Who's the worst liar?

Who's the worst liar?

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gotta be todd since he didn't contain himself to a single game or series


Todd and Pete at least launched their games working, even if they lied. Sean lied and released a game that took like 3 years to fix and remotely be like what was advertised. He's the lowest form of sociopathic shit.

Worst as in bad at lying or told the worst lies?
Murray for the former, Molyneux for the latter.
Anyone who still believes anything Howard says is a moron and deserves what they get.


That's a tough one.I would probably go with the stranger that promised me ice cream and instead took me in a van an fucked me in the anus

Murray actually just got caught up into something and since then has actually redeemed himself.
Todd however knows what he's doing and has no plans on fixing shit after the fact.
Once he robs you he books it.
Also Fallout 4 and Skyrim vr are both $60 FUCKING DOLLARS.
Dude is so anti-consumer.

Sean Murray. At least Todd and Peter made some good games.

Neither did Molyneux. Remember that fucking Godus scam? I'm almost positive that guy who won being "God" has still never seen a penny from that shit.

Randy Pitchford

>Murray had redeemed himself
No he hasn’t he’s a lying faggot

Todd because he keeps getting away with it.

>todd releases game after game that's broken and has to be fixed with mods
>sean releases buggy game, realizes his mistakes, and spends years fixing it to perfection

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Only one of those actually redeemed themselves though

Do some research user.
Todd got dragged into an investor trap. He had to hype the game up. You can see him in interviews trying to tell people it's gonna be shit.
Look at the current state of the game too. People are happy about it. He has created a good game.

>we're making FFVII again
>I promise, you guys

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This faggot.

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Sorry not Todd I meant Sean.

>Make good game
>"Actually you know what? That game was trash this new game will be better"
>Make arguably better game but missing somethings
>"Actually you know what? Fuck that game, this, THIS will be the real game that this series needs"
>Makes a game that's arguably worse and only good in choices

Molyneux was fucking nuclear


Todd by far.
Molyjew at least believes in his games even if they fall short, and Murray got too caught up in shilling his game.
Todd knows everything he says is a lie. He'll lie about fucking you in the ass when he's looking you in the eye while he's doing it.

Randy and the Star Citizen guy are probably the worst ones that aren't in the pic though.

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no he didn't its mediocre at best, the gameplay loop is still at its core unsatisfying

peter is a hack fraud and anyone who defends him doesnt understand the range of his bullshit stretching across his entire career, worse than todd and the other dude whose name i dont know

Todd Howard, because Bethesda doesn't know shame and keeps having love conferences despite being a C-tier publisher

Where did he lue about you not enjoying the gameplay loop

>He had to hype the game up
By blatantly lying about the game up til release, even on late night talk shows? There's no justification for his blatant lies.

And learn who the fuck Sean, Peter and Todd are you confused retard.

molyneux has promised infinite capabilities in every one of his games

I'm pretty sure he was genuine about wanting to put everything he said he wanted in the game, but he didn't realize that people expect shit to be confirmed when you say it.

Todd and Pete don't get that same leeway due to how many fucking lies they've told and how they have made 0 effort to live up to them after the game is out through updates.

Todd is soulless corporate stooge at this point. "It just works" was bad enough but 76 was the final nail in the coffin. Molyneux is a world class bullshitter in his own right but he's learned to keep his mouth shut. Sean went too far with his promises but at least he's trying to make up for it

Define "worst", if we're considering who told the biggest lie, then Sean, if we're considering who told the most lies, then Todd

yeah Todd really is based

I'm addressing your claim that he's made a good game.

Nigger, Sean only lied because his contract with Sony basically forced him to blow the game out of proportions to build hype. It was less of a compulsive thing for him, he just had his back against the wall because Sony hyped his indie game up as if it was a AAA title when there was no way in hell that it would live up to the hype of one even if he hadn't been promising shit that wouldn't be there at launch. And he still delivered the vast majority of these features he promised after the game released, which is more than can be said for Todd or Steve. I mean, what the fuck was he gonna do with a giant like Sony backing him up, tell people that the game won't be nearly as extensive or epic as their publisher claims it is? He'd be suicidal to cut himself off from such a good deal by doing that.


>Got caught up shilling
The fucking asshole lied about his game having multiplayer even after the fucking thing released, when it was proven that the game wasn't even made to connect to the internet whatsoever.

Peter. Todd is up there but is like 70%.
Sean lied his ass off but worked harder than almost anyone I have ever heard of in the history of the medium to fix the game.

Okay this is beginning to boil down to your personal opinion which is fine but you can't speak for others user.

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Murray is out of the question simply because his portfolio is not even remotely comparable to Peter or Todd's, so between the big two, I choose Todd because I completely agree with, Todd lies maliciously and deliberately and none of his games are even a fraction as good as Peter's and with none of the goodwill.

I'm unaware of the Molyeneux scandals in the lead up to his games (yes i have been living under a rock these past few years)
anyone care to do a quick greentext?

ur father lol

but... did you get the ice cream at the end?

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I mean, he had to. His indie game got turned into some AAA game. Given all the free updates to deliver everything he had promised, his game was rushed as fuck and it's almost a certainty the initial release date is suppose to be early access date.

>but he didn't realize that people expect shit to be confirmed when you say it.

Imagine actually believing this horseshit excuse.

I mistyped one thing and you're being so aggressive over it lol.
Obviously his lies are inexcusable but he knows that and has worked tremendously hard to fix it. I don't know why you're getting personally offended over this.
Is that you Todd?

Murray gets a little more leeway because at least he realised he fucked up and tried to fix it, even if it's years to turn things back around.

I'm no snitch, but this low IQ take definitely warrants a 2 day vacation. Bye.

Did Todd or any of them actually lie? Fallout 3 had 200 endings at least because at least 200 people bought the game and completed it.

Think about the logic, dumbasses. Todd never lies.

I always felt bad for Peter. He never came across as intentionally misleading. I think he was genuinely excited about his ideas and was never realistic about it. To a lesser extent I feel Sean got caught up in the same thing but his bullshit got smeared over a much larger surface and he possibly should have known better.

Todd knows exactly what he's doing and should be ashamed.

>people are unironically shilling for Sean Murray on Yas Forums
Am I in bizarro Yas Forums? I get NMS has gotten some updates, but has it even reached the game that was promised? Remember all the bullshit about multiplayer (or lack therof). Has that been added yet?

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>all these faggot pretending Sean Murray ‘redeemed’ himself
nu/v/ is so fucking gay

>"See that mountain? You can climb it."
>you can in fact climb that mountain
Todd never lied

It's not all smiles we know but it's still not terrible and Sean wasn't entirely in the wrong.
Making video games is a business and when there are tons of suits behind you commanding you with money you have to act to please them. You can't just pretend that these things don't exist in game development.
When all is said and done what matters at the end of the day is the actual game and it's quality.

Never lied. You can indeed climb that mountain. That one specific mountain. No other mountain.
Corporate stooge at worst.
Consistent liar. Promised features that he had no idea how to implement. Made a entire press conference sign a whiteboard saying his shitty on-rails shooter wasn't on rails. Made an entire game whose premise was to either get money or the chance to design another game then didn't follow through on the money.
He lied so much with so little idea of how to make shit happen, that nobody knows what to credit him with anymore.
A fucking rat at best.
And the worst part is that Lionhead had so little ideas without him that Microsoft just shut them down for general incompetence.
Lied, but lied knowing how to implement features. Implemented them later.
Starry-eyed idiot at worst.

My award goes to Molyneux.

Peter is the quintessential guy who has grand ideas and who genuinely believes in them, but they always fall short because they simply aren't realistic at the time.
That said, the whole showcase with Milo that turned out to just be a video rather than any kind of AI stung a lot back then.

Friendly reminder that Molyneux had some shitty cube clicker game to advertise his upcoming game, Godus. The """winner""" of that shitty cube game was supposed to get a cut of Godus sales, have input on how the game was shaped, and be a God in the game. Instead, that guy got literally fucking nothing from Molyneux, who bailed when he saw nobody gave 2 shits about the game.

there's that and the fact that he fucking lied to everyone, so no, patching up a horrible game to an ok game months after the fact does not equal to you not being a liar

Which says a lot about him.
He has no passion for gaming .
He has a passion for robbing people and making money. Anyone naive enough to support him is walking into a snakes den. It's a shame.

why would you even care? your hype, your expectations are your own. you are the problem, not them.

Put randy in the picture OP. Randy pays his goddamn employees with borderlands keys while he takes a 12 million bonus.

To be fair, Sean's company isn't a huge company. There was no way he could have prepared himself for the sheer breakout popularity NMS had gotten at the E3 reveal. He couldn't have known better since it was his first time at it. Peter, on the other hand, should have known better since this is not the first time he had his game overhyped, but I do get it, he was just as hyped as everyone else and severely overestimated the technology available at the time.

Hello, Todd.

I don't even own No Man's Sky.
I just know the story of what happened and he is no where near as fucking bad as Todd and Pete.
He actually works to add things he promised after the games out. The other two just pretend they never promised those things and sells DLC that has nothing to do with the features they said they'd have.

It's Molyneux. The dude is a pathological liar. He literally can not help himself.

Nobody is denying him for being a liar. His heart is in the right place though and the game is good now.

He can't keep getting away with it!!!

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Didn't know todd was in the movie taken.

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A bitcoin assassin could hold his entire family hostage with a nuclear bomb and it STILL wouldn't even come close to justifying blatantly lying about your product.

Molyneux and the Fable acorn was unfortunate, but this is entirely unforgivable.

The general rule that is to be learned from these threads is that nobody should ever trust a developer when he's shilling his game.
Not that it should even need to be said by now.

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The best liar is the guy from no man sky, because at least he fixed and is fixing his fucking game

He is a liar.
But anyone who says he's worse than Todd or Pete is retarded.

Yes, but he's worked at AAA companies on AAA titles and developed/shipped several games with that small company before.
Woefully unprepared, sure, but had no excuse to be.

>Todd Howard
>has never lied
this is not even worthy of digging into my bait folder for

> but muh poor devlopr!
Defending shitty corporate behavior like that is a great mentality and will never ever bite customers in the ass, I'm sure.

Multiplayer was added two years ago

You don't understand. An adult shouldn't be responsible for the words they speak and for other people taking them at their word.

fuck off don't paint Sean as starry eyed, he's just as bad as the other two he just wooed you with his innocent demeanour and puppy eyes

he released a tenth finished game and charged full price


Wanted to make his dream game and fell short, was fixed later
Has decent ideas but falls short on execution
Sucks the soul out of his own games, ruining TES wasn't enough he had to buy Fallout and fuck that up too

People on this board are too young to know the scope of Molyneaux bullshit. Todd an Sean are nothing in comparison.

tetsuya nomura


Shawn meant nothing wrong

> his heart is in the right place
I'm sure he realized lying is not good for their brand in the long run, doesn't make him a hero or even a decent human being all by itself tho.

Fuck off Molyneux, you're not fooling anybody.

I still watch the Godus video regularly because it's god-tier ASMR material.