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I don’t care. When is the Artifact relaunch?
I prefer the term, the Palpatine effect.
But yeah, if they're going to retcon so hard that they update EP2 then yeah fuck nuValve
why? what for? why did they think it's a good idea to retcon ep 2's ending?
laidlaw's idea for ep 3 was just right.
Opinion discarded
Because the plot was already released and they didn't want to make the full continuation VR exclusive. Plus the new writers wanted creative freedom with the world, which was pretty much the intent of Epistle 3's ending. which is also why G-Man firing Gordon and hiring Alyx is shared between the two plots.
>laidlaw's idea for ep 3 was just right.
I don't care about Laidlaws fan fiction. However, I do feel that there was no good reason to retcon EP2's ending.
I also would have preferred to have Laidlaws shit than fucking Alyx.
i guess it's because they don't think they can do episode 3 as a full game
they might also want to go with something people haven't been spoiled on, though i think Laidlaw's idea for Episode 3 was very old and predates when they started looking into making HL3 instead of Ep 3.
>0 bytes
Literally nothing
based artichad
Because literally no one at Valve cares about Half-Life or has any idea what to do with the series so they're just making retcons in order to rewrite cliffhangers which will hopefully stir up some interest while they waste money dicking around with card games and VR gimmick shit instead of making video games.
>Because literally no one at Valve cares about Half-Life or has any idea what to do with the series so they're just making retcons in order to rewrite cliffhangers
I hope you aren't implying that this hasn't been the case since the beginning.
>this level of mental breakdown over the annual source game localisation files update
>0 of 0 bytes.
Heres your (you), spic
No, but at least they had some modicum of respect for the series, enough to stop themselves from robbing it's grave. Gaben wants to rebrand himself as some business guru and everyone else is content to sit on their asses collecting steambux and jerking each other off, that's fine. They want to pretend that they're still the same company that made the Half-Life series, they want to pretend that they're actually going to do something with their aborted story, or they want to pretend that their half-assed retcon-filled tech demo filled with barebones simplistic gameplay because that's all that VR can handle is worthy of being called a Half-Life game? They can die in a fire.
>can I go ahead and post that to /r/HalfLife for other people to see?
HL is the most overrated vidya ever
Didn't they do the same thing to Portal a couple times before Portal 2? Were we upset about that?
gordon works for g man?
Portal 2 didn't retcon anything, and the update to Portal 1 simply extended a scene, without retconning anything.
HLAlyx retcons one of the best scenes in the HL series. Which is bad enough but now they're retconning the original as if it never happened. HL is ruined past the point of no return. Most people will never experience the games the way they were intended or understand why this was a franchise that so many people cared about. At least with shit like Star Wars and Blade Runner you have fans who preserve and promote the true visions. HL fans got burnt out on the franchise a long time ago.
stfu zoomer, you must know HL only from memes if you think that EP2 cliffhanger was what made people fall in love with this franchise
>Portal 2 didn't retcon anything
It did, it just didn't use time travel to do it. Plot elements like Cave's death, Caroline, everything about old Aperture in general counts as retcons in the same way Leia being Luke's sister is a retcon.
he probably doesn't even know that most of characters in hl2 are hl1 retcons and that ep1 starts with a retcon where vorts save you before gman puts you in stasis
>Ep1 retcons HL2 ending
>Portal 2 retcons Portal 1 ending, Portal 1 updated to have different ending
>they do it again now and zoomers cry their eyes out
fuck off
user, literally every single video game series which has a somewhat expansive storyline/setting and more than one title under its belt is chock full of retcons. Every. Single. Series.
call it disney effect desu
Ok Yas Forums, write a kino plot for HL3
shoot enemie with gun
ep1 picks up immediately after hl2
portal 1 had the ending changed in an update as part of a marketing campaign for portal 2
it's about removing content, so it makes sense
In the ending of hl2 gman puts you in stasis again. Ep1 starts with vorts saving you before that happens.
Based, Valve has always done this
Alyx gets BLEACHED
>Portal 2 didn't retcon anything
Portal 2 completely threw out the original lore written for Portal. The timeline was pretty drastically changed, but Wolpaw in an interview admitted he wrote the old timeline in an afternoon mostly as a joke, so he was never really attached to it and perfectly willing to throw it out in favor of the bigger one he developed for Portal 2.
Learn what retcon actually means you stupid niggers
other user here, I really prefer Portal 2 lore, the Old Aperture kilometers underground modern Aperture Science was such a great idea and hit me like a bomb when playing it the first time, it was unexpected to the point I thought I had already reached the endgame but was actually in the midway point of the game
very insightful posts that contribute a lot to the discussion
How long are we going to deal with people calling Alyx's ending a retcon?
I'm tired of it already.
tbqh ep1 intro sort of maybe isn't a retcon, it's just really poorly handled
in the intro gman is coming back to wake you up but vortigaunts prevent him from getting to you
why is he coming to wake you up immediately tho? shhhhh don't think about it
GORDON FREE*MAN* getting blacked and transed!!!
What black actor should Gordon?
>Valve farts
>Yas Forums proceeds to make 15 300+post threads speculating about it
you fags are cancer, honestly worse than zoomers and console war morons
It's just seething VRlets mad they can't experience the game. Half-Life is chok full of retcons but apparently this one is now bad.
>Black Mesa administrator retconned to be Breen instead of G-Man how it originally was
>"Their slaves" quote from Nihilanth retconned to mean the Combine instead of G-Man and his employers
>Gordon retconned to have tenure at BM instead of being an employee for a fucking week
>Entire plot of HL2 retconned pretty much
>HL2 ending where you're very clearly put into stasis retconned to be the Vortigaunts saving you before it happens
They did the same thing to Portal 1
Also the addition in HLA actually was fucking based.
HLA did the same thing, it extended a scene.
The half life universe isn't even interesting. Valve made a couple good games over a decade ago, that's all. You're never getting that magic back, it is time to let go and move on. There will other good games to come out, stop obsessing over this frankly uninteresting and shallow franchise/universe.
But I just beat HLA and it had that same magic
Except they did this to Portal and nobody complained???
epistle 3 was pretty kino. No reason not to go with it
>You're never getting that magic back, it is time to let go and move on.
Only poorfags without VR have to do that. The rest of us can experience the same magic that made Valve the industry leader that they are.
Laidlaw's episode 3 was fucking retarded when put into context of the events of the previous 3 games.
Literally who cares?
HL2's story isn't some epic, It's entirely setting.
I couldn't care less what they change about muh mute protagonist.
you're delusional and it is pathetic.
>this entire fucking thread
>no one actually knows what's changed
I hate you fucking retards, I really do.
I dont see how. Its a bit grim but still cool
at least the way I pictured it
Stay mad poorfag.
HLA was better than EP 1 and just as good as HL2
>Update is zero bytes
Admit you shopped this
Name 1 innovation in the gaming industry in the past 10 years.
>in before muh games as a service
Gordon is time travelling post-op alyx confirmed
Idris Elba.
No, it didn't. Eli fucking dies at the end of EP2, and Alyx is crying over his corpse.
Alyx retcons it so that Alyx shoots force lighting at the advisors and kills them before this even happened.
It's literally fucking nothing every time. Every single quiet update to an old game is always fucking nothing.
Doesn't even matter what kind of fucking nothing specifically.
Why did G-man fire Gordon? Since HL2 takes place after HLA does this mean HL2 never happened?
Wasn't the original Portal lore just on a website? Of course they're not going to care about "retconning" that, it wasn't in the actual game and was basically a joke.
Those elements were not planned for originally, but they do not contradict or rewrite anything present in the prior work. You and I both know what people really mean when they say retcon.
nah it's real, I got it too
zero byte updates aren't unheard of though
there was a glitch on the linux client recently which caused proton games to get zero byte updates so who knows what's going on now
Are you retarded? HLA takes place 5 years before HL2
You don't know what a retcon is retard. Eli dies in HLA too. That wasn't retconned. Gman revived him after he died.
>Massively advanced inter-dimensional star-siphoning empire that you never stood a chance against too stupid to develop their own portal technology
You clearly didn't play the game retard. Eli dying isn't retconned, it's literally stated multiple times and is a major plot point in the game. Gman replacing his death for the advisor isn't retconning shit, it's literally just having the plot go forward.
Past Alyx got added to the final cutscene background, but I don't think anything else is different.
>just as good as HL2
Lol. Have you actually trieed playing the game? Boneworks is better than most of this shit. But graphics are seemingly more important than competent gameplay. People have been sperging out about how get the Jeff segment of the game was, and how scary it was, but that was honestly one of the most boring parts of the game, so far. And the game seems to be getting buggier the longer I play it as well.
Except for the portal being opened at the end of HL2, I guess.
What do you expect? They got rekt by a scientist in half baked iron man suit
>Black Mesa administrator retconned to be Breen instead of G-Man how it originally was
Never played HL1, when did they mention he was the black mesa administrator?
HLA doesn't change the way anything played out. It just brings weird time shit into Half Life. As it stands there are already two Alyxs running around:
>Alyx who's just been abducted by the G Man
>Alyx Prime who's from the previous timeline where the GMan hired her
And it's only going to get worse
>Boneworks is better
No it fucking isn't.
I own both.
You clearly haven't played either.
Not directly in the games, but the developers have before HL2. It's obvious they didn't have a plot for a sequel totally laid out that far in advance.
The only thing boneworks did better was being able to grip and manipulate objects with 2 hands.
Everything else was shittier than HL:A. Especially the fucking levels and enemies.
I meant to say before, hence the sentence structure in the post. I just need sleep. If I thought gordon was fired after HL2, why would I think it would affect HL2 at all?
GMan didn't fucking revive him, retard. Maybe actually watch a video of the ending, you fucking zoomer.
>Haha, Gman preventing Eli's death from even happening in universe isn't a retcon, its just having the plot move forward.
>Even though the could have just had the plot "move forward" from where it left off after EP2.
You are an idiot, clearly.
Do you even know what a retcon is? How is Luke being Leia’s sister a retcon?
>Watch the video
I played the actual game unlike you.
Nothing was retconned. You literally see him die in game. Holy shit you are a retard.
>they did this to portal
can you explain?
This already happened with Episode 2.
Why is everyone so hung up about the end of the previous game being retconned for the 50th time and not the fact that Alyx did all of this shit and neither she or her dad mentions any of it when Gordon comes along?
In portal 1 the original ending has you escape. For Portal 2 they updated portal 1 to make it so you don't actually escape
Is that picture supposed to prove something?
You're a retard. It's called an opinion.
Because it didn't happen yet. To undo a timeline the initial timeline has to happen otherwise you're undoing nothing at all.
He's going for the much broader meaning of the word that no one actually uses in discussions like this to score "UM BUT TECHNICALLY" points. Retcon is short for retroactive continuity and can apply to any element introduced in a later work that recontextualizes an element in an earlier work, so yeah, Luke being Leia's sister is technically a retcon because nothing in the first Star Wars film points towards that being the case. But nothing outright contradicts it either, thus it is not a retcon in the manner that draws ire, the definition of the word that's used in every discussion like this.
i like the epistle 3 story but imagine waiting this long and then getting a sequel with a story that was leaked over pastebin years prior. leave that story for the fan game, HL3 should have a new story that hasn't been spoiled for years
Wrong opinion
dry ass nigga
go get your ep2 lotions
He's implying his brain is damaged I think
actually thats gmail (google mail, email service from google)
Gotta love that melee combat, huh. Ooohh, wait, there isn't any in Alyx. The only thing I'll give you is that there's more enemy variety.
Boneworks even has more weapons then Alyx, even if they are mostly functionally the same garbage. Even that "simulated body" shit they gave before the game released is horseshit, considering my hands can knock stuff over, but my invisible arms don't interact with physics objects at all. Gotta love the constant reuse of the explosives everywhere segment from HL1 in Alyx, really original after the 3rd time, probably going to encounter more later as well.
You see him rewind time after his death, faggot. To a point where he didn't die.
>He doesn't know about the Vortigaunt models pre-Episode 2.
Boneworks has far worse combat.
>6 hour playtime
any screenshots or anything?