Final Fantasy 7 Remake has "CHANGE BAD ghosts", meant to represent the old fanbase

Final Fantasy 7 Remake has "CHANGE BAD ghosts", meant to represent the old fanbase.

Say what you will about Nomura, but it's a genius PR move to counter anyone who says anything bad about the game.

>"you don't want to be like the CHANGE BAD ghosts now do you user?"

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A-at least the music will be good...

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The remake now makes the original FF7 the bad end.

You can go back and replay it, but you'll be playing the bad end, like the loser you are :)

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>no game setpiece will ever match the cinematic peak of KH2's final level

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I don't like this nigger.

Funny if true.

>We'll get new content and a new story we don't know anything about instead of spending 300+$ on a game we already know the ending of
Picked up.

Nationwide holiday on release day and the chances of getting it early or on Saturday are next to zero. Holiday on Monday again.

Do I just go digital?

The thing I love most about all this is the sheer number of normalfags Nomura will filter with this. All the normalfags pretending to have always loved the game will be outed when they can't understand a single thing that's happening since they didn't play the compilation (though they also say they did). Nomura NEVER caters to secondaries. They are double fucked.

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>Make a product entirely parasitic on an old one
>Chimp out when fans of the old product criticize you for modifying what they liked about the product

Don't get me wrong, I think FF7 is a low-end mediocre game, but I will never understand people who do this in TV, film, and games. You are a PARASITE, you don't get to tell people they're wrong for disliking your changes.

>What's that? Little Boomer wants a faithful 1:1 remake? Nope, but here is Rebuild of Final Fantasy 7

How does it feel to keep losing time and time again, boomers?

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Seph "Promised Land for the White Man" Iroth
Seph "Summoning Meteor to end Jigaboo Fever" Iroth
Seph "If it's a Turk, I make em hurt" Iroth
Seph "Cetra Whores Get Gored" Iroth
Seph "Shin-ra shills deserve to be killed" Iroth
Seph "Final Attack + Kill All Blacks" Iroth
Seph "Junon base for the White Race" Iroth
Seph "If she likes flowers, I'm gonna drown her" Iroth
Seph "Cowgirl Tits Get Slashed to Bits" Iroth

Do we know what version of OWA is being played during the scene?

It is so much better than yet another shitty remake.
Blessed Nomura dabbing on this remake shit and giving us patricians what we want.

*slow claps*

Makes me glad he skipped FF6

looks cool, but why go so over the top this early into the game?

The FF8 Chads win again!

I knew this remake would be shit.

Remember when Cloud and Sephiroth were just a couple of guys with huge swords and a pocket full of magic rocks?

>but why go so over the top this early into the game?
What are you talking about?
What are you fucking talking about?

For Nomura, this is just a warm-up.

>literally stop doing 1:1 shit

>Implying original FF7 ending wasn't always grim as fuck
Newfags talking about games they never played as always.

zoomers are the ones losing. you guys wanted a glorified hd graphics mod because you can't deal with ps1 graphics. ff7r is pure boomer kino.

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The best part is people keep shit posting about this game but in the end they’re still gonna buy it cause they are weak willed fags kek

>multiple games are necessary in order to give the full original story the polish it deserves.
>oh nevermind fuck the original story here's some fan fiction my 10 year old nephew wrote lmao
what did they mean by this?

After reading through the last thread, I am actually so fucking on-board with this.
I love crazy, bat-shit insane stuff in vidya games and this seems almost like some kind of Absurdist play in vidya form.
Honestly, I was all getting ready for revisiting one of my favorite games in a new look, but this sounds even better. Less of a comfy nostalgia trip and more of a tour-de-force look into Nomura's mind.
The fall out over the coming weeks when normies play this is going to be so glorious - especially the ones that thought they would get a complete remake of the entirety of FF7.
I just hope to God, that Nomura, that crazy son of a bitch, is going to finish the sequel(s), because basically nothing seems off limits now.

They blew their load too early. Can only imagine supernova topping something like that in scale, how the fuck is shinra going to have stakes in the plot now with shit like this happening? They have one giant robot as their trump card, they won't be able to compete

how the fuck are they "parasites" when they're the ones who made the original game in the first place, retard?

>multiple games are necessary in order to give the full original story the polish it deserves.
More like multiple games are necessary in order to give Nomura's wild ride the polish it deserves.

Unironically can't wait for this shit
I'm going to have to put my P5R playthrough on hold once I get FF7R in my hands

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>steer shit
ah, a fellow civic owner

Boomers love the new shit you fucking zoomie.

>Say what you will about Nomura, but it's a genius PR move to counter anyone who says anything bad about the game. "you don't want to be like the CHANGE BAD ghosts now do you user?"
Ah, yes. The "Emperorer's New Clothes" defense works wonders on retards. I can see Nomura learned a thing or two from Kojima.

Same with the midgar zolom impalement, Nibelheim fire, or the weapons. Literally who cares.

the absolute madman is just making more kingdom hearts

It reminds me of the hobbit movies.
Expect the second game to be the worst.

i can already imagine basedmillian tearing up on this scene

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lol no Uematsu, just his tracks covered by a generic orchestra with none of the creativity that made it good.

>literally called sephiroth
>the chosen inheritor of the planet
>le white man meme
He’s a Zionist Jew.

>midgar zolom impalement
I didn't even think of that, that'll be completely flaccid now.

OWA isn't being played during the scene. Those chosen by the planet is
OWA plays during the boss fight, and it's a new remix

so why not just make a new game?

When do I get to play as my nigga Zack?

feel like boomers win here because they can also go back and play the old game and not be bothered by it being dated

I'm genuinely fucking hyped

I don't know how to explain it. I genuinely love this world and it's characters. FF7 is unironically my favorite game. But rather than get depressed over MUH CHANGES for some reason I'm just viewing this as a jaunt back into the world. I dunno why. I thought I'd be depressed but from jump I expected nothing and knew I'd always still face the original.
>n-NO you're a SHILL

Shut the fuck up.

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>so why not just make a new game?
That's exactly what this is

that's based and fun desu

Exactly, I've played ff7 billions of times on every system. I want new material.

I want HD Cissnei!

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so why call it a remake instead of FF7Alter or something?

nomura ruined ff7

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I don't mind an altered scenario but Nomura is an awful writer. I have no faith this will be good

I can see them fixing it by making it fucking massive in-world rather than just a rendered background

that would spoil the fun, silly.
there are going to be so many unsuspecting people playing this, that think they will just get a Remake...

Why do you guys think he's gonna hate this? He loved all the new Sephiroth scenes he saw already, and it's his job to shill the game anyway

except this isn’t FF7, this is compilation trash

Because then they can't bait and switch the people that wanted 7 with new graphics.

can't believe 7R is worse than crisis core

What do you tini remake means? you can change things dumbass