Who do you want?

who do you want?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>For ARMS rep
Preferably Min-Min or a Koopaling like alt collection

>Other characters
Mostly Crash and Ryu Hayabuse. Maybe Chosen Undead. The other 2 can be Nintendo cash-ins.

>Pipe dreams

I want you to go to /vg/ and never come back


>who gives a fuck about ARMS ?
>Toon Anakin Skywalker
>another Anime sword boy
>Pokemon Trainer with 3rd gen starters
>a comical representation of leakers, just to piss off reddit
>a fat neckbeard
>Melee Fox, but F-Tier in order too get Meleefags seething

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Buy a playstation you idiot

Thirdpartyfaggots deserve death.

He’s in

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People to shut the fuck up

Porky and Geno

Who are you quoting

Crash bandicoot and Spyro
a pianta villager from super mario sunshine whos only move is to grab and throw
hollow knight
a fucking tetris block

That blonde chick from arms
Corey Chase
Renato Laranja

Do you really think Nintendo is gonna release the second pass without any third parties?

>Lloyd Irving
>3rd party wildcard

shes in

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>the epic "hype" pick to get everyone buy the pass is a shitty boring punch out knock-off.

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Why would the first one be the "hype" pick?

That last pass started with the protag of a game no switch owner could play. Banjo and Hero were the hype picks.

All FE characters.

>why would the first one be the "hype" pick?
>Third party fags are already backpedaling
Everyone bought the pass because of Joker. Why try to lie?

Don't even try to say Joker wasn't a hype pick. He was a hype pick because he was so out of left field, but for a very big and popular game that grabbed everyone's attention.

Get fucked

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>Everyone bought the pass because of Joker.
Are you retarded. I never played Persona ever in my life.

Out of the left pick doesn't mean hype pick.

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Made this before the ARMS reveal.
Replace Crash for the Lola Pop and all will be fine.

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"I didn't like this character and play his game, so no one else did either"

i want smashniggers to kill themselves already

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Only idorts played his game.

Oh I'm sorry, I could've swore you third party cucks always claimed that every "lel epic HYOPE1! XD" picks go up front, and "shit nobody asked for" go to the back.

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As said before, his game wasn't on Switch or any other Nintendo console, with the exception of one spin-off on 3DS that nobody played.

It's a pretty safe assumption to say that most Smash players haven't played his game.

No, but they knew who he was. People knew what Persona was, Persona 5 was a pretty big deal at the time, and it would at least make them hyped by thinking "Oh man, they're bringing out the big guns" for this DLC (whether or not it lived up to those expectations is up to personal preference)

>Oh I'm sorry, I could've swore you share the same argument I just made up and assigned to a collective group of people that don't share any arguments at all.
No user, I'm sorry you're retarded.

It's clear they do these in anti-climatic order. Joker was clearly big enough to show off at a "award show" that wasn't specifically Nintendo related. The of course Banjo and Hero came next. If what they are leading off is ARMS, the rest of the pass isn't going to you're hype third party characters [quote]which makes this pass awesome[/spoiler]

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>Being in denial fucking this hard because you're genuinely afraid we might get a 1st party only pass.
kek. Can't wait for the shillmon, Xenoblade, and new Zelda rep to taint your third party wishlist even further.

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>new Zelda rep
Haha good one dude

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Stop making up claims and then projecting them on me, you fucking ass.

Doomguy would be based

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>Green Samus

>hat ken argument

I want a Gradius rep. I'm sure they could find some way to make it work.

>the rest of the pass isn't to you're hype third party characters
Thank god. those soi basedface thumbnails and youtube wankery was annoying as fuck.

A fighter from LEGS

>tfw i want both first party and first party characters
>tfw i want both unrepresented and represented franchises playable
where do i land in

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Here are your most likely ARMS reps, bros.

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Eh. I'll change it.

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Why does everyone like Min Min so much? She’s so bland and boring, even in ARMS.

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Not me baby! I'm rooting for Lola, baybee!
She's clearly the best character for the sole virtue of being a clown.

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here's a shorter version

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Does he have a shot Yas Forums?

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Ayyy. Nice layout.
Beat and Class Team are definitely my favorites out of this bunch.
Jet Set Radio remixes would be a godsend.

Ryu Hayabusa
Lara Croft
Leon Kennedy

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As it should be.

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if the arms fighter is a spirit, he's a lock

Reminder that they *already* made third party deals, they're just delayed.
>Nintendo is headquartered in Kyoto ... it’s quite difficult for us to visit other companies. In my case, specifically, I was scheduled to give a presentation to a publisher on our plans for a certain new fighter; however the key parties were not able to get together, so it’s been postponed indefinitely.

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>Dr. Coyle
>Pyra + Hikari
>Good Hunter
Now everyone is happy

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Phoenix Wright.

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Nah, that’s CHAD BRASS

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>Smash logo cuts in
>Fade to black
>Camera pans to various cinematic shots of Shadow Moses island
>Snake walks into focus
>Codec rings
>Campbell speaks through the static and interference
>”Snake—careful—there’s—on island—intel—spy—
>Codec cuts out as Snake dodges shots from nowhere
>Silo music kicks in
>Camera slowly pans up from the ankles of a well suited man, fixing his bowtie cooly, pistol in hand

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>Min Min
>Chun li
> Tracer

Brass Chad's are alright in my book but he just doesn't make the cut cause he isn't a clown.

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No more third parties, please.

She's not going to be in

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>who fucking cares
>bub and bob

>both ace attorney and arms feature clown girls
yeah, i think there's a connection here

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golden sun isaac and advance wars andy.

i know they will never be chosen because smash is an ad platform to sell present/future games.

The best chance we got is a Mii Costume. If it does come to that I hope they go all out. Arle outfit, Puyo hat with jigglebones that change based on mii color, and a music track.


>Nowhere does it state that the other fighters are third parties

I've gotten Little Mac, K Rool and Banjo so legitimately anything would make me happy. Even an ARMS rep is fucking nuts to me, I adored that game.

I didn't play SMRPG but Geno always seemed like a cool character.

You mean assist? Even if the fighter is a spirit that gives a pass to geno or rayman not bomberman

Already failed that

It's realistically going to look like this. I'm assuming XC2 is gonna make it in because arms is getting in, they both had the old excuse of they came out too late for them to be added

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Fred Flintstone
>Side B can be him throwing a bowling ball
>Final smash is him running over his opponent with his Flintstones-mobile while yelling "Yabba Dabba Doo"
>This could be his track list
Yabbadabbadoo do her up the ass because he's in

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Now get rid of crash and rex and it’s realistic.

You forget how to read?
>visit other companies
>presentation to a publisher (that is not Nintendo) for a certain new fighter
>key parties were not able to get together
The decisions were made before the outbreak, just postponed.


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This fucker is going to be added in to promote the Pokemon DLC

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