You can't make this shit up.

Attached: 1585909459758.webm (1042x602, 2.55M)

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that scene is in the original post credits

This is what you wanted.

The footage is from Advent Children. As in, they couldn't be arsed to reanimate that scene so they used fifteen year old animation.

Also confirms this is a sequel and that compilation garbage is canon.


The original scene was, but that render is from the advent children version with improved graphics. Honestly I don't see the problem (not buying 1/3rd of a shitty game regardless). It makes no sense financially to build an entire scene for 2-3 seconds of a running animation when it already exists and looks comparable graphically to the rest of the game. They've probably barely started on anything post-Midgar so it's not like they can pull from the post-game remake version.

>a glimpse of tomorrow if we fail here today
>Red XIII running around with his kids is the bad ending

>Red XIII running around with his and Aeris' kids

Attached: 7194ced9eb4187cb7fe42f42c69d0ec6e13eced69e1351727580035467b478ab.jpg (640x960, 77.14K)

you fucking retards actually like this series? anime really is a mental illness then

Also doesn't that part of the ending take place hundreds of years later?



Advent Children still looks pretty fantastic, so I don't really get what the issue is.


eat a whole bag of dick squeenix.

Yes. 500 years after they beat Sephiroth and SAVE THE FUCKING PLANET.

the actual fuck?

Attached: 1470669389378.jpg (638x359, 33.32K)

Would have laughed if spehiroth beamed og ff7 graphics into their heads.

This is the only based outcome. Nomura continues to deliver

small indie studio prease understrand

Not anymore. You want them to save the planet?
Go play the original.
You want a new FF7 story that is totally different with time travel and shit? Go play the remake

i think what he means by failing is failing to change fate, so basically the original ending
not the "bad ending" or whatever

Someone explain to me why is the BATTLE MENU up during a fucking STORY SCENE including a FULL MOTION VIDEO

>Nomura thinks he's being clever with this shit
>Pretty much this is what Mortal Kombat did with their first reboot

regardless that is kinda shoddy and lazy.
This game just makes it more obvious how the franchise needs a reinvention a la Resident evil 7.

> Saving the planet is the BAD END


small indie devs

You tried.

Yes the world ends at the end of the original FF7, haven't you played the game.

but thats the charm, its a cutscene inside the battle

What did Nomura mean by this?

Okay so why are there five characters present when the party is limited to three?

What the fuck is PUNISHER MODE and why does it have to be there AT ALL TIMES

Because is an "elaborated" fake and we are being massively trolled

How should i know, i havent played it yet

This. Fucking shills.

>group A: they will never finish this remake!! one part took four years already and they said they had no clue how many parts itll take!
>group B: that's nonsense. of course they'll finish it. FFVII is beloved by most and is also sure money in the bank.
>SQUAREENIX: starts making the game 1:1, then realises they will never finish it, and incorporate a bullshit multiverse-timetravel plot so the other parts don't have to follow FFVII but can be whatever they want

This game will still sell millions, have 95+ score on metacritic and people around the world will love it. All you can do is shitpost because you can't enjoy anything anymore and your only coping mechanism is saying how others are out of touch and not you.

Sqaure Enix are genuis
Gamers BTFO

Is it just me, or does the set up seem very much like XIII?

>first game ends with characters opening a portal to new dimensions/time/a new world
>second game will most like have a new protag(Zach) and introduce time/univere travel as game mechanic
>third game will bring back Cloud as MC
This is 100% gonna happen


imagine being unironically excited for this game


FFVIIR is already half-Nomura

Attached: kh bs.jpg (1674x1080, 196.51K)

It's crazy how many people didn't seem to realise that they failed at the end of the game and the human race was pretty much wiped out.

>nature wins in environmentalist game

ok. what's the deal

no, is just midgard.

Well, you failed to save everyone.

How do you figure that Red 13 survive the airship crash but no one else?

Fuck off, Barry. Your shitposting will not stop me from enjoying this game.

You're actually making me feel kind of sick. Please stop.

Aerith dying is the bad ending.
To quote Yuna, saving the world through sacrifice fucking sucks.

What part of they don't know everything about the future do you not understand?

>People defending this capeshit plot
Modern FFags kys

...the party survived, you dildo. The "world" - as in most of the human race - was wiped out.

Yea humanity just abandoned its biggest city in a world where monsters are everywhere. The heavy implication at the end of FF7 is that humanity has been destroyed. Of course the compilation ruined that but it also ruined everything else so whatever.

Humanity continuing in Midgar doesnt mean humanity was saved nor does it mean humanity died out.
And the game clearly was never humanist to begin with. It's an environmentalist game. Nature wins in the end. This is a victory.

Attached: received_549652685756178.png (714x960, 875.8K)

SE always had a pro-nature message with the game. Humans live on but they're slowly phased out by the planet.
Whatever happens after Advent Children causes them to die out 500 years later. Everyone decides the only way to prevent that is to beat back these new time police ghosts the planet created to stop nu-Sephiroth, and derail the timeline as hard as they can.


Attached: 370356940.gif (320x240, 1.43M)

You let Marlene die dude. She was only 8 and you let her die

>they failed
You are arguing about who "they" is about in this sentence. Cloud and the gang were trying to save the world, and the people in it. They failed to save the people. Of course you're a tripfag, this level of pedantry could only come from someone so narcissistic that they think people care who a post on Yas Forums is from. You know where to go back to.

>500 year jump forward and she's dead
>oh no

>pseudo-intellectualism - the post

They were trying to stop Jenova and Sephiroth from destroying the world and turning it into a vessel to destroy other worlds.
500 years down the line the stereotypical big bad industrial city being overrun by nature fits positively with the environmental message.

>500 year jump forward and humanity is dead
>I won!
