What do I care for your suffering? Pain, even agony, is no more than information before the senses, data fed to the computer of the mind. The lesson is simple: you have received the Alpha Centauri Thread, now act on it.

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Name a single thing he did wrong.
I'll wait

You're gonna wait forever.

Rather, name a single thing he did right. Humans are not ants, and the progress of a society is only meaningful insofar as it benefits the individual. If you enjoy being nerve-stapled, you are twisted beyond all hope.

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this guy gets it

He got his ass beat

All you had to do was listen to her

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If you enjoy being nerve-stapled, you are untouchable. What are you gonna do, nerve-staple me?

As a kid I always played as University cause fuck yeah Science!

Now I normally play as Deidre. What happened to me? They're both monsters, just opposite ends of the spectrum.

5/7 of the factions are monsters and the other two are either bland or hard to play.

Also University and Hive have OP RENTfree buildings so they are hard to avoid picking on.

Probably why I always gravitated towards University then, it was way easy to play. Now that I know the systems better I play Deidre to become one with Planet.

Maybe I should reinstall and try out Lal, I don't think I've ever played as him in any of my runs. Same with Yang.

He got blind-sighted by the scarcity of the first years after planetdrop and dared not dream of a better future than Earth as he left it.

He tried to build a society around the concept of "Things will eventually suck so better prepare society appropriately"

I can think of several things

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>implying that isn't the appropriate way to think of things
'Started out good but eventually sucked' is the most apt summation of every civilization in human history.
Better to plan for that eventuality than to forlorn your society off ideology and then be blindsided by the eventual problems that come from it
Yang was right if it weren't for the unforeseen hivemind circumstances of the Planet

Says the guy keeping brains in jars.

Try Miriam sometimes
AI plays her like a mad jihadist but she excels in all fields, you will always be the first to scout the mainland and get the best locations for yourself, and you can run democracy without crippling early game production.
She is also the most humane and moral faction leader, listen to her voice overs on lategame projects and ask if you've really asked for this to be built.

Basically some of the others are annoying to play. I still mix it up between everyone except yang and miriam, though. Not that Miriam was wrong, but that anti-science stuff just ain't gonna fly.

>fuck yeah Science!

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Human beings are social creatures, more prone to self-sacrifice and cooperation than they are to selfishness. They are not alligators living and hunting on their lonesome. A mass collection of individuals competing against each other is not a society at all.


>Richard Baxton piloted his Recon Rover into a fungal vortex and held off four waves of mind worms, saving an entire colony. We immediately purchased his identity manifests and repackaged him into the Recon Rover Rick character with a multi-tiered media campaign: televids, touchbooks, holos, psi-tours-- the works. People need heroes. They don't need to know how he died clawing his eyes out, screaming for mercy. The real story would just hurt sales, and dampen the spirits of our customers.

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I was like ten when I played this first

sans the fedora, I can see 10 year old me looking like this

In a free market, nothing is forcing you to act like an alligator. Self-interest and altruism are both driving forces in human behavior, but collectivism denies humans the very right to behave as they choose.

I should, I did like one game with her, but thats it. The majority of my games have been University, Deidre, and Spartans when I need to let off some military steam and Planetbust everything.

The heat death of the universe so Morgan's "fuck the future" attitude was actually entirely red pilled

These are nigger-tier matters that only concern what humanity is like RIGHT NOW, while the real question is whether it is permissible to change human nature intentionally. Humans under Yang ARE ants, and if you don't like that, you will have to prove that he didn't have the right to do that. I'll give the Morganite there a pro-tip right now: you can't, and therefore Yang is not wrong.

>nothing is forcing you to act like an alligator
Except anyone with some sense can realize that those who act like alligators, callous and 100% business oriented, have an advantage over those who aren't. And those who aren't engaging in that behavior either adopt that behavior to survive, or are subsumed or consumed by the alligator.
Structuring your society around economy and business, while exceedingly profitable and efficient for the individual, is entirely a cancer for humankind, that merely results in an authoritarian oligarchy lording over oppressed individuals, merely in a different color


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You believe in absolutely nothing.
So your people will become absolutely nothing.

Ha! Perhaps you should ask the UN to invoke 'sanctions'! Ha ha ha!

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>Except anyone with some sense can realize that those who act like alligators, callous and 100% business oriented, have an advantage over those who aren't. And those who aren't engaging in that behavior either adopt that behavior to survive, or are subsumed or consumed by the alligator.
Only to the extent that people are self-interested. The fact is that people are this way because that is their true nature. Your boss is an asshole because that's just who he is.
>Structuring your society around economy and business, while exceedingly profitable and efficient for the individual, is entirely a cancer for humankind, that merely results in an authoritarian oligarchy lording over oppressed individuals, merely in a different color
The economy? Business? These are not real things, they are abstract representations of people freely interacting with each other. Economic freedom is inherently necessary for every other type of freedom.

Lal believes in letting people have freedom and comfort, and not treating them solely like workers, consumers or mind worm bait. People get tired of money, security and "saving the planet". They change, and that's why talents flock to the peacekeepers and not Ancapville or "Your entire life is highschool, except its the nerds bullying you" University.

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We'll see who is laughing when I forward your map data to Miriam. We're pact brothers/sisters you see, and she so desperately wants to SPEARhead a HUMANTARIAN mission staright to your capital. As Planetary Govenor, I can't help but approve of her actions.

>not taming mindworms
>not raping your enemies with an infinite army of demon boils
>hating fun and one of the most broken units in the game

is worm farming the most broken tactic besides city spamming?

The fact you think everyone is an asshole is telling. If you've ever ran a business or worked any amount of time for a shitty company or one ran by assholes, you'd know that sometimes you get forced to do scummy shit. What happens is often times people quit or tough it out cause they have no choice at the moment. If we lived in a truely free market then these profit foced shitty people would have 100% control there would be no escape unless you tried to change it.

>Only to the extent that people are self-interested. The fact is that people are this way because that is their true nature. Your boss is an asshole because that's just who he is.
Most people are self-interested only to the extent that they might be able to improve the lives of the people they care about, whether directly or indirectly. The resources it takes to help others or to have children directly takes away from the resources they could use for self-profit, and yet most of humanity will choose altruism over self-profit. And more so to, humanity often chooses to limit their self-profit for the sake of altruism by way of limiting economic freedom.
It is fundamentally telling that a large number of those who are at the top of the corporate ladder often display psychopathic tendencies, and yet you think that the best way for humanity is to play into these fundamentally selfish and inhuman tendencies
>The economy? Business? These are not real things, they are abstract representations of people freely interacting with each other.
Mega-corporate entities of the modern world long since transcended beyond merely individuals interacting with each other. They are themselves collective entities, indeed fueled by individuals interacting with it, but these things have transcended beyond the abstraction of individuals into literal things of their own right, especially when they are the basis for which a society like Morgan's is run

Can any AC-savvy user tell me what was wrong with Deirdre's ideology? She seems pretty cool, but I've heard some anons claim she's evul.

I have no idea what is moral correct in this scenario.

The reason you have to endure this is because everywhere else it's the same thing. People like to pretend at generosity, but when they have the opportunity to screw everyone else for their own gain they will snatch it up. Look at what anonymity does to Yas Forums, see how people are assholes when given the opportunity? Capitalism isn't the problem, human nature is. Notice how lefties will happily admit that they want Boomers to die in a plague, despite pretending to compassion and moral superiority?

>Look at what anonymity does to Yas Forums
nobody is seriously being an asshole, it's largely just bants

I assume it is because joining with Planet effectively kills humanity via transcendence.
That or allying with filthy alien worms.

Freedom and comfort derived purely from itself is where corruption and stagnation derive from
It may be the best place to live for a time, but the status quo which Lal champions creates its own chains of inaction and slow decline that creates the very scenario that befell Earth which he derides and escaped from

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>you can't have decadence if your are in hell from the start
As expected from a yangcuck.

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Skepticism causes liberty, not the other way around. Oh man, I don't trust my fucking feudal lord/king/pope/leader, let's revolt and give ourselves more freedom.

Again you assuming everyone is an asshole. I seriously don't act like that or post anything like that. I usually just lurk and read any interesting info and I'm sure there are other people like this. I also know for a fact there are people who regularly get fucked over because they're honest people and can't help themselves.



Name a more iconic team

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Are you literally autistic?

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But that skepticism only came about because thinkers had the liberty to speak and publish works which were extrapolated in other works to produce skepticism in the abilities of an absolute ruler
Hobbes was a monarchist, but his works inspired Locke and Rousseau
And that skepticism in turn made it so that many thinkers didn't want to define liberties out of the fear it would limit the undefined ones, but today the only liberties we still have are the ones they defined

University is the only one that really feels out of date now. The Dawkins-Hawking axis has zero to do with how people conceive of education now. Sister Miriam should also just be a Muslim and the faction should be explicitly Muslim instead of pseudo-Christian.

There should also really be some kind of "media" faction now where everyone is on social media trying to turn everyone else into a consumer of their narrative.

how bad are the expansion factions

We're probably very similar despite our different views about the world. It doesn't matter if there are exceptions, the reason we are not more successful is because people would rather work with the effective asshole whose demanding nature ensures success than the nice guy who gets taken advantage of and fails. This is also observable in most social interactions and is the cause of chad-worship.

Liberty of thought != liberty of actions. Skepticism is a natural occurrence in man. We think, we question. A society has to curb thought and prevent it. I'm mostly coming at this from a John Stewart Mill perspective.

please no

There is some ok stuff there, but overall, totally unnecessary.


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Whatever, it's not supposed to be bait. Ignore the Muslim part if that's too scary, I like the idea about a media faction.

>too scary
it's too retarded

You want a stand-in for old tyme religion and Christianity is a joke at this point, like the pope just regurgitating whatever will get him a pat on the head from the neoliberal press machine. Islam is just the last choice, no religion faction at all is fine too.

I would think the liberty of thought only matters when there is the liberty of action of being able to publish those thoughts. But in either case, the liberty of thought is what produces skepticism, but as said, those who went too overboard with their cherishing of liberty were skeptical of defining it out of the fear of tyranny over the undefined, but by leaving it undefined, the modern government in its push for public safety has taken away every liberty except the ones that were defined
In any case, liberty begets itself, but liberty is not inherent to human social functioning or society, as both are predicated on conforming the individual in order to cooperate with their community. Too much liberty and you have no society. The biggest failure of a lot of Enlightenment figures was their belief that man in nature is an individual, when in reality man in nature exists as a community

What good buffs does she get that the spartans dont have?

The Catholic church has almost always been a shill organization for the establishment.

It's the things she's done in the name of her ideology.
Look at the excerpts from "our secret war", and the very subject it is covering.
There are chilling elements to all ideologies in AC.
With Lal, the most notable thing is his silence in later years and who becomes the voice of morality in his stead.

Plot and thematic armor

good countries came from christianity, whereas islam is basically shit. this isn't about what the pope says to the media or whatever nonsense, nobody cares about that.

>we live in a society

Team Alien Crossfi-pfffhhahaahahaha

>Ah yes, we live in a society, how could you tell?