So, it's actually a sequel disguised as a remake? And you expect me to believe this isn't the pinnacle of kino?

So, it's actually a sequel disguised as a remake? And you expect me to believe this isn't the pinnacle of kino?

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they put all the compilation inside one part of the original game in the most retarded way possible
the combat looks solid at least

I don't understand what you mean

>Barrett, are you hurt?

Do we still get the retard line?

the sephiroth we see constantly is not present sephiroth, but a future sephiroth that wants to change stuff. He constantly haunts the party with visions so the party fears and kills the watchmen of fate so fate cant interefere when sephiroth changes the timeline.
Future sephiroth and watchmen of fate are destroyed, and in the end what it is left is present sephiroth, with the party having a certain knowledge and what it is gonna happen.

Thats it.

You said it yourself, Sephorith – there are only two sides to your coin.

it will end like kingdom hearts
where everyone is sephiroth including cloud

can you faggots not spoil every single second of the game please thanks

>actually a poorly written time travel story about changing fate, which will likely end in the last game saving a multiverse and being 300% different from the original

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No, I honestly don't want anyone to enjoy this. Fuck you

>because i use negative adjectives to describe it in a cambodian throat singing board
Yas Forums in a nutshell

And it remains true: everything Square has done with FFVII past the original, has been a total disaster.

I can't believe I actually thought it'll be different.

just because you are depressed and can't enjoy things anymore doesn't mean everyone else also shouldn't

Lets be frank, this isn't even strictly Nomura anymore. This is just Square-Enix in general. Shame on anyone expecting a 1:1 game and trusting them after the past two decades.

crisis cire is good

People have been bringing up Rebuild for a reason.

No, I don't want people bastardizing things I love. You want a new game, play a new fucking game, leave this classic story alone

rebuild of eva 2.0 is actually better than the original

and what does spoiling it for yourself and everyone else do to prevent this?
let people form their own opinion
you are an evil, cranky piece of shit

Yes, I am. If you can't see this is shit, that's a you problem

>buying a game that was once whole but is now split into 60 dollar chunks
If you do this you are a massive cuck.

How does it feel to have brain damage user? Curious.

How was future Sephiroth destroyed?

Wait a sec, so they're pulling the same garbage story that God of War 2 pulled?

>you died by Zeus' hand
>actually no you didn't, you killed the sisters of fate and stopped him from killing you

So instead of this being a remake of FFVII, it's a remake of GOW2. Wonderful.

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Can't wait for the SFM.
Barrett will usher in a new age of BLACKED waifus.

in the same way that Kingdom Hearts was ever good. that is to say, not at all aside from the visuals.

last fight with cloud

But you have the classic story. It was made for PS1, released in 1997.

So just play the original then.
People cried about real-time action, remember ? Then they were ok with it because they can't resist the call of FF7.
You're crying about the story change, but you'll be ok with it because in the end your all FF7 bitches.

so it's an actual remake, not a remaster. cool i guess.

>the same garbage story that God of War 2 pulled
one little tidbit you're omitting - that shit was already canon in Greek mythology. it's not like they pulled it out of their ass, which is why all those old school mythologies are such cool settings to explore.

whatever nigger
it's a you problem that you can't enjoy anything.
everyone is going to buy and enjoy this video game while you'll sit here seething and shitposting about it
who's getting the better deal out of this?

So early-ass barely-recovered Cloud is more powerful than late-game FFVII Cloud or Advent Children Cloud? Sephiroth somehow survived those two encounters but not this one.

Gameplay is not supposed to be representative of how powered up people get during the journey, thats just gameplay mechanics.
Bombing mission cloud is as strong as the final battle.

Either you fail at explaining it or that I do really have brain problem.
But I think you and me agree on I'm the problem here.

Any how, what???

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No, this is an alternate timeline where Tifa didn't tell Barret to stop acting like a retard and so he ended up getting himself stabbed.

>Gameplay is not supposed to be representative
>gameplay is not important
>in a video game

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Pretty much.

You literally kill the not-sisters of fate, so not your timeline Sephiroth can change fate. Aerith won't die and they already teased yet anotehr timeline in which Zach is still alive and survived his last battle.

This """"remake"""" will spand multiple timelines and probably end in some spider-verse nonsense

>Bombing mission cloud is as strong as the final battle
Even ignoring the gameplay aspect, that's nonsense. In stories like these (JRPGs in particular) the hero always gets stronger. It's not simply that the numbers increase, the scale and power also increases. You go from slimes and rats to gods.

Ok so the point went right past your brain

That would mean then that every JRPG is terribly poorly written since everyone could just spend time grinding and kiling monsters and become gods. Thats not true. Or how villains dont go kill you right away since "they can just grind their way to kill me".

I got your point perfectly.

>the story should not have any relation to the gameplay and if something happens in the game, the story can ignore it for convenience reasons

This is the same stupidity that leads to "kill a hundred guys, but surrender to 3 guys in a cutscene".

>Bombing mission cloud is as strong as the final battle

Absolute Bullshit, Bombing mission cloud is less than a month after Zack saved his ass, and he was still a little pussy back then.

a. nigger this isn't dragon ball z. cloud isn't "stronger" just because it's further in the game
b. he's fighting some imaginary phantom sephiroth, while end-game cloud is fighting "most of the planet's lifeforce absorbed" divine sephiroth, so you're wrong regardless

Ah yes, I too remember Sephiroth killing Barret, and a magic ghost reviving him from the dead.


what a fucking abortion of a game

sounds more interesting then just rehashing the original story

>future sephiroth

ah yes, I too remember in ff7 where trunks showed up.

Do they end up going to real world france at the end and meeting lightning?

yes, why not shit all over a game most people liked?

>It's a sequel that means it's good.
It's the same chuunibyou livejournal fanfic that every Nomura project ends up being.

based. all the seething only makes me want to play it more. it's having the opposite effect than what shitposters want

muh 1:1

You don't see the problem with marketing a game as a remake, and then changing every single element about it so that it has zero resemblance to the original?

Why didn't they call it something else other than Remake
this feels so disingenuous

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now it's kill a hundred guys, pass out for a bit, and carry your friend into a half ass ending

The worst thing is that we see Zach, in an alternative timeline at the end.

Who's to say that the original timeline will truly stay untouched? With this "switching between timelines" being already a thing, with an alternative exisiting already, I can definitely see them pull out the OG FVII timeline in one of the sequels.
Like, for some reason we have to go to that OG timeline to stop Aerith from being killed because all the Aerith's throughout the timelines have to channel their energy together or something.

How can we be sure that this shit aint off the table with them going into alternative universes?

it is a remake, they REMADE the story too. they got you, that will be $60 please.

So no post game super boss? That is the only reason to ever play a JRPG.

The old games still exist, just go play them again if you want

people wanted ff7, not this kingdom hearts-esque garbage.




>every single element
Now you're just being retarded on purpose.

Those rascals at square never fail to surprise me. They even have preorder bonuses too, as i'm sure a thouand+ people would've predicted.
