Why did Tactical RPGs die?

Why did Tactical RPGs die?

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Also they are quite similar

Stagnant genre that doesn't scale well.

99% of them were just FFT clones, a game which mechanically isn't very good.

they just stopped making them for some reason

I like Disgaea but I hate the localizers who got their grubby mitts on the IP.

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how do you pronounce 'orge'


Because they went with square grids instead of hex, and it's stupid not being able to attack a diagonally adjacent tile.

Fire emblem is still around

which one is best

i think i like disgaea

Langrisser came out

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Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is by far the best TRPG to ever exist.

Hex is harder to program than squares, and its not like this sort of game has a high budget to get real programmers with.

He's not wrong, out of all the "tactics" style clones, FFT itself is the weakest but most iconic. Easiest to get into and that's where most people start.

Fuck off hexnigger

The average person who plays games can't handle hex grids. It requires a medium IQ

can you have lots of weird creatures on your team?
i remember disgaea 2 or something was really cool with that, and throwing mobs at eachother to make them stronger for more xp

>FF shit
>best anything

seething Fire Emblem drone

enjoy your dating sim

What´s the best Tacticals RPGs for SNES or GBA?????

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>FE is the only other trpg to exist
lmao, but yeah FE is better than FF trash. In order for your game to be considered tactical, it needs tactics. FF doesn't have that

Morpher job lets you take the form of enemies.

Slow cumbersome UI: the genre.
This kind of game plays like molasses without a mouse.

That's funny because some fool here tried to convince me that this game is "designed" for a gamepad and using a mouse while emulating this game would make things only more "clunky".

Play Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark

Attached: Fell-Seal_-Arbiters-Mark_20190427204748.jpg (1920x1080, 592.37K)

>horrible clashing art style where the character models and backgrounds look like they belong to different games
>one of the worst stories I have ever seen in a game
>poor imitation of FFT overall

I'm good, thanks.

what are you, fire emblemfag or niggea?


I played a tactics ogre emulator a while back and I really enjoyed it. This was my first dip into this genre, despite being heavily invested in the old C&C style RTS games in the early 2000s. Seems as if this genre is pretty dead now, but are there any classics to hit / you should play?

>nobody mentions Mechanicus

One of the better 40k games in general.

I had a really good time with it, fantastic sound design and atmosphere. Play it on very hard the first time though, it's easy to get a bit overpowered.


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I wouldn't even play them anymore even if they still made them. TRPGs were fine when I was 14 and had free time to game for like 8 hours a day, but they're too slow for modern life. One random encounter by itself is like a 30 minute or more investment.

Because making a beautiful sprite world with a solid combat system and balance takes a lot more working than shitting out some low-poly 3D models from an Indian sweatshop.

I wouldn't call it dead as Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Fire Emble 3 houses both had some mainstream attention.

Also Fae Tactics is going to be comfy

VC as a series isn't really much of a tactical RPG. I guess it kinda is but that's a pretty blurred line since it's a weird mix of third person shooter and RPG. It's technically tactical but it feels weird to have this series and a series like FFT in the same genre since VC involves 3D physics and 3rd person shooter mechanics. Is any game in the "tactical" genre just by using multiple units and having a battle map?

They can be clunky as fuck, not a ton of variety between a good number of them in terms of game design, and they never sold the best either.

Fire Emblem was a smash hit last year you retard.

the overabundance of Fire Emblem games lately has made everyone sick of them

A new Final Fantasy tatics is out.
Is a mobile game and a gacha on top of that. But that's what we got I suppose

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Based and hexpilled

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Banner of the coom.

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This game isn't that good, unfortunately.

You quickly realize all classes feel the same and this doesn't really change.

Why can't they make something like this again? This was fun.

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Because the peak game was achieved with OPs pic related. Nothing to improve upon.

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>tfw the last 2 entries in the best TRPG series have been a garbage tps and survival stealth game

literally who asked for this

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Nobody wants to play 1 hour battles

I wasn't aware they died. When did this happen?

Its ogre, not orge

And oh-grr

more or less in the PS3/360 era

Is it ios only? I looked on the android store and didn't see it

First you spell it right, then pronounce it like it's spelt.

Poor sales

Not enough button mashing. Tactic games are slow and the gameplay is outdated. It doesnt allow for movies, button mashing, and other things that actually make a video game FUN

Because they require good writers and japan have no more of those

Fire emblem is a great intro into the genre but that's it. And even then i would say there are better choices. FE is so simple its boring.
FFTA is not bad but its far from the BEST. Has a great story though.

FFTA with the "anarchy' hack that removes the laws

I wouldn't go so far as to say FFTA's story is "great". It's just fine, even if you ignore the "Marche is a villain" shit.

FFTA unironically

On modern handhelds and the PSP that wouldnt be a problem. Games just suspend themselves when you put them to sleep.

I liked Advance 2

how is anyone even supposed to make a "deep" fft clone youll just complain like a little nigger no matter what