New World

Someone streamed the alpha of New World MMO, whats the verdict Yas Forums

Will you play?

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 2.36M)

So little hype behind it. What makes it special?

its in the vein of eve online or albion online. So it fucking sucks

>no non consensual pvp
its DOA

The only thing that makes it special is that its being funded by Amazon. Aside from that, nobody cares about it.

literally just backed by amazon slave labor money and that's it. None of the other MMOs in production have that kind of backing. I stopped giving a shit when they took WPvP out to appeal to tranny loot treadmillers that will complain they are out of content to consoom in like a month and quit because all they know how to do is follow waypoints.

UO Pre-Trammel can't exist in TYOOL 2020. UO only succeeded because people didn't have alternatives. You get ganked back then for hours on end, you'd keep persisting. You get ganked for hours now? Fuck this game, let's play something else bro

Fuck PvP gankboxes. Go play Darkfall if you want that shit.

Amazon's first game. Soulsborne action combat in a MMO setting. Pretty cool setting.

I agree with this user desu senpai
if you want non-consensual open pvp you can play with the 200 other braindead faggots that want the same thing over in Darkfall or Mortal.

Those games are dead for a reason.

>PvP focused

eve online started losing subscribers when they started nerfing ganking. wow classic was most successful mmo in recent memory and had non consensual pvp (until blizzard ruined it and made sure it would never reach its full potential) Darkfall and whatever the fuck else are dead because they are shit games by themselves.

it's not an MMORPG, it's a rust clone

It's a Rust-esque game on a single server therefore making it a MMO you dumb nigger

>rust with fallout 76 pvp mechanics
take a shit game and make it even worse
bravo bezos

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>Soulsborne action combat

Attached: 1567229138315.gif (491x502, 27.51K)

its literally bigger rust, or ark minus the fantasy and dinos

It's as much of an "MMO" as MH is.
Coop trash.

Phase 2 killed classic.

>UO only succeeded because people didn't have alternatives.
UO only had PVP in the first place because the devs were giga cucks who wanted players to be able to do literally anything in their game and limiting literally anything would go against their purist view. so i don't care if they were the precursor of anything, fuck their retarded game that looks like shit. it doesn't cater to me.

>Those games are dead for a reason.
maybe cause they have no quality and are buggy as shit? ever considered that?

>5 and 7 gig files
yeah not worth it. gimme a stream or chop it up a little

looks boring as fuck

>game is literally called new world
>is backed by the most kiked company on the planet
how soulless can a game even get?

no shit the thumbnail looks boring



are you implying the game is about the "new world order" meme? are you really that retarded?

This and ashes of creations are on my radar.

new world is such and unimaginative name. that paired with the soulless design on the OP image has killed any interest i could have had towards this game.

Stop typing in buzzwords. No one can take anything you type seriously.

backed by amazoomer.
meaning every streamer and thot on twitch will get a pay day when this come out to shill it

Attached: EBUF6AoUYAAz_Jb.jpg (900x1200, 197.44K)

no one can take this fucking game seriously.

I'm in the alpha and it sucks, open beta is end of the month

But that’s factually wrong.

people like the idea of open world pvp until they actually get it
I used to play on pvp servers in a lot of MMOs in the 2000s and early 2010s and every game was the same shit, 90% of people would just farm mobs totally ignore pvp and 10% of people ganking people who were just PvE fags in a PvP world

the combat looks so fucking bad. its just like rust but somehow worse

>unimaginative name
new world is a historical term. americas is the "new world", africa asia and europe is the "old world". it has shit to do with jews. and mixing real terminology with pure fantasy is by definition original kys

>soulless design
oh i think i know what you mean by "soulful". you want everyone to look like a retarded piece of shit overwatch character kys

Open world pvp always sounds goos to retards that don’t think about the long term. Because you will always have a group of tards who make pvp their life and fuck it up for everyone.

soulful design has passion put into it. soulless design is this check marked capitalist bullshit with all the safest venues taken so you wouldn't offend any of the normie masses that drove into the shit game and push their money onto it.

New World's premise is essentially "what if puritan colonists came over from England and all the native legends were actually true?"

Also the art design in this game is impeccable. Stay mad zoom zooms this is a boomer game.

i understand you want a good mmo, we all do but new worlds will be fotw at most. the combat looks worse than rust man.

opvp is the best part of any mmo. all mmos should be opvp

Get gud faggot

that model would have been especially bad for this game too considering it's about people building settlements and conquering the land. I imagine if they kept completely open world PvP is that you'd have those dedicated PvPers who go around in big numbers ganking shitters and destroying settlements while people slept

If they let us go full ancap with stuff like guild run territories I'll be happy but I expect all the stuff about player controlled economy and taxation to get neutered to hell.

As someone in the alpha the game is embarassingly boring and buggy

i've got sour news jack. this is being developed by Amazon Game Studios which hasn't launched a title in 8 years (save for some Top Gear show companion shovelware)

amazon might be worth a lot of money, but they're also famously "frugal" (cheap) and as evidence by their original series, the place is a blackhole for creativity and innovation. literally every creative work they produce is a sanitized, designed-by-committee soulless husk

so yeah this is going to bomb hard

Its shit lol

I like the setting
>PvP focus
And there it is, dead on arrival. It never works because poop socks dominate these MMO PvP scenes to the point where not being one yourself means it is impossible to get enjoyment out of the game, time has only ever shown that appealing to these people makes for a bad game.

This is basically the test bed for their Lord of the Rings MMO
You really think the test bed for the MMO they paid hundreds of millions of dollars for the rights to is gonna be shit?

meant to post this aswell

Attached: new world.jpg (724x480, 34.18K)

i wish mmos werent shit. i will wait for crimson desert online, blue protocol, or genshin impact. new world looks like itll be dead on arrival. also a $40 price tag

I'm in the alpha test and have been for awhile. I come back to it every now and then. The reason I won't play it is simply because the combat is far too simplistic and the quests aren't fun.

This is the one with nodes and city upgrade by players, action combat, etc?

>Soulsborne action combat in a MMO setting.
Yeah let's take high stakes real time action combat and make it dependent on your internet connection, a central server and the turtles rubbing against cables at the bottom of the ocean.

I heard its pretty much black desert?

no, that's Ashes of Creation.

Sooo, it's DOA?


pretty much. look at the combat and tell me you could stomach it for more than 2 hours

I'm pretty much on standby right now I don't know much about the game, not enough to make a decision, and I want to know the exact business model behind it before pulling the trigger.

Damn. Shit's really this bad?

It’s way better than bdo

theres no way this game is better than bdo. based off combat alone id rather play bdo over NW

>implying we should stay away from real time action combat in MMOs because the niggers and spics can't get a solid internet connection
just get a better connection bruh

>based off combat alone
There's your problem. Combat isn't going to make up for the (((Korean))) monetization or lack of solid MMO mechanics

are there sexy females in NW? is it less grindy?

>Hey so we marketed this is a huge open world PvP faction warfare game
>2-3 months from launch remove world PvP and suddenly decide its a PvE game

This is definitely a work in progress kinda game. Im glad they added in rifts and zone invasions since those are great in MMOs that have them, but I worry the game is gonna feel barebones.

BDO has the best combat in any mmo ive played. I dont mind grinding in that game but theres no way to play it without spending money so i quit after 3 years. Lifeskilling is where the fun is in bdo for me. Unless NW makes up for it with a great lifeskilling system like bdo i dont see it going anywhere.

>are there sexy females in NW? is it less grindy?
based off the footage no sexy girls. i hope its as grindy as bdo though i like having a goal to work towards in an mmo.

That's the biggest concern I have as a player. You can't just spend five years making a pvp focused game, go dark for a year saying you'll respond to alpha tester's feedback, come back with an entirely new pve focused game and say "we're launching in four months pls pre-order"

the combat in BDO gets buried by the insane monetization and the shit tier content
I liked the combat but I had 0 reason to get invested in the world so I quit it in around 10 hours

americans get jewed too hard by their ISPs to get a better connection that's why asian MMO combat keeps getting better while western MMO combat is the same clunky slow dogshit time and time again