Well Yas Forums, is it shit?

Well Yas Forums, is it shit?

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>1 year turnaround cash grab


Not at all, im having a fucking blast.

Attached: 6020BC84-B463-4A79-8963-ED2F37C3D348.jpg (2160x1620, 2.18M)

I completed it in 2 hours. You tell me

Its bare minimum good. Shouldnt be priced more than 30 dollars.
Wouldve been so much better just to make it a REmake2 DLC and slap on Project RE to REmake2 for free

Glad I bought P5R instead lmao

do you just fuck your own shit up on purpose? Either you are lying or you just don't enjoy video games because if your first play through was 2 hours you literally didn't stop for anything and played that way on purpose.

So it's longer than the original? That's good.

Attached: deadgame.png (586x597, 66.74K)

By the way, who are the fucks crying about NEST 2 this place is fucking rad.

Currently 7th best selling PC and Video games product on Amazon. It's going to be a success.

Sounds like they outsourced it to a shithole country!

I can vouch that pretty much all of that is true. Literally just beat the game. I enjoyed it for what it was but yes, there was a good bit of cut content.

The final lab is aesthetic as fuck. It's what REmake 2's lab should have been.

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You tell me

I hated the zombies that didn't go down. Or wouldn't after wasting so many shots on them anyways. After the first run in I just started dodging around them.

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Thanks, I have a boner now

So is it slow survival horror like RE2 or is it more action like RE4? I want it like RE2

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Far from it.

I haven't played a singleplayer campaign consecutively in years, like 10 years. I'm hooked on the singleplayer. I haven't even touched Resistance yet.

Yeah just like Fortnite.

What did she mean by this?

Attached: C7wUjzo[1].jpg (2560x1440, 1.13M)


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Says a lot about the current consumerbase. I'm sure this will be the same case with 7R, sadly, as we've already seen with the hilarious PS3 level textures and re-used Lightning Returns lifeless NPC animations

Somewhere completely inbetween.

She wants that slimy appendage to fill her up, that's what

Attached: re3_2020_04_03_02_17_32_698.jpg (2560x1440, 1.17M)

>Says a lot about the current consumerbase
No it doesn't. RE is a normalfag franchise, always has been, currently is, always will be till they call it quits. Are you pretending it was ever niche since the release of RE2 in 1998? You aren't implying that are you user? Because that would be incredibly dumb.

What blows my mind about RE3 is that it's just as good as RE2 for different reasons. It's almost impossible to outdo sequels, specifically second games in a trilogy. It doesn't outdo RE2, but it competes very well.

>m-maybe just a little succ?

90% of horror games are normal fag games.

>Download RE3
>Boot it up
>Opens up with a long scripted section running from Nemesis complete with epic slo-mo pandering to zoomers

I'm already reminded why RE3 was inferior to RE2 back in the day and have low expectations.

Are you saying RE3 remake is as good as RE2 remake? I want to be sure before I KO you.

Do you think the deimos experienced orgasm when it shot it's load down her throat?

The beginning section was a completely unnecessary rip off of uncharted, except with even less freedom. Imagine an apartment with a couple floors, an actual bar to go through, a few streets to navigate, instead we get Jill driving a car off of a roof. Graphical fidelity has ruined gaming.

Right and RE is the most popular of them all. I don't get what people like that user try to suggest.

Was pretty cool to see how Jill Valentine lived in her personal life though. She seemed lonely to be honest. Like a single young guy lives actually.

It depends, if you like RE6 but way smaller sure than its good. If you want classic RE gameplay its complete shit.

not sure but I know Jill did

RE6 is lthe Spider-Man 3 of the franchise. Bigger doesn't mean better.

Attached: yikes.jpg (1179x921, 267.71K)

I mean there are a good chunk of the player base that enjoys RE4 through RE6 (which I don't) with RE6 being the worst by far, the camparison is that if you liked RE6 and are ok with RE3make being that but way smaller than sure, go ahead and buy it.

It's mechanically closer to the revelation series where there's a dedicated dodge button. It's Re2: revelations.

>you can 100% the game in 5 hours
Look at this complete lie though. All this does is tell me is that these reviews are memes and to be ignored. There is content in the game that you must literally do a playthrough of first to unlock. Completely disingenuous and lying.

>zoomers struggling to understand that some people don't like 100-hour open-world games with no gameplay

It really fucking isn't, lmao wtf? It's literally REmake 2 except with a dodge that has a just frame when times right.

it's okay, but nowhere near as good as RE2.
part of the problem in nemesis. he's a shit design, and shit game design. nowhere near as good as mr. x

Comparing RE6 to RE3 isn't a valid comparison, in my opinion. RE3 is a much more tactical game. RE6 was over the top with the melee attacks, which was directly influenced by RE5 and RE4. The dodge mechanics in RE3 take more forethought, and the environments are much more claustrophobic. There's a finer balance of gameplay and level design on display. RE6 was also designed as a coop experience. That's a wholly different kind of game. The only thing they have in common is that they're way more oriented towards an action horror crowd, but even RE2 went that direction.

It was very rushed just to profit off the success of the RE2 Remake. Also developed by a b-team. Gore mechanics from RE2 are downgraded, tons of areas cut from the original ps1 game, not much of Nemesis aside from a few scripted chases and boss fights(not even on the same level as MrX in re2 remake) and overall very short for a first time playthrough. Definitely not worth full price, grab it when it's 20$. It feels like a DLC for RE2 remake than an actual standalone remake. They should've took their time like they did with 2 and also develop it for the next gen, but Capcom had to get arrogant.
It's not a bad game, but very disappointing compared to the RE2 remake and even the original game.
All the main teams are working on RE8, and
i hope at the very least they learned from 7's mistakes.

>The dodge mechanics in RE3 take more forethought,
What? How can you even say this? Have you even played RE6.

So that's where all the budget for this title went.

Yes, and I fondly remember running around like Jackie Chan.

No shit it isn't a valid comparison, RE died after RE3 REmake was just made to give us hope. RE3 did action oriented RE right, introducing the dodge mechanic without compromisin gameplay.

What are the requirements for S and S+?

is it cracked yet?

>unlocking weapons on hardcore for future runs counts as content
Fuck off.

>so Yas Forums

Did you actually use the dodge mechanics? It's no different from RE3, just expanded.

Based, torrent and then buy 6 months from now when its $15 for another run.

>he doesn't even know about Nightmare OR inferno modes
Fuck off

Only just found out about inferno. Do these two give anything in terms of rewards or just the points?

>glad i bought shit haha