Destroying the Arbiters didn't save Zack or change any the events of the past...

Destroying the Arbiters didn't save Zack or change any the events of the past. It created an alternate timeline where Zack survives (expect the DLC episodes to take place in this timeline). The past in their own timeline can't be changed; Zack is indeed dead in the context of the main Remake story, but killing the Arbiters opened up possibilities for their future including one where Aerith lives and another where Sephiroth wins and everything in-between as well as the futures of all other timelines. This basically is Square Enix's way of saying that the player can alter the events of FFVII's story, if they play their cards right.

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it's not okay when capeshit does it

it's okay when shitty jrpg does tho

Ok, but that's still dumb

Post Proof

>Game follows the original story
>Alternate timeline DLC unlocks the good ending
I'm fine with this.

there is no difference between those two things

Other way around

And this makes it better how?

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>replying to your own bullshit cope with "I'm fine with this"
You've been doing this for XV too and for KH3, square-shill.

can finalfantasyfags cope any harder?

Rule 1 to make a good plot: NO TIME TRAVELS

But Square-Enix hasn't learn nothing. Final Fantasy VIII, X, XIII and now this one, all plots fucked by the same stupid trope

And Kingdom Hearts, don't forget Kingdom Hearts

>multiple games are necessary in order to give the full original story the polish it deserves
>oh nevermind fuck the original story here's some fan fiction my 10 year old nephew wrote lmao.
what did they mean by this?

>thinking there's any chance of nomuras autism being dlc only

That was their excuse for the game having episodic release right? Fucking false advertisement

I'm not. I'm seething

is there a halo crossover now what the fuck is even happening

Cloud still has the Buster Sword and is still loopy thinking he's an Ex-SOLDIER. That's a pretty enormous indication right there.

That, and we see altZack carrying altCloud towards Midgar past our Aerith and Cloud as they leave it, indicating a difference in timelines. The past hasn't been changed, but the timelines aren't under the control of the Arbiters anymore, opening them up to other possibilities.

There's no actual time travel, though. Sephiroth seems aware of the future and the Arbiters were his only obstacle to changing it in his favor. He needed Cloud to destroy them so that he can enact his plan, but this time knowing what's going to happen He might even decide not to kill Aerith, since that was his biggest mistake in the context of the original story.

1 was about time travel user

That's just a time paradox, you fucking retard. Never expect flawless logic from a time traveling story, especially when it's tacked on.

The worst time travel I ever play in my life

1 didn't have time travel added on 20 years later

Time paradoxes are fine; time travel is a completely different animal. The only thing actually time-traveling seems to be the Arbiters themselves.

In any case, the timey wimey nonsense is over. The only real thing that's going to carry into Part 2 and 3 is the "future not set in stone" aspect they seem to be leaning into in the ending.

>the player can alter the events of FFVII's story if they play their cards right
You mean SE can change FF7's story if they feel like it.

I like Zack so I don't care lol

Based lore raping fujos dabbing on puristfags

cloud literally saw the moment Aeris dies in the future. acting like they can pretend the story going forward isn't forever fucked is delusional

Say what you will, but over half of the people who watched the last trailer lost their shit when saw even a mention of Zack.

He's so popular, they had to cash on him.

Nobody cares.

zack ending in CC was his best scene, being alive fuck with that

>He might even decide not to kill Aerith, since that was his biggest mistake in the context of the original story.

This is probably the most likely scenario, and only makes sense if Sephiroth actually knows the future. Player will be expecting Cloud to save Aerith, only for it to turn out that she won't have to be saved at all. He still wants to fuck with Cloud, so I expect him to try something to make him suffer. I vaguely suspect that Tifa's the one that isn't safe in this particular scenario.

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They could add him to the party.
I always felt like Zack was the missing party member and he's too fucking popular to pass the chance not to cash on him.

That's not proof, it's conjecture
I too was confused but it's undoubtedly relevant and not the last we've seen of it. I really doubt they'd show us that if they weren't going to explore it or wasn't relevant.

Either way, we won't KNOW until they either tease to release part 2 or someone/Nomura tells us. Stop posing your theories on a game that's not even officially released as fact.

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Just turn off your brain and enjoy the dumb fanservice and CGI, bro.

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>The past hasn't been changed, but the timelines aren't under the control of the Arbiters anymore, opening them up to other possibilities.
So it is weird separate timeline time travel as well? This is going to be worse than that time Plague tried to explain DBZ time travel.

Normal would be bad enough, but you just know that Nomura who can't keep his shit straight will make this even more of pointlessly chaotic mess. Don't lay out any rules cause they will be broken.

won't the zipper hurt her there?

he's literally alive from another timeline.

see: future trunks. god this plot is awful.

Time travel and timeline dopery are fucking shit and I will never be convinced otherwise no matter how it's spun.

I usually ignore these posts but for some reason this was kinda funny

They won't kill Tifa, she's the favorite. Not even in the game, but in everything.

Also Nomura doesn't kill anyone anymore. EVERYONE survives and get a happy ending now. Did you learn nothing from Kingdom Hearts?

>Implying Tifa has hair anywhere but her head

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He is just Cloud with black hair. Completely useless as a party member besides completely fucking the story.
If they were going by popularity alone they would add
Sephiroth himself as a party member (that's a real possibility given the state of things).

They're just playing by the "infinite universes with infinite possibilities" rules, only the Arbiters were patroling realities where those possibilities happened and prevented them from happening, but Cloud destroying them lifted that restriction on all timelines, including their own.

I don't expect Zack to show up alive in the Remake's main game, if Cloud's any indication, but he's alive in another timeline. Basically, this allows them to make and sell DLC that isn't restricted by the events of the main game. They went FAR afield in their justification for it, but I guess it...kind of works.

I'm 99.99% sure the original FF7 didn't had any single thing related to time traveling, I am wrong?

He gets shot in the back soon after this.
The REAL bullshit is all the shit going on in with time ghosts and Sephiroth changing fate or whatever.
>inb4 change fate Sephiroth is actually perfectly sane

There is a future sephiroth and a present sephiroth. Present sephiroth is dead and in the northren crater. Future sephiroth wants to change shit, but he cant because of watchmen of fate, spirits that want to keep the events just like that, and they were probably even following future sephiroth to the past to stop him. Im sure ive seen this concept before in soul reaver, where monsters attack raziel when hes travelling around time and messing with it.

Sephiroth wants to change things but he cant, so he tricks the party into thinking that watchmen of fate are bad and that if they dont change fate, they will get a bad ending (showing that red XIII scene where he runs towards a destroyed midgar. They assume this is the bad ending, when in reality it is the good one). The party defeats the the spirits and now they have to face sephiroth, because since theres no spirits, he can do whatever you want. Cloud defeats future sephiroth and shit is, for now, restored.
Now the party knows that something is up with sephiroth, so they leave midgar to find present sephiroth and try to change fate on stuff. They dont know what is gonna happen.

Thats it.

My theory is that sephiroth also shows all this scenes to Cloud to prevent Aeris from dying. With aeris not dying she cant have access to the lifestream, therefore meteor should win. Probably the new objective is to take her holy materia and not to kill her.

I dont know about you, but i firmly think that this part was about future sephiroth + watchmen of fate, while the next parts will purely be present sephiroth and jenova like the normal OG, with the potential of fate changing.

that's a pretty good theory.

i'm okay then if this true

Why da fuck did they have to come up with this whole Arbiter bullshit to justify being able to simple change events of the main story? You don't need an entire new plot element to insert multiple narrative branches in your remake, just include them in the game and thats it.

Did we really need guardians of time and space and a whole new timeline to explain why we can save Aerith in this new game? As opposite to simple saying its a new feature of the game you are already calling a "reimagination"? This is what you get when you insert convoluted anime bullshit in your game.

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They could add Zack to the party and give Cloud his fusion sword as a sort of game-changer. I never liked Cloud wearing SOLIDER uniform and using buster sword it always felt lik he was living in Zack's shadow the whole time.

So where does genesis fit in all of these?

>remake literally calls the original ffvii ending a bad end


I think very few people are focusing on the gameplay aspects, user.
So far people have liked the combat but nothing more to say.

Did you forget chrono trigger faggot?



>I never liked Cloud wearing SOLIDER uniform and using buster sword it always felt lik he was living in Zack's shadow the whole time.
Yes and that is part of Cloud's story you dense fuck. The greatest part of FF7 is when Cloud plunges into his memories and remembers himself. You would know this if you fucking played it.

Yes and no. It's clear that the Lifestream is some kind of inter-dimensional temporal nexus. It wasn't spelled out that the actual past could be accessed through it, but at the very least shadows of the past could be explored as physical realities within the Lifestream. So if that's how Sephiroth has accessed the past, it could fit. It really depends how much Nomura gives a shit about consistency and reconciling the plot. I'm not hopeful.

Where the fuck are you guys getting that future Sephiroth was defeated? Cloud WAS DEFEATED. And Sephiroth both alludes to his come back and that there is something bigger than him in the works.

Didnt you beat sephiroth as cloud?