Dark Souls is har-

>Dark Souls is har-

Attached: 1532774858173.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

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>my overleveled tank character means we should turn the next games into dress up dolls swinging longswords and gaining no advantages with the change of his armor style, having one build is fun bros!

The thing that made Sekiro better than Dark Souls is only have one build and weapon.

The difficult is perfectly tuned to exactly what it was intended to be.

Attached: e23ccdc7ceddd9018c1250a24b2de73b.jpg (1241x894, 280.6K)

being able to level up to avoid challenges is what makes most rpgs shit.

>more options are bad
it's a good argument for balance but balance is boring

OP has a point. Dark Souls has a safety net for players without skill. Just over level your character to hell and back. First time I played Dark Souls I got stuck and never made it to lower undead burg. I had made it all the way to lost izalith before I could get no further. by time I found the capra demon boss I had been fighting them in the demon ruins and had a fully upgraded black halbard. one shotted and the boss and didn't realize he was a boss until I came to Yas Forums and saw people bitching about the difficulty of the encounter.

Attached: Boss_0034_Capra Demon.jpg (441x248, 22.54K)

And that is why everyone forgot about Sekiro within a week while Dark Souls is being talked about to this day.

that character isn't overleveled

More options actually are bad.

Is the new game plus harder than your first playthrough? And from what I understand you get to keep the vast majority of your stuff, so what do you spend your souls on? Only level ups? Or can you upgrade your equipment even further?

Only if they're not balanced well.

If you beat O&S, and Nito, and the others, then isn't it fine if he's easy at that point? He's a filter for anyone going the "right way" so shouldn't you be rewarded with an easier time?

Balance doesn't have to be boring. Sekiro is balanced and it's a hell of a lot less boring than Dark Souls combat, that's for sure.

these are the kids saying Dark Souls 3 is bad because it doesn't have poise LOL

more options are good
balance is often boring, many weapons in multiplayer games get nerfed into oblivion becauseof balance

oooooooooooh christ oooooooooooh jesus oh oh oh jesushhhhhhhhhhhuhhhhhhhhhhhh

3's good so far, feels polished and I've been doing just fine with a tankier build. I don't think most people, who started with Dark Souls, know that Demon's didn't have poise

They never are

>more options are good

no more finding a cheeky weapon that performs better than expected, no, now we have to patch those unique items so they are "in line" with the "balance" of this "single player" experience. Say good bye to discovering sick loot that's maybe a little overbalanced or maybe even -- good ass items as rewards for your travails , say hello to patches constantly nerfing everything you've been finding useful!

More mmo mindsets in single player games featuring cancerous pvp and the niggers it drags in the back door please! oh god yes more PVP NIGGERS we need BALANCE in our single player adventure game!

I, too, enjoy skating from side to side like a mech and swinging a sword like it's made out of styrofoam.

>Dude anime knights lmao

Attached: Skating.webm (1280x720, 914.95K)

Try to do that on NG+ i bet artorias or any boss destroys the fatman if he tries to do that.

Attached: 1576691927161.png (235x191, 100.27K)

more stuff to find and tricks to learn

Look at the size of that lad

you will always die in roughly 5 or 7 hits regardless of how much effort you put into taking off your leather jacket and slipping into an outfit the equivalent of a killdozer. Every game must be balanced like mmos so nothing is too useful.

How when the game needs to be designed in order to take those tricks in to account? What examples do you have?

>More options actually are bad.
Wonder why i replayed dark souls so many times and after 1 clear of Sekiro i never played it again....Oh yeah because i could do a different build each time so the game is different everytime.

Attached: 1585767878092.png (401x574, 487.42K)

You sound very boring going through a game which barely changes so many times because you have a different move set that is barely different.

maybe we should give everyone who plays for pvp a shower of VX nerve gas.

fun game

Attached: Dark Souls PvP.webm (768x432, 3M)


>He fell for the "DS3 has no poise meme"
DS3 has poise builds if you actually try to build one and don't just try to minmax the heaviest armor you can wear while staying below 70% at 15 vit with a longsword.
In fact, theyre just as easy as they were in DS1 if you know what you're doing.

didnt click lol

>so this is the power of PvP
why do people treat this like its competative fightan again?

>Wear full Havels
>Get stunned by a single arrow
>Unless you're swinging a weapon
>But only some weapons

Attached: W5VT9Nb.jpg (535x608, 118.63K)

Power creep and nerfing are not balance.


oh no no no no you were the one getting bullied weren't you?

the trade-off is that grinding is boring and destroys your immersion, and immersion is whole point of playing an RPG instead of an action game.

This is sped up though.

Dark souls isn't an rpg though, it's an action game with stats. The rpg elements in dark souls don't do anything to add to immersion.

dont care about your meme videos madthony fagtano

lol you mad?

Ds has difficulty options baked into the gameplay choices, it's a far far more interesting and well designed system and it makes the games replayable unlike sekiro

this is what choicefags consider an argument

And no grind.

I heard Dark Souls III was bad and couldn't be bothered to play it so I just parrot those opinions because it means I don't have to invest time into knowing what I'm talking about: the thread

why include an rpg system at all if you dont take advantage of what it allows the player to do -- thats right, become stronger through experience. some better players may roll their way to a quick win, but some others might want to break out a big ass slab of metal and climb in it, expecting the downsides of the weight and the upsides of GASP some damage mitigation and slight stun resistance! NO says the man in the pvp dev pow wow groups, we must all conform to metas and wait for nerfs and find new metas to get nerfed! theres nothing more exciting than turning everything into the same balanced grey mash.
throw up a castlevania lifebar and stop lying to the players about their fucking plate mail is all i ask.

the stats are essential to your build, which is the deciding factor in whether a game is an RPG, and not whether it has a story. just because Souls has an LSD story doesn't mean its not an RPG.

npc's would rather not look at the argument at all and cover their ears

Did you read the post he's responding to? It's hardly a higher level of discourse.

just google the patchnotes of dark souls 1, 2 and 3 and notice the design philosophy change -- the patch notes of 3 resemble a fucking mmo -- and the game is almsot entirely linear. sometimes you can choose to go left or right first!

>fat bastard poise builds are easymode
Jeez, never would have guessed.

Real fags play katanadex with 100000x the iframes

Do what you want senpai pay 60$ for and ARPG with a single build path see if i care.

No one who plays video games regularly thinks Dark Souls is hard. It is a meme created by casuals who gave up after they couldn't kill the Asylum Demon.

Still waiting for a reason why more choice = good.

You sound very invested if you're dumping dozens of hours into a single game.


Even without cheesing, Artorias is piss easy.

>Still waiting for a reason why more choice = good.
More replayability and higher skill ceiling

if you grind in dark souls you're straight up fucking retarded

if you had more choice you may have been able to choose to not be such a faggot

more choice doesn't make a game have a higher skill ceiling. You can replay games with self imposed challenges, replaying games isn't a sign of it being a good game. Games with less choice have more replayability, such as arcade style games and rhythm games. If you want to replay a game constantly, there's better candidates than 25 hour action rpgs.

>every game is easy if you know what to do
carefull there OP. nasa may want to steal your 4 digit brain

Most people naturally play like the OP if they don't look up tips and tricks on reddit and see people telling them to stay below 25% equip load to fast roll.

i never used a guide and i never played a heavy armour faggot
but nice projection

or the game is simply too long for your tiny brainlet 1 hour game loops, so it's worth investing in some game design that flows with the games own design as an adventure / exploration action rpg. it's not fucking touhou shmups.

>i didn't notice rolling slower or faster depending on what gear i equipped so i didn't experiment with it
i'm sorry for you

>more choice doesn't make a game have a higher skill ceiling.
Yes it does, inherently. Learning to choose the right options is a challenge.

You didn't choose them, wikia's and infographics did. This doesn't increase the skill ceiling, only further dilutes the knowledge base.

No it isn't.

>looking up wikis
Saying something so blatantly and intentionally fucking retarded like that isn't helping your case.

You need a better counter argument. You sound awfully targeted right now, hit pretty close to home, huh?

Lol what armor?


No, most people, in their first playthrough, are not going to minmax to create an ideal poisetank as seen in the OP webm.

You can put on any of the dozen heavy armor sets in the game, and use any greatsword, ugs, greataxe, or greathammer and get the same results.

It is bad compared to the first two. The most boring and not to mention the least amount of content.

so you're saying if you buy, find, or farm the heavy armor, and equip it, and have the stats to use it, you can....take hits like you're wearing heavy armor as a reward for your time farming / finding / buying the items? wow this is revolutionary, rewards for exploration and treasure hunting! maybe even some risk !

No you can’t.

Yes, you can.

O lawd he comin'