Gonna try and take a crack at streaming some Jackbox for a few hours, so come and hang out if you're interested. It's gonna be my first time streaming it so hopefully I don't fuck anything up.
Codes are gonna be posted in the thread. Gonna start off with Quiplash 2 and then we'll vote from there.

>Jackbox Party Pack 3
>Jackbox Party Pack 4
>Jackbox Party Pack 5

Attached: cropped-Jackbox-Games-Logo-Web-2.png (1751x576, 86.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Code is AFSB


Attached: 35e.png (492x463, 300.73K)

about to hop into bed but have a bump. hope I can catch a round or two when I wake up

Attached: 6dff6f16774b17e45137f7304ee73800.jpg (894x894, 52.49K)

I'll watch always down for comfy streams

Finally someone other than fucking dumbdigger and his laggy stream.

oh and have you tried posting a link in the friday night thread?

I did not, probably should though

Even during quarantine, some people still have work and school, so maybe you should wait until later to start this.

I'll probably give it another 5 or 10 and then start with what we've got. I know it's usually hard to get the ball rolling with these things

Oooh, I'll help seed this Jackstream

Attached: image-UGC_36-null.png (512x256, 105.54K)

Don't have much of my own to post but this

Attached: teeko.png (1724x1240, 1.2M)

start the game

QuipLash is one of the best games for streaming and playing with unfunny people (women and channers)

Attached: QL1230912.png (796x452, 290.07K)


Damn, I got dunked on by a safety Q. BRB committing suicide

>safety quiplash

Attached: 1584565517077.png (764x710, 87.14K)

Dumbdigger worst host

Alright, what's up next

rapping robots

rap game

2 quiplashes in Round 1
Bombed harder than Boston marathon Round 2
Clean up in Last Lash

Attached: 1525479487993.jpg (364x366, 67.04K)

Rapping robos


Code is LAWN

erectin' a bump

I'll join in 1-2 minutes if no one takes the 8th slot, on the fence about rapping

just some bantz user

I suspect a lot of cringe is about to occur.

GG, you destroyed me Derp

Attached: 1571001965405.jpg (543x442, 43.38K)

Attached: 1504173806155.jpg (400x599, 21.72K)

Moonman and Bud actually bringing heat.

god i wish i was good at rhyming

So this is called the famous humor /plo/ thread huh?

Face it losers non of POC when your famous without more successful then you'll ever racist. Get out

>suck on my maggot
tendie why are you roasting yourself?


Get fucked

Attached: 1551202670392.gif (248x202, 674.54K)

>didnt get last line in and i still won

Attached: 1572714774021.jpg (450x450, 31.71K)


Attached: 1559428901678.jpg (896x896, 37.29K)

Rematch or internet



Code is LDWQ

I was robbed




Let's play MVC now that it crashed lol


Attached: 1573422506090.png (573x533, 61.6K)

Fuck, not really sure what happened there, it ended up crashing on me with no warning

do another internet

I'll try one more round of internet and move to MVC afterwards.
If it crashes again I'll probably have to put Jackbox 4 on the backburner

Code is LEDL

So raping robots now? Pls pls pls

You missed it earlier.

Yeah I'm gonna move on to MVC for now since 4 is fucking up, might try it again later.
Sorry to everyone that tried to join the last two games

buy pack 6 u fucker

Code is ZVAM

get in fellas

Attached: DUANE.gif (460x307, 464.12K)


bamp part 2

Aww hell yea
Jackbox time baby

Attached: Dayum.png (1421x798, 792.28K)


Probably gonna cross Jackbox 4 off the list since I'm worried about shit crashing mid-game again. 3 and 5 should still be fine though and I'll add Drawful 2