Video game characters that looks like you?

Video game characters that looks like you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

For me it's Kefka...

Attached: Roadhog.png (1200x1219, 1.32M)

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For me it's Yagrum Bagarn – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

Attached: Yagrum_Bagarn.jpg (360x450, 36.02K)

Closest I can think of.

Attached: Doak.jpg (320x320, 18.57K)

>this is your average personafag

Uncensor his name, ye coward

How many of you guys are overweight

I don't know of any video game character i look like but every now and then i see a redeye blonde character that looks really close to me, aside from having blue eyes instead.

Literally me.

Attached: Vigoro.png (419x742, 354.02K)

Spic weebs are the worst

I don't think there is a vidya character that looks like me. But here's the closest example.

Attached: 1581333443988.jpg (1153x900, 56.09K)

But user, that would get him banned from reddit

I unironically looked just like joker in high school. Now im fat and balding. Life is cruel

Literally me

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This is literally me

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you wish, faggot.

wow they went in making her look like a man huh

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Hot. You single?

It also applies here now, at least to a degree. Yas Forums now has a bot that checks for uncensored names, blocks the post and gives you a 2 week ban. Doesn't seem to work on a lot of stuff but it's happened to me with screenshots that I used to be able to post just fine.


Attached: krool.png (539x531, 441.31K)

Noy vidya, but since I lost weight my co.workers say I look like human Shrek.

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I'm in the crowd here somewhere. Which one is me is for you to guess.

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me *cough* *spit*

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To be fair he does look a little bit like Joker, but like, if Joker made a lot of really bad life decisions.

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I'm auswitz, 30
pic is pretty close to my face
I go to sleep wondering how and why I haven't killed myself yet

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Stop fucking lying

literally me

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21.4 BMI bro. I'm cool.

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I doubt you're that cute

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I'm 24

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I was overweight as a kid, now "healthy weight" but closer to overweight than underweight.
When I look at my relaxed stomach, I experience the special kind of disgust that only those who lost a lot of weight know.

Attached: 1520192023026.jpg (364x174, 27.59K)

Literally me.

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Attached: khezu.jpg (1468x1052, 340.3K)

I actually warmed up to the hair, but the face... yeah.

literally me

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is that urgot from the popular moba league of legends?


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This is pretty close, he just looks a bit too short.

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hey bb you want some fug

Wow get a shave ya fucking prick

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ive started getting a little overweight ever since my youthful metabolism started to fail me, but im doing what i can to prevent myself from becoming a disgusting fat fuck.

I'm 32, ausschwitz, balding and still fuck girls. Don't give up hope

i'm 180cm and 87kgs, i've been struggling to lose weight for months and now that i've been corona'd out of my job and i'm stuck home i have no physical activity whatsoever
i also have migraines every single day so even if i had the motivation to exercise at home i couldn't because i would feel like putting my head through a wall very quickly

If anything I would probably be the midpoint between Tekken's Bob and his Slim Bob counterpart. Too skinny for the former, too fat for the latter.

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I look like pic related, except more psycho and with more pointy, goblinish ears.

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There is none, let's be honest. Even if you're a normal looking white dude there will be almost no matches.

Become funny, it's how fat guys like us have been fucking for eternity.

Can someone tell flips they're not asian?

none man, everyone who posts here is a white 7' 8'' fit aryan adonis

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310 pounds, so pretty fat

Jesus this board is infested with obese mutts. Also stop with the excuses and eat less you fat fuck

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Why is Gordon so handsome now

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I don't think the guy from catherine is a good role model

i'm not, i'm closer to being underweight than overweight
~54 kg

Always funny when fat people think they are intelligent.

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>TFW I can't find any Vidya characters that look like me.

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r u femoid or skelly?

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The opposite
My new job lifting bumpers constantly and shit schedules are making me get even more skinnier than before

Used to be, due to lack of exercise.
Then I built a home gym and lost the excess weight.
This image is the last one that caught me a ban.

60kg and 6'0 here

The closest then would be one of those stick arm faggots from rpgs, but that's too ridiculous

Do you take off when the wind blows?

This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?

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me on the right

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post feet

not videogames but I look like eggman but not balding, 6' tall and an unkempt neckbeard.
There you go.

Attached: eggy.jpg (640x640, 42.09K)

Does the Dorito dust drip off of your fingers when the rain falls?

Give me a quick rundown on eggman

tits or gtfo


Attached: deviled egg a risen beta.jpg (521x533, 21.3K)

Yeah close enough.

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>everyone in this board

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eggy makes some bangers now though, just embrace it and do something like him

you mean the skinnyfat flab that never goes away?

thanks, mr skeletal