ITT: Scams in gaming

ITT: Scams in gaming

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>multiple games are necessary in order to give the full original story the polish it deserves.
>oh nevermind fuck the original story here's some fan fiction my 10 year old nephew wrote lmao
what did they mean by this?

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>More characters is bad

Retards shouldn't have been asking for a remake in the first place

>Sephiroth goes back in time to change fate so he wins
>But these ghost show up and constantly stop him from changing the past
>Sephiroth tricks Cloud and company into defeating the ghosts
>This leads to a timeline where he devours the planet and spreads throughout all of creation
>Cloud and company realize this and go back in time to stop him
>You were the ghosts the whole time, but your past selves stopped you
>Some Deus Ex Machina happens and you defeat final super duper safe Sephiroth and restore the original ending
>Final scene is what happens past the original ending of Red XIII arriving at the ruins of Midgar to find they're full of life and humans have restored the planet

the .hack games

divided a full game into multiple parts and charged full price for each part.

>wishing bad graphics looked good is worthy of punishment
What traumas have you experienced in your childhood to become like that? Daddy beat you up for doing things he never told you were wrong?

>>Final scene is what happens past the original ending of Red XIII arriving at the ruins of Midgar to find they're full of life and humans have restored the planet

Kek, does this mean that there won't be any other parts? They just did midgar and that's it?

there will definitely be more parts. But it won't be FF7. It will be whatever hallucinations nomura sees on his next acid trip

nah, the beginning of part 2 will be sephiroth going back in time to stop the end of part 1 and make a new time line where Biff Tannen and Sans rule the world with him wearing a maid outfit

Yes, paying money for Byleth and arms shit is bad

>implying there isn't going to be more classic characters in the next 5 slots they haven't announced

The first character is the best one to hook people into buying the pass. That's why Joker was first and Byleth was last. It's all downhill from here

You favorite game.

Blind season passes are bad

It's kind of genius in a way. Midgar is easily the most iconic part of FF7. If they really did just recreate the game 1:1, no part would sell as much as the first because Midgar. Now they have free reign to do whatever the fuck they want with future parts and sales will drop less because people can no longer say they know exactly what will happen in future parts.

>implying fans of the original game will buy episode 2 after seeing this dumpster fire

Seethe harder nostalgiafag

>muh real fans
kill yourself

I mean the twist is fucking stupid user. Nomura is a tasteless retard and no longer has any idea how to craft a compelling narrative.

Yeah, real fans aren't even getting the first game

So If I get this right they decided to summarize the entire game into just Midgar for some reaosn? Why would someone think that's a good idea.

Fuck off Barry

what made you think this.

Fujoshits and KH-loving zoomers will buy and probably be enough to break even. By design Part 1 is the only part they care about OG fans buying.

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I called this out last year after playing through every KH game. Nomura can't do something simple, it has to be autism x10. But I'm ok with it since they are making a new experience

They wouldn't, and that's why they didn't do that.

I saw some spoilers and saw the final fight against Sephirot already, I am wrong?

All remakes and remasters.
>dude here’s your game you already have but again, but now worse, that’ll be $60 please

>every thread on Yas Forums for the last 10 years about FF7 has been "Midgar is the best area and I was dissapointed when I left. I thought the whole game would take place here"

You're partly right but it's not a summary, just an amalgamation of scattered plotpoints and timey wimey bullshit so they can go full Nomura. They've still got a lot of characters and plotpoints from FF7 to introduce but fuck knows what stays or goes from here.

introducing time travel just completely cheapens the entire original plot. it makes absolutely no sense to keep going forward with the same story

What you need to know is
There is a future sephiroth and a present sephiroth. Present sephiroth is dead and in the northren crater. Future sephiroth wants to change shit, but he cant because of watchmen of fate, spirits that want to keep the events just like that. Probably even following sephiroth through this timeline. Im sure ive seen this concept before in soul reaver, where monsters attack raziel when hes travellin around time and messing with it.

Sephiroth wants to change things but he cant, so he tricks the party into thinking that watchmen of fate are bad and that if they dont change fate, they will get a bad ending (showing that red XIII scene where he gets to midgar). The party defeats the the spirits and now they have to face sephiroth, because since theres no spirits, he can do whatever you want. Cloud defeats future sephiroth and everything is restored.
Now the party knows that something is up with sephiroth, so they leave midgar to find present sephiroth and try to change fate on stuff. They dont know what is gonna happen.

Thats it.
My theory is that Future sephiroth is more of an influence rather than physically alive future sephiroth, i dont know.

>because of watchmen of fate
So nothing of this remake should be considered canon? Got it.

So Nomura just fused the plots of FF VII and DQ XI .

Wasn't the motivation of the heroes always Shinra and Sephirot just a third party behind the events of your fight with Shinra? Sephirot only becomes your main objective after the events with the Black Materia, so now Sephirot is the one and only objective?

Yeah, its just another timeline. A spin off, if you want.
Theres the OG, and theres the remake.
Follow it as you want.
Im pretty sure in the end nothing will change but sephiroth is playing 4d chess here pretending that the good ending (OG) is the bad one so the party changes shit.


>There are still people on Yas Forums who think FF is good past XII

Just let it go and take the Ys redpill. It's simply not good anymore.

Other JRPG series have surpassed it's quality a long time ago. Not in budget but passion and quality.

My fucking god just let go. Actually get into other JRPG games for once.

>Splitting a JRPG into parts of the same game

This is simply an ABOMINATION. You cannot do this to STORY HEAVY GAMES.

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In the original game they just travel because maybe sephiroth is alive. Now in the remake the KNOW something is up.

>Splitting a JRPG into parts of the same game
trails in the sky did, but that was actually good

dont post shit tier abortions.
Neither Ys games again, please.

Nomura is sad that you hate his new game. He tried his best. Can you cheer Nomura up, Yas Forums?

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you trolls are so sad

why does kitase talk about the need to properly depict the original story?

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cope seethe and dilate FF7tranny

>can't preorder normal version on Amazon "due to coronavirus"
>can't even get digital code on Amazon
>deluxe edition always fully stocked

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>RE3 Remake
shit scam
shit scam
>FF7 Remake
shit scam

fucking kek what a year 2020 has turned out to be

stop lying anime faggot, i felt once for this meme, bought trails in the sky. fukken boring moe shit.

>That's why Joker was first
Personafags are the worst

Somehow avoiding the ending leaks, I take it?

Nah, not all of them. There are a few good remakes, and some remasters which actually fix shit, but I will agree that most feel pointless.

You have no idea what moe shit is.

This worked with smaller shit like Shinra blowing up their own reactor, but that defense ended when it was found out that they shoved a fanfiction tier plot into the game that is so wild that the rest of the remake may literally be a completely new plot.

the most important moment of the game which is aeriths death has already been completely ruined now that cloud has seen it. It's a complete dumpster fire

>There's time travel in FFVII now
Just did a quick skim of some of the spoilers. I'm not that big of a fan of the original but this sounds retarded, and apparently they tried to justify the "remake" title by throwing most of the important plot points of the original into Midgar.
I'm still interested because I liked the gameplay of the demo but it just sounds all too wild, not sure if in a good way.

Well he only saw the white materia dropping, he didn't see Aeris stabbed as far as I saw in the video. I agree with you about it being a dumpster fire though, which is really sad, because the rest of the game looks pretty nice for the most part. But as I grew more interested in the game, I grew more fearful that SE was going to spectacularly fuck it up somehow, and unfortunately, I was right.

Tetsuya Nomura has been stuck at 12 years old for decades now. The chuuniest motherfucker alive.

Its not really time travel. I mean there is, but very limited. I think Fate is a more strong word.

I don't know if I want to spoil myself the entire thing but knowing in part makes me dubious about buying the game, even though like I said, I'm mostly interested in the gameplay. I hope the fight against Sepiroth is something.

Is that Shinra HQ? I always thought the original was Shinra mansion