Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing

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Other urls found in this thread:!9TIUUCBZ!wyjyZ5iAo5srKQYd0IZKwDGqJ-hu8agJoTiqzHxh0BM


im going to turn my entire island into mars. first step is to cover everything with sand, then the rivers. im going to leave ponds here and there and make a man made river somewhere. got an idea from someone to make a giant crater and put all my villagers there and my house.. im looking for space related items at the moment too so let me know and ill buy it off you

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working on a repository for island design inspiration, if you have any images you like I'll add em

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>Not editing pubes on bottom
Shit picture

Is it possible for other people to invite over someone on my campsite to live on their island instead? I've got Walker in my campsite but I've already got 10 villagers, and I don't really want him

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Anyone selling red roses in your shop?

Is the nooks cranny upgrade really linked to in-game days played? My island looks like a landfill and I just want 5 stars so I can tear it all down.

Fluffing Audie's tail!

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So it seems instead of animal crossing I got the hippo edition since the game apparently wants my island to be 4 out of my 6 villagers be hippos.

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Pretty happy with my villagers so far Apple could leave and I wouldn't care though hope I can find a Snoot for my last villager

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Anyone have yellow mums and/or all varieties of lillies?

>Shake every tree in my town
>Every single one
>Only got one furniture
>turns out the one tree i dug up to move later is the one that had it

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That Koala is cool as fuck

I was carrying wasps in a tree around yesterday without realising it.

Supposedly it is either tied to in-game days (at least 29) or to the total number of fish, insects, and fossils donated (I've heard some people say 30 of each)

do I even bother giving the parts to Gulliver or do I hoard them for muh robot


Flashy Cardigan, Young Royal shirt n pants.
Casual Kimono, Flight-Crew Uniform
Samurai Helmets, Bunny/Dog noses
Nips: 210

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Hippo Isle

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I wish those fences would show up on my island already.

is there any way to get campsite villagers outside of amiibo if your town is full? Do I really need to kick someone out first?

I have white and yellow lillies for sale

What a haul. My villagers suck dick. And not in the good way.

>American edition

do it the first time for nook miles and possible nice items
but the next reward is at 10 visits so im keeping the parts from now on till robo hero

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I'm trying to make an enclosure of purple tulips, which require crossbreeding with 2 black tulips. Once I get purple, can I use two purple to make more purple?

Anyone interested in the Samurai Greaves from Kicks, china dresses and bunny noses at Able's and other stuff can find my island at Dodo: 368MX
Feel free to plunder any trees for fruit you want/need and Bell trees if I forgot to shake them. I'll be afk for a bit to do some cooking. Also I really want a cardboard box with the apple design!

on my way

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has anyone found kitchen counters? I have bunch of nice kitchen stuff but it's all sitting on the ground, I'll trade you 2 miles tickets for kitchen counters

were they trying to make all the egg shit look as bad as possible

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>the user with the villager that made a bar
beyond based ape

>Picked up a lost item
>It belongs to Rocket
>Can't get rid of it without talking to her

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does anyone have the flower planting guide/image?

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Shit never looked good

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Seven villagers, empty campsite. I have no idea why this keeps happening.

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doesn't he keep sending you rare items though!9TIUUCBZ!wyjyZ5iAo5srKQYd0IZKwDGqJ-hu8agJoTiqzHxh0BM

They could have very easily just made pastel variants of furniture but they decided to be as literal as possible AND to make the loot as invasive as possible. Bunny Day is garbage.

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Hold on. You get 1 rusted part for helping him. Are you saying if you don't help him you get more?

Opening island yet again.
Mable's open (pic rel), Saharah is in town, turnip price is shit and hot item at shop is the doghouse. Plenty of free fruits for picking. Island time is 6pm; Northern hemisphere.


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How often does Mabel visit your plaza after getting the town hall? She's been missing for a couple days now and I really need to buy stuff so I can get her shop already

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I can't find any more egg recipies and only have 14(without the clothes). My bottle had a double as well I am going fucking insane I just want this shit quest to be done with but all I get is more air eggs.

it'll grow on you after it becomes unavailable again. Or some late-to-the-game nigger will want to trade it from you

>got the fucking clown sheep as my campsite villager
bros this is a nightmare. to be clear, in order to make him move out asap i need to:
>not talk to him
>hit him with net
>shove him around
>complain to isabelle every day
am i missing anything?

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>American Hippo edition

Pompadours, shades, cheerleader outfits. and more. Anyone interested?

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you need to help gulliver 30 times to get the gold shovel

Hold the communicator parts instead of giving it to him and they turn into rusted parts when he leaves

Dodo code? Anything you need?

>make it off great selling turnips and turned 65K into 650K
>upgrade house
>200k gone
>build bridges to connect island
>300k gone
>fucked up village house location and want to move it
>50k gone
>build campsite but place it in a bad spot cause I’m retarded and I’m gonna have to spend another 50k again
>go from rich to broke within a fucking day

Okay I give up how do I farm tarantulas this turnip shit is too much of a hassle all for it to just go that fast

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can anyone verify this works for them? i've done this for two days now which i know isn't long, and ive had flowers spread but no hybrids

is there a good site for able sisters code? I just unlocked the shop with the big tablet thing and wanted to see what people have done

you need to be his friend. its the fastest way. complaining & abuse does nothing. ignoring only works if you ignore everyone and TT. all friendly villagers ask to move out.

What pants and shoes do you have?

Tarantula farming is fucking dead in April because water bugs. Just pray for Tarantula island

pietro is a true gamer, u have shit taste


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Anyone have any snooty villagers moving out? I'm on the lookout for Diana specifically.

i need that pomp

Look at this. Look at this hot garbage and pity me. Maybe three villagers I'd like to keep. MAYBE.

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Locking your female neighbors in Harv's basement and forcing them to dress up.

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>bought turnips at 106
>yesterday was 204
>price today was 46
>now it's 42

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Code is 5CJTN. I don’t really need or want anything, if you feel like dropping off a gift, that’s your call, but I’m not asking for anything

how to evict someone


I really want Sylvia gone, she was my starter.

Making a street

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Dude, if turnips are double almost what you paid for them, sell.

I’m at 173 if you want to give up and offload

Damn your town is sick, thx for hosting

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Oh, also they sell lillies, tulips and hyacinth at Nook's. Haven't checked for the colours today.

>just got my NFC cards in the mail

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thank you. love you

Female kangaroo villagers are trash.

>not trying very hard in terms of what villagers come to my island
>get all 8 personalities anyway with room for two more
Oh, cool.

I wanted it higher. I got too greedy.

this. dont be a retard. if youre not going to go online and sell for 4-5 times what you paid, settle for a 50% return

I can feel the SOUL disintegrating from here.

You build more plots yet?

>got one of my villagers a piece of clothing that they like wearing
>don't like the look of it, so ask Isabelle to tell them to stop wearing it
>they still keep wearing it

On my way

Nothing too remarkable for pants but the shoes are ok I guess. Kicks is in town too.

Code is KH19B.

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be his friend to remove him?? how does that work

Nope. I wanted to prevent randoms from moving in. Thing is other amiibo cards will work and the villagers will set up camp but Croque wont for some reason.

That Koala and Penguin both look great

that looks more like a prison than a city street

Well it's not 500+ but it's something. If anyone's interested, code's 9NJYK. Feel free to take fruit and I have an Able Sisters so feel free to come in. Tips not needed blah blah blah.

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Post silly villagers

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How the fuck did you get them to upgrade

Don't worry if you have like 400 of wood egg and hardly anu leaf eggs, on the 12th you can trade 3 eggs for 1 of the one you want.

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>There's no way they can make Knox house as soulful as City Fol-

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I'm a dirty time traveller but they need to be open at least a month and I spent 80k by buying the same wallpaper over and over.

do villagers ever actually catch anything

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> a month
Well fuck.

I haven't played since Wild World, help me not be retarded. Is there anything I should know?

Also, the Easter stuff isn't going away, right? I was going to craft one of everything and keep it stuffed in my storage, but I heard you can access holiday stuff anytime. Or was that just a theory?

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read my post

Is he moving in to your town already?

These terraforming tools are kind of a pain in the ass to use. I've flattened entire mountain ranges in Dragon Quest Builders 2 in the time it took me to get rid of one fucking pond in this game, and the constant goddamn wooshing didn't make it any less irritating. Still, it's nice to be able to affect the landmarks instead of hacing to build around them now.

So why do only the last five villagers have cool interiors? Do the first five get more interesting ones later?

I have terraforming
now what the fuck do I do
this is too overwhelming

No, probably so they'd never steal a catch from a player.

turnips 141
Able Sisters shop up

nothing real rare or special but feel free to poke around a little
take oranges if you want but please leave some for anons without any

Ironwood set looks so good, I need more of it. Especially the goddamn cutting board recipe.

Thoughts on this room? I'll have to rework it if I take another home expansion soon, but I wanted it to kind of be a funky mix of multiple purposes together. Kitchen in one corner, music space in another, and workshop in that other corner.

Also my pal Lt. Sturge chilling in the bottom right.

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I always have yellow mums on sale. Wanna come over?

i assume its all going to go away after the 12th
doesnt make sense to have all the holiday stuff year round. youd never catch any fish

Retard with a question here.
I have 7 villagers, if I go on a nook tiket island, will I find another villager there? Or do I need to build an empty lot? I'm asking because I had an empty lot and an ugly hippo came out of nowhere and now lives there.

I got Sylvia as a starter and she’s grown on me. I keep giving her chequered shirts as she pulls off the butch lesbian look well.

I waa missing a Cranky villager for my last one and I came across Ribbot. Y/N?

no my Cherry, Tank, Sherb, Sydney, and Bubbles still have generic houses

The eggs will stop spawning after the 11th, but you can keep them as long as you want, and craft the furniture any time as long as you have them.

I had one literally hit the net on the bug but it went through and the bug got away

I don't believe so. I never met him on an island. It does keep mentioning that he's packing so I'm wondering if I just build an empty plot if he'll skip the camp and move there right away.

I'll take it

Damn, that looks great. I only have the clock.


not a big fan of this villager

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Finally got a full town. Rate my gang. If not for Renee I'd give myself a 10/10

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You need an empty lot. It seems villagers can perhaps show up on your campsite when you’re full at least.

>try to give Lolly fishnet stockings
>wow thank you! don't think I can pull off this look...
wear them you fucking slut

same here ;_;

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God damn Knox is based, I miss him.

>that feel when have 3 lazy villagers who act pretty much the same and say the same things

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Unfortunately they don't wear anything that isn't a top/glasses/hat. I gave them to Audie and while she did accept them she never wears

Yo Yas Forums explain this to me. My fucking turnips rotted before Sunday. I haven't time traveled at all since purchasing them this Sunday.

>check turnip prices
>44 bells

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Ironwood looks great, nice room bro.

are those fucking coffins?


were they on the ground outside?

What a nerd.

Better than anything I'll get. On my way.

Alright, thanks

I pressed a on some shooting stars last night, where do I find them?

No they were in my house on the floor

should be on the beach

They'll spawn randomly on your beaches the next day

Thanks. Was expecting to get styled on for my furniture touching the walls.

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Is there a wig that can make me look like Funny Valentine?

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They'll be on your beach.

Opening my island while I AFK for a while

Saharah is in town

Pick some cherries

Lick my Tangy pussy

'nips at 156


>That curve

What the fuck

please respond


Earth is Tubular. You did not know?

Yo I got three different fossil tails if anyone wants one, I got a diplo, brachio, and tricera tail for your choosing. Also Abel sisters have some samurai armor for sale.
Pic unrelated

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Why wouldn't some of it?

Anons i beg you all to shoot me once again
Yesterday i discovered that you could get more resources by hitting a rock without fruit energy
Today i discovered rocks replenish resources every day and ive been destroying them.
Please just shoot me already

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Once I've done a task for my amiibo visitor, can I invite someone else and do a task for them as well, or will I have to wait to do the full three days first?

Dont forget to get your villager a gift this month for their birthday

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the amount of bells trees I can plant is limited?

don't use it if you're an incompetent loser who is too scared to customise their town

1 a day