>be seiken densetsu 3
>rely only on your charming sprite work and music to be a charming game
>make a remake
>lose both by making meme graphics and watered down music
>combat is even easier
Music is solid and the combat would be an improvement if it weren't so piss easy.
Otherwise I agree. Aside from people who have a nostalgiaboner for the original, I don't see how people can be hype after playing the demo. I played on PC so graphics weren't an issue like consoles but I still found it lackluster and would rather go back and keep playing the collection.
I played the demo on hard and I never even had to use a healing item once. What the fuck is this.
and her outfits only get sexier, shame they censored pink typhoon.
>Aside from people who have a nostalgiaboner for the original, I don't see how people can be hype after playing the demo
To be able to choose the best clothes, of course
>cancer 'meme'
>Yas Forumscksucker br*ny as well
Hmmm who would've thought
was excited for the game because of her, was extremely disappointed when the demo was shit
Never played the original, but I liked the demo. Gave me an SNES RPG feeling at times, and I really liked that.
because the dumbass went 100% fidelity that thye forgot to make the enemies more agressive in a real time fight. They still behave like the original.
>mad about a word
>implying i go on Yas Forums
>implying AT has anything to do with br*nies
Pasty low-iq cuck detected
ok seething br*ny söyboy
>reddit censoring
>calling anyone out
you should all kill yourselves
what the fuck are you talking about
What was wrong with it?
Buying this just to coom to her.
What game
Trials of Mana
It was not shit
It nice to be in puberty eh?
>watered down music
It's literally the same music as in the original with a better orchestration. You can switch back to the original music any time you want though.
>meme graphics
What does that even mean?
Mana internet defense force reporting in, pay no heed to those saying it sucks, it really isn't that bad, overall it's actually pretty fun, though it does have its problems.
Looks nice (if last gen/rudimentary)
Plays reasonably well. Combat is satisfying enough (reminds me a bit of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon.)
Sound is tastefully handled, unlike SoM2018. Faithful sound upgrades rather than arbitrary remixes.
New NPCs, more dialogue, more story to get your teeth into.
Seeing the set pieces re-conceptualised into 3D is very rewarding to the senses.
Generally faithful to the original game. Feels conservative, a bit generic but has a classic feel.
English dub isn't too hot. Charlotte and Lumina are awkward, Kevin somewhat awkward too. I will be playing with the Japanese dub to keep the fourth wall intact.
Too easy even on hard mode. Hopefully just because it's the early game
No variation in enemy spawns, including between day and night (WHAT? Original game had four enemy sets per loading area.)
switch or ps4?
Both and PC
Any major difference between switch and pc versions like in dragon qiest for example? Can I have the game look notably better on pc (4k)?
Dumping a few screenshots for those who didn't bother to play the demo
The combate is slow
The only issue is the slow combate and thats it .... Loved the original but this looks incredible
>english voices are shit
>switch to japanese voices
>they're also shit
thanks i hate it
I am always impressed at how low JRPG player's standards are.
engwish voices awe gweat, you take that back owe I'm going to get weawwy angwy
be vewy vewy quiet... I'm huntin' wabites.
Please explain it to me anons: why can't I move the camera lower to see Angela's cute butt?
What is SE trying to accomplish?
The one character I know that I will not have in my party
At this point this looks better than FF7R.
Can't you see that Angela dresses like this because its comfortable, and not for you to look at?
yeah, a 3D version of this wouldn't fly unfortunately, fuckin feminazis
can't you see that her sexuality empowers her?
the game is a multiplat
Having absurd standards for graphics is for retard movie-game consumers
I'm thinking of going Chadran (Paladin) run with Angela (Rune Master, for death spell) and Riesz (Star Lancer) run.
I was gonna go Kevin (Warrior Monk) with the two girls
But then the beastiality implications changed my mind.
I'd go Hawkeye but then I have no healer whatsoever.
This game will undeniably sell the most copies on PS4 though, how stupid are you?
Then why the ps hat, other than your too lazy to find the right image or make one yourself?
Because movie watchers tend to be söyny niggers.
or should I do Duran as Lord so I can multi target heal and use tinkle rain?
It doesn't matter because the remake is piss easy even on hard so any build will do it.
How well it sells on the PS4 partially depends on if Duran and Kevin's designs sell them on the game in spite of how triggered they are by Angela and Riesz's designs.
So, can I play their game if I never played another one in this series?
Absolutely. The games are barely related, and much like Final Fantasy, really only reference eachother.
The series titles are very self contained.
Game was censored, even a little? Oopsie, too bad dev! Now I will pirate your game! Haha fuck you! I was gonna pay, but now I download for FREEEEEEEEEEE AHAHAHAHAHAHA OH NONONONONONONO.
Truthfully I was super hyped for this game since it looked very appealing and offered the exact type of cute lewdness that gets censored these days, but they still fucked it up. I won't give even an inch
Nah, as long as they still have sexy outfits and show a lot of skin to me it's all good.