Games for this feel?
Games for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
no game can match it, there's a reason it's a timeless literary classic
the odyssey was written in 1996?!
Dragon's Dogma
it was updated by robert faggot in 1996.
1v1 Mekone as Arcosephale
Games for this feel?
Faggles is dogshit tier.
EU4 as England
and cry that you are stuck with Henry VI
does it count as literary?
What's the correct translation, /lit/? Lattimore?
Hardly. And its not a "literary classic". Its deffinetly a classic story though that everyone should be at the very least somewhat familiar with.
Which is the best translation and why?
Idk why, but HL2 gave me similar feelings when I played it for the first time.
Unironically GTA: San Andreas.
Yes, actually. Good job.
Me loudly and annoyingly reciting my interpretation of ancient litterature and history at 4AM at the pub to the bored and uninterested public
Accept no substitute
Games for this feel?
>gets his crew members killed, pisses off Poseidon, dooms an entire city, and left his family to suffer by hundreds of nobles trying to dick his wife and take his fortunes for decades
>considered a hero
Odysseus was a fucking faggot. His son was more of a hero since he outright went out to find him or at least his body
>wanting a cheap imitation of Dante's work
Let's not forget that the motherfucker cheated on his wife when he was stranded on an island by staying with that black queen whom I forgot the name of
>imitation of Dante's work
t. Ignorant
>Yup that's me. You're probably wondering how I wound up on this island. Well it all started 10 years ago...
>name myself as noone in mystery games
>some tard always fucks up by saying something like "No one killed him"
>laugh every time even got banned in ss13 for abusing the naming system
Homer was a based man
Jason and the Argonauts, but it's fucking boring.
Now, this is a story all about how
My boat got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take several years
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prisoner in the island of Ogygia
>Fagles translation
Games for this feel?
AoE2 Agincourt campaign
Are you literally me
Mad Max
Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
>dog companion dies
yep, but nobody knows if Robert Fagles was real, if he was a group of people over time or a woman, he was probably blind though.
Games for this feel?
Seriously should not taken this long holy shit.
Bloodborne until the spider dies
>Now, as they talked on, a dog that lay there lifted up his muzzle, pricked his ears… It was Argos, long-enduring Odysseus’ dog he trained as a puppy once, but little joy he got since all too soon he shipped to sacred Troy. In the old days young hunters loved to set him coursing after the wild goats and deer and hares. But now with his master gone he lay there, castaway, on piles of dung from mules and cattle, heaps collecting out before the gates till Odysseus’ serving-men could cart it off to manure the king’s estates.
>Infested with ticks, half-dead from neglect, here lay the hound, old Argos. But the moment he sensed Odysseus standing by he thumped his tail, nuzzling low, and his ears dropped, though he had no strength to drag himself an inch toward his master. Odysseus glanced to the side and flicked away a tear. [...] he entered the well-constructed palace, strode through the halls and joined the proud suitors. But the dark shadow of death closed down on Argos’ eyes the instant he saw Odysseus, twenty years away.
The Odyssey would be considered sexist incel literature by Ubisoft standards.
>its not a "literary classic"
It's one of the most classic stories in the entirety of western culture, one of the earliest creations of western thought, a 3,000 year old story and a derived from four hundred years of oral poetry being passed down from bard father to bard son before someone wrote it down after the loss of the original Linear B Greek writing. It and the Iliad literally survived a Dark Age. It has directly and indirectly inspired tens of thousands of other pieces of human artistic endeavour.
The Iliad isn't Western, it's Classical.
Otherwise you are correct.
That's pedantry. Western is derived root and stem from Classical. Thousands of years of shameless LARPing.
wtong, fagles is better than lattimore, lattimorefags are just contrarians.
simpsons hit and run
Games for this feel?
Classical is a time period of the west.
Spenglerfags need not apply.
Spengler has literally never been wrong.
Games for this feel?
Are there any games where you can drag your rival's corpse around for three days in unbridled frenzy of anger?
Dragon Quest 5
Total War Saga: TROY
Games for this feel?
How has nobody posted Age of Mythology yet, it's literally a fictional odyssey set in a fictional real odyssey, I did not realize that this sub has gone THIS BAD.
Games for this feel?
mass effect
Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
I know just hear me out, don't think of it as an Assassin's Creed game.
But if you want a game with all the Greek Mythology this one is good.