Monster Hunter

Easy Great Spiritvein Gems. Time to augment all your armor.

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They were already really easy to get though
And you never had to worry about dying

I want to impregnate Safi.

but Safi is a boy

That means I work thrice as hard.

If you haven't augmented your armor completely lure silver/goldian in GL with Geologist 1. You get tons of cash by selling their tempered scales as well as lures, MR/HR, investigations, armor spheres and Great Gems. Much more lucrative than hunting that thorny freak tbqhf.

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I wish his armor was good.

Picking shit off the ground is annoying

After seeing the odds of getting the decos I need, I'm tempted to cheat.
Should I?

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Are ranged weapons too easy?

>Join full public lobby with few friends when safi dropped
>We're taking him down in two runs, breaking parts off like candy
>all other 4 man teams are getting triple carted or cant even beat safi on multiple runs
Jesus Christ it was embarrasing, thank god I got my Blast GS though

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My grandpa, before dying, told me that ranged weapon users are faggots who never truly experienced the games. He also dabbed.

Stickies is what I do when I don't feel like playing melee with all the aoe puke surrounding a monster.

I need this with Nergigante. IN fact I will request it.

>impregnate Safi
As in wood impregnation?

Yeah, the deco grind is not worth it at all.
Some anons have cheated in 900 gold tickets and went to the medler.
Decorations like mighty bow, spread shot up, and awaken are stupid fucking rare.

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Mighty bow isn't in the drop table from Iceborne feystones

>Get fed up with the shitty system and just cheat in a guard up gem
>Get a legit one three hunts later

>Some anons have cheated in 900 gold tickets and went to the medler.
I think I'll do this to feel less "cheaty", thanks user.
I just grinded from MR 210 to 250 by farming T3 and nothing else and found absolutely nothing

Just beat Kushala Daora for the first time in any of the games i played. I've learned that playing with others is way more fun than going solo, i played 3U and 4U when the multiplayer was dead so its nice to play with others for once

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Desire sensor always knows

Fuck the desire sensor in this game. I haven't gotten more than 2 fins from a Jyu hunt even with plunder blade in my entire MH career. Which wouldn't be too bad if you didn't need fucking 16 of them for one weapon and there's only one water tree for most weapons.

>plug any fucking set into honey hunters
>5 billion results
>that need 3 x tenderizer/vitality decos
>exclude them
>0 results

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Set the number of decos to what you own.

t. carried shitter

Doing that quest on console 45 times made me really efficient at beating Ruiner Nerg

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Please do not bully Kushala.


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This is the exact opposite of what I said.

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Guys I just got to the guiding lands and this shit is boring as fuck. I just want to fight new monsters, why do I have to do this tedious location levelling bullshit??

It's fast if you sniff track and capture monsters exclusive to the zone you want to level up. Alternatively join someone else GL, the progress from hunting these can carry to your GL or you can lock it.

fine have cuddles

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I'm getting more used to HH in GU, but it definitely feels like less damage than other weapons. A regular G1 Arzuros took me 8 minutes and a HR Hyper Lavasioth took me 12.
It's a fun weapon, but I don't know if I'll be soloing any EX Deviants with it, plus it feels like I'm playing a lot of hit and run with how punishable a lot of its moves are. How do you guys feel about 4th Gen Horn?

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So where exactly do you farm decos ?
Guiding lands, event quests ?

Investigations or the tempered Zinogre event quest.

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>Easy Great spiritvein gem
>Only 1 after 9 minutes of hedgehog autism
I'll take repeatedly undressing velkhana in the GL over this thank you very much.

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that small bomb is way too close

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lmao sure buddy

Acupuncture for monsters is pretty gnarly

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Wait that's illegal

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So, are you fagets making a PC room for Ruinerg grindan with bros or are you too cool for that?

Kulve is a slut after underage monsters.

Why does no one ever bring sonic bombs when fighting the Diablos? I must have gone on 10 hunts the past day and no one ever fucking brings them?

Do you have to do arena quests too to unlock the We Run This Town quest?

They aren't as useful as Flash Bombs overall and it's more of a pain to get a hold of them

I'd guess it's because sonic bomb farming is kind of a pain for some people who don't know you can get them through the safari.
Anyways, it's annoying as shit, yeah.

They dig so fucking much it’s a waste when solo, so I always forget when hopping into a group.
Special Arena? Yes, all optionals need to be completed.

I don’t have room in my item pouch, I don’t really need them, and I’m too lazy to switch my item set for one monster

ill do a couple

you would be stupid not to

There's no real need for sonic bombs, Diablos isn't really that offensive and it's a pain to get them in the first place, you'd be honestly better off calling a HH bro and make them shockwave the shit out of Blos.

How the hell do I get bazelgeuse to appear in the volcano region of the GL? I’ve got it leveled up to 7 and I need to hunt a tempered one before moving on to leveling up the tundra but until I fight it I’m just stuck because I don’t wanna level down the volcano accidently

Joining in a couple of minutes.

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>I don’t have room in my item pouch
teach me your ways

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I’ll take a screenshot of my pouch in a few minutes.