Awwwwww shit. Anyone else excited?

Awwwwww shit. Anyone else excited?

Attached: Annotation 2020-04-03 091255.jpg (951x807, 152.81K)

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I'll be honest: no

Brutal Legend 2 when

look forward to playing it in 2023

Would rather not give money to Mr. Shitface.

Extremely so. Everything they've shown has looked great, and I love the first plus 3D Platformers in general.

Attached: dont believe his lies.png (579x331, 238.24K)

>sequel to middling saturday morning cartoon game

I'm skeptical of sequels as well, but still excited. Doom Eternal really didn't blow me away like Doom 2016 did, so once again I need to listen to my own advice and not buy games at launch price...

Kind of. Schaffer hasn't really been at the top of his game in the past decade but I'm hoping he'll actually put in some effort this time around.
Also I feel like sharing this. Pretty cool fan animation of Full Throttle.

Attached: tenor.gif (498x373, 1.66M)