acidification, and urban sprawl, and i would agree with you. but those scenarios are more local than what is being led to believe.
furthermore, i certainly do not think using the climate as a switch and bait to enact globalistic policies (read hegemony) is truthful.
also; drop the "denialist" part. does you no favours and cements the opposite view. youre again projecting what you want them to think of themselves.
>>Christian Scientists - mostly dead now, but it's still funny
Christianity is european culture. i would not expect a rapebaby foreigner to understand. the two can be linked. there IS a god, whether you like it or not.
i do not have an irrational fear of sodomites. i have a rational one. stop projecting such goalpost shifting doublethink onto me.
>Wrong post, meant to reply to
How? You fuckers bang on about logic but there is zero physical identifiable proof that morality isn’t made up bullshit
no. there are stereotypes for a reason, which go beyond any class you dumb filthy communist scum.
we are not all the same, and are not simply divided along economic means .
Defending any form of religion is retarded. It has Z E R O beneficial factors that cannot be achieved independently of it. In the end all it does is benefit megalomaniacs that want to pretend they understand everything and have extreme power. It's schizo ego games.
I'm alive because my parents had me, not because some invisible ghost man in the sky wanted me to be.
>yet muslims are taking over europe
True, but only if you get your news from Yas Forums
christianity is for a large part also a weird masochistic death cult
the good morals even get rather overshadowed by the submitting and living in fear of god and stuff
I too, occasionally, OP
>if you are not referring to the christian God
Then you should call such "gods" as demons.