The perfect controller doesn't exis-

The perfect controller doesn't exis-

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xbox has had a perfect controller for 2 decades now, Sony is just being contrarian not copying it

You called?

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Only problem is it’s too small. But if the AMERICAN BVLL controller is too small for my hands I can only imagine how puny the japtwink one would feel

games like Infamous Second Son or Dying Light where you can open you map by slightly touching trackpad was cancer, and the battery life is still poopy even with vibration and dull light bar.

other than that, i like it. Dare i say... maybe even more than the gamecube controller.

finally, someone with chad hands like me.

Xbox controller design is regressing and PlayStation controller design is moving forward. Protip: a Dualshock 4 with playbuz grip extenders is the best controller for non-manlets.

Best controller for retro, no contest


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>perfect controller
>left thumbstick in unnatural position
>cheap as fuck triggers complete garbage for anything other than shooters

>left thumb stick is in unnatural position
Then so is the right one.

I like it and it's my favorite controller overall but it's not perfect
>shit battery life
you could also say that the lack of pressure sensitive buttons is bad for playing the 4 older games that used it
personally I wish they would remove all the gimmicks and make a few variations, like one with L2 and R2 as buttons
that said everything else feels right, down to the weight
I also kind of wish controllers would go back to having a cable, usb cables will unplug easily, they should have some custom usb cable with a port that doesn't detach easily. I've never had one but I think some mice do this

you use the 4 buttons with your right thumb much more often than the right stick. Your thumbs should be naturally positioned over the parts that they use most often.
Your thumbs are naturally positioned towards the top of the controller. The left thumb stick is almost always used for moving so it should be where your left thumb naturally is

>the switch pro controller doesn't exis-

it has the same stupid design with the fucked up left thumbstick as the xbox controller. kys

Did your battery die before you could finish the sentence?

>those shoulder buttons

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Step over

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>left thumbstick in unnatural position
what a retarded point, so the dpad on dualshock is in an unnatural position as is the face buttons?
>cheap as fuck triggers complete garbage for anything other than shooters
you've never actually used one have you
imagine thinking pic related is ugly

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that's completely false, and you use the left stick more than the dpad, you've also completely contradicted yourself in the same post
>you use the 4 buttons with your right thumb much more often than the right stick
>The left thumb stick is almost always used for moving so it should be where your left thumb naturally is

>and you use the left stick more than the dpad
and thats why the ps4 controller is superior in that regard

does dualshock 4 work with usb 2.0 if i dont have bluetooth and only a usb 2 extension cable? Is it enough power?

Are you a moron?
You literally just said you use the face buttons more so they are in a natural position, then you said you use the left stick more, making that an unnatural position

>you've never actually used one have you
neck yourself. i almost only play racing games where the triggers matter a lot more than in other games and they are complete shit compared to the ds4. not even a month ago i could try it out again with a brand new xbox controller and it was still trash

Xbox style for 3rd person games
PlayStation style for 2d and fighting games
PC for FPS games

No, you retard. Primary position depends on which games you're playing. For games that require aiming and moving, the two sticks will be the primary options. For 2d games, 99% of the time you want the dpad and the face buttons in the primary place. For stuff like racing games and 3d platformers, you want the current xbox configuration. Notice how that area is a small percentage of all games?

not only that, but you have to consider where the placement of the sticks vs the buttons will affect the alternative, which in simple terms is "what will be in the other location". Consider how effective it is to use the face buttons and the dpad vs the analog sticks in the lower section. Face buttons and dpad are much more difficult to operate when placed below the analog sticks compared to the alternative. In fact, due to the height that analog sticks have, placing them in the lower section causes a near-zero change in actual comfort while holding the controller and operating the controls.

By that process of elimination, dpad and face buttons on the top and analog sticks on the bottom is the superior method.

im not the guy you replied to

*blocks your path*

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Yeah, you just need ds4windows

Dumb honky

>DS4’s little flaps that are too tight are better for racing games
Want to know how I know you’re bad at racing games

>digital triggers

it's already worse than the DualShock 3 for having smaller joysticks.
even dualshock is better for 3rd person games since both your hands are on the joysticks and they're symmetrical.

It's almost perfect, but it's d-pad is terrible for fighting games because it doesn't have diagonals.. Don't even come at me with the "just use the thumbstick" argument because it's not a matter of objective superiority, it's just personal preference and muscle memory.

>for stuff like racing games you want the current xbox configuration

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not that many games actually make use of analog triggers user

it's literally piss easy to hold two buttons at once,
probably easier than doing it on circle-shaped d-pads. DEFINITELY easier than doing it on the ones like and

playstation controls are for people with midget hands. the stick positions are so awkward for my aryan nordic alpha male hand size.

i would beat your ass anytime. i ranked 554 in gt academy 10 years ago or so. i even compared the ps4 controller to the xbox controller in forza and you have to be completely retarded to think the xbox controller is better. you can control acceleration a lot better with the ps4 controller, the xbox controller feels like a ps2 controller r2 button

As someone who owned 10+ controllers DS4 is definitely the best I have had

If pic related had analogue triggers, it would be perfect.

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Not if aiming isn't a big component of the game. Action games like bayo, DMC, etc open world games like botw, GTA, etc. All of those are better served by the Xbox style layout.

Imagine writing all that, positioning of dpad and stick matters extremely little unless you have short thumbs, the only actual problems are bad dpads like the ds4, sticks too close together like the ds4, shitty gimmicks like the ds4, terrible battery like the ds4
Literally any other controller than the ds4 is good

*stick drifts*
I want to like it but I just RMAd the 4th dualshock within a single year. Xbone controller is not comfy but atleast it lasted me years now.

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micro USB

how so

Maybe if you have women's hands.

You have not used a current xbone controller in your life son, you just like sucking Sony dick, gran turismo isn’t even a good racing game, it’s a good car collecting game though

you mean dualshock 4. PS2 and 3 have regular sized joysticks

>are bad dpads like the ds4
ps4 dpad is objectively good
>sticks too close together like the ds4
my hands are very large and I've never had a problem. Do you use the bottom of your thumb like a mongoloid instead of the tip?
>shitty gimmicks like the ds4
touch panel never gets in the way and the light never gets in the way. In fact, sometimes they're fun, even if useless, like being able to manipulate maps with the touch pad or having the light indicate health. Objectively speaking they don't get in the way.
>terrible battery like the ds4
I've never had an issue with the battery.

It sounds like you bought a xbone and are coping.

Bayo uses a lock on camera, you're not gonna need to adjust the camera as much. Its much nicer to have the left analog and face buttons symmetrical for games like that.

Based and Wii U pilled

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>arguing over the position of sticks and where you thumb is most of the time
I don't feel like mass replying but I'll lay out an argument
in Odin Sphere and Katana Zero you spend nearly the whole game with your thumbs on the d-pad and face buttons. in call of duty you spend all your time with your thumbs on the sticks. I'm using these games as examples but arguing over where your thumbs naturally rest is retarded and for a good controller both of these should be comfortable. obviously there's also a lot of games where you naturally have your left thumb on stick and right thumb on face buttons, like DMC and other action games
I've always found Xbox d-pad to be pure shit, only good for stuff like quick select and complete garbage for movement with tank controls/2d games. it's clicky and doesn't do diagonals or circular motions well, it's more for individual presses rather than constantly pressing. ps4's d-pad has been good at literally everything, also claw gripping allows you to keep your thumb on the stick whereas xbox you use your index
ps4 also has the better face buttons, xbox's are clicky and loud as fuck, and they're round instead of flat. people say Xbox has better sticks, but the only time that ever makes a difference is FPS and >playing FPS on a controller

it's the negcon

>tfw no controller has both sticks in the top position
why is this so hard to figure out...

It's shit,literally everyone else uses asymmetrical sticks the only reason snoy doesn't switch is because they've used it from the start

I actually have PS4 pro and loathe that I have to use that dogshit controller, so when I got a new pc I bought an xbone controller and it’s so much fucking better
>ps4 dpad is objectively good
It’s fine if you like it but diags constantly deregister and recessed dpads are retarded
>Do you use the bottom of your thumb like a mongoloid instead of the tip?
Having your thumb in a contracted position gives you less control
Your other two points you didn’t even argue against

Sounds like you are the one who’s coping

I can tell you it does them pretty good, I use an xbone for emulation and played through sotn recently and had no problems doing soul steal, I also prefer clucky dpads as do many people, the vita in my opinion had one of the best dpads and I hope Sony use that style more

Because not everyone is subhuman

>.t small handed la creatura