Why is writing a good coherent story for a video game so hard for them?
Why is writing a good coherent story for a video game so hard for them?
They are soulless bugs.
Maybe "remake" doesn't translate literally from English to Japanese
why do you need that if you have tits and little girls.
unlike... west games?
what are you referring to?
anyway, they do make good stories, maybe not coherent, or vice versa. but you won't see that shit in AAA studios that release globally
Name one single Western game with a story even have as retarded and convoluted as say, Kingdom Hearts.
Blame the translators/localizers. They push their tranny agenda into the plot
Western games have better stories.
Legacy of Kain
Two nukes tend to do that
I always thought the flag resemblence the red stain of blood on the white panties of a girl when she's on her period
>Using the single most convoluted and stupid video game plot ever as your baseline
""""""coherent""""""" writing is boring as fuck. Keep that shit in westerncuck games.
because contradicting and/or confusing narrative elements add ambiguity, which leaves room for discussion and interpretation.
>strange plot = bad
based retard
It isn't
The thing for me about japanese media is that it often draws me in with very fantastical settings, powers etc, but then every single fucking time shits the bed under the weight of the writers own humanity.
They can spit ball interesting ideas and settings for days, but when it comes time to wrap it up they can't say anything more than the last guy. I know there are exceptions of course, but this is absolutely true for most vidya/anime.
Ey, Nier Automata is good, and DMC 3. That’s it, those are the only japanese games that i can think off that have a good story
unironically yes
sounds like cope
who the fuck plays games for story? people who play virtual novels? how can you be so pathetic?
>who the fuck plays games for story?
>virtual novels
It's called Visual Novel moron.
>the /vpol/ thread about japan just hit bump limit and archived, so we have a new one
bravo jannies
aka shitters who are bad at video games and need something else to distract them from this fact
It's a well known fact that the language you're born with and grew up with alters the way you think.
Japanese writing is more open because that's how their context-dependent language does to their minds. They're not autistic about tying everything up to form a coherent story. They're content with making something aesthetically pleasing but that requires the spectator to tie a ton of knots by himself.
mention one
I speak 4 languages and English is not my mother tongue.
Yes, this is why english speakers have dominated the world for centuries
>t. e-journalist who was filtered by Sekiro
>The Witcher 3
>Deus ex
>Mass effect 1
Kingdom Hearts story is bad. It's complete garbage. No, not because it's "strange." Because it's fucking dumb.
>virtual novel
okay ledditor
can't tell if this is bait
>Book adaptation
>Tinfoil hat and memes
>Dude sex with aliens lol
I dare, you double dare you, to go read some entries on the Assassin'ss Creed wikia and don't have your brain melt.
why do they bother with stories if they're going to be shit?
I can't believe weebs seriously think that games like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy are good stories. I truly think they're braindamaged on some level.
literally any triple A western game released in the past 10 years
>Assasins creed
Literally nobody cares half of that shit is from dumb novel tie ins that nobody cares about or reads.
Shit I’d even say the games stories like Assasins creed 1 were kino.
God of War
Last of Us
Not a single one of them come close.
Katana ZERO
>lol japs can't write endings
>mass effect is good though
Name ONE good game the government of Japan has released this year. Go on. I'm waiting.
you're right they still manage to be somehow worse and less interesting than the retarded mess that is kingdom hearts
>trying to educate single language retarded plebeians
you're in the wrong board m8
Japanese games
>Explosive fantasy elements and creative design, dripping with color and wonder, feels like the world is born out of a fever dream
>Characters are about as deep as a puddle and characters fit into three or four very stereotypical archetypes making for a bland story
Western Games
>Gritty, realistic fantasy. Something you can actually imagine happening, not impossible. Bland world with little wonder
>Characters have backstories and act upon the things that happen along the way, making for an interesting story that takes the player along
I'll never understand how people can claim that capitalism is anti-freedom.
>name an example
>here is one
Fuck you, eat a dick.
They never lived under a socialist regime to understand what oppression is actually supposed to look like.
They love plot twists and don't care if it creates plot holes.
Castlevania, Resident Evil, Jet Set Radio, Shenmue, Demon's Souls, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Silent Hill, Okami, Onimusha, and Dead Rising all have perfectly fine stories for video games. They also excel at having batshit insane stories like in Killer7 and Deadly Premonition.
If you're going to bother with it then it should be good. Doom works because there's so little of it. The Last of Us works because it isn't an autistic cringe fest. Japs put in too many "cool" ideas with no pay off. It's just a cluster fuck of pointless shit that would impress and overwhelm the mind of an 8 year old.
this is actually a good point
>The Last of Us works because it isn't an autistic cringe fest.
Says you.
>backstory = depth
Why did you just post a circle retard
>dude we've got all these wacky different types of zombies that evolve into each other given enough time
>if you think about it for a second, all the zombies should be the final evolution due to how much time has passed but somehow every area you walk into was freshly infected just a few minutes ago
>clickers are like these super creepy zombies that can't see and click to use echolocation and you have to stay still to hide from them
>if you think about it for a second, you realise that's not how echolocation works at all and the devs just wanted their own edgy flavour of zombies