These are the last good FF games that will ever grace this gay earth.
I have nothing to apologize, as I loved these games. FF Type 0 was superb as well.
XIII was messy
XIII-2 was an improvement
LR felt like glorified fanfiction
The last good FF game is XIV
FF XV and VIIR being massive disappointments has really brought out the XIII trolls
The only bad part is when they dump you into a shitty open area to do nothing but grind. Either than that, it was solid 7/10 game.
Type 0 is the only of the games that properly utilizes the metaphysics they set up. The other ones try to be too standard.
Type 0 was okay but my complaints were:
Magic was useless
A pain in the ass to properly gear 14 party members
Inactive party members gain 0 EXP
XV is good though
ff died with 12. which even if not everyone's cup of tea, was at least decent. everything after that was close to unplayable. and i fucking platinumed ff13 and finished 13-2 and lr. jesus chirst i shudder just remembering
>Magic was useless
Blizz BOM literally OWNS anything on your path!
not a biggie in my runs, but fair enough
>Inactive party members gain 0 EXP
Just slap them into Offline training, or cycle through the team members.
FF12 was literal garbage.
These games were shit too
By what? Garbage games?
13 was inoffensive. 13 2 was pretty good. Never played LR
They're solid games, pleb.
You mean these are the abortions that took the FF series to hell.
Comfy camping adventure was good.
Imagine being so retarted that you think XIII had anything good on it.
Not even the Revival of FFVII can be as bad as that shitty trilogy and that's saying something.
>XIII was messy
>XIII-2 was an improvement
I hate people like you. XIII-2 was a massive downgrade and story wise it was "make shit up" tier.
They're mediocre at best.
This is coping: the post
Yeah the story is garbage but the gameplay was slightly better.
Honestly if not for II I would consider XIII the worst game in the series, there is literally nothing I enjoy about it other than the music and Sazh.
Didn't even fucking bother touching the sequels. The last good FF was X-2 and even then only for the battle system and gameplay, the story and music were terrible.
>>Magic was useless
>Blizz BOM literally OWNS anything on your path!
I think it was because I didn't get the whole magic enchantment system so I never bothered.
In retrospect, it's better than the grenade shit in XV
XII (original) is god tier.
XII remaster is good but the rebalancing fucked everything and made an already ez game, braindead ez.
XIII is flawed but overall a decent linear Jrpg.
XIII-2, LR, Type-0 are budget tier trash.
XIV ARR is fucking amazing even tho I hate mmos in general.
XV had potential but along with II it's the WORSE produced FF ever.
VII remake is WAY better than I could imagine after the incompetence of XV.
This thread is hilarious to me, because FFXIII was utterly reviled by Yas Forums when it came out. It was nothing but threads of people posting all the maps which are just corridors, and the prevailing opinion was that the one redeeming thing in the game was when you got to Pulse and the map opened up.
Now we have this thread hailing it as a masterpiece and complaining that the worst part of the game is when you're taken off the rails. FFXIII was shit. The story was shit, the combat system was shit. I can't find a single redeeming quality of any of them, and that's after a friend bought me all three and forced me to play them. FFXV is leaps and bounds better than FFXIII ever hopes to be, and that's saying a lot considering FFXV is definitely near the bottom of the list to begin with.
type-0 had some decent combat, good music and nothing else.
Very bad b8 thread
>Yeah the story is garbage but the gameplay was slightly better.
no it wasn't. you either forgot or you are retarded. they literally removed everything that made XIII's battle good.
who honestly cares about the story from XIII anyways? Lightning is one of the least likable, least interesting video game protagonists ever. Snow is a generic late 90s anime protag douche. Vanille and Hope are your standard JRPG teenagers of each gender and are written exactly as such. Only Fang and Sazh are remotely decent.
And the plot is nonexistent, the main villain literally shows up to tell your party where to go at one point because they got lost.
>FFXIII was utterly reviled by Yas Forums when it came out
It's like this board has terrible taste in games or something.
A downgrade? To what? A lack of cinematic presentation and twenty hours of linear battles and boss fights all leading up to one open field and one final chapter where you're finally allowed to change your party make-up? If you don't like XIII-2, sure, whatever, but saying it's inherently worse than XIII is like saying i'd rather take death by constipation over choking on my own saliva. You can't downgrade lower than XIII, you can only go up, even if marginally.
But theyre the worst.
XV might be shit, but its boring shit.
XIII is infuriating shit. Its so shit it makes people mad to this very day.
The shitty endless corridors for half the game.
The shitty shop system
The shitty open world in the second half
The shitty characters who are all one dimensional retards
>Snow: hey the hero is here! this is just what a hero does hehe!
>Vanille: why don't you try it with a smile! (actually I'm sad inside!
>Hope; ima kill this nigger mommy!
>Lightning: i dont care what you do, just dont get in my way. Hmpfh!
>Sazh: the fuck is wrong with these niggas?
No man, FFVIIR might be a shitty remake, but at least its a decent enough game. The only saving grace in XIII was the ost.
>I think it was because I didn't get the whole magic enchantment system so I never bothered.
even in stock form, the BOM is OP as fuck.
Nope, it is unironically, honestly the best FF game ever made.
>This thread is hilarious to me, because FFXIII was utterly reviled by Yas Forums when it came out.
for a good reason. at the time open world rpgs were the new big thing and XIII was retarded in that aspect because the director wanted COD-esque progression. that aspect of the game overshadowed all the good qualities it had.
>FFXV is leaps and bounds better than FFXIII
nah. it's not linear but XV is also retarded. open world filed with invisible walls and places you can't go because of waist high fences. XIII was plagued with a bad kind of linearity but at least had polish.
>and XIII was retarded in that aspect because the director wanted COD-esque progression.
Are you sure that was Toriyama's urge and not just the consequences of the development's absolute fuckery that screwed with the entire rest of the company to push that garbage out?
>God Tier
>Great Tier
IV, X, X-2, XII
>Meh Tier
>Shit Tier
XV at least has more than 1 likable character.
Nice projection, user. Don’t be upset that not everyone likes your corridor game.
>it’s another FF15 vs FF13 thread
What the fuck is there to argue about? They’re both dogshit but for different reasons.
>story wise it was "make shit up" tier.
Story wise it was just explaining the Deus Ex Machina from the first game and resolving it. Most of the lore explained in XIII-2 was explained in the datalogs in the first game.
>says I'm projecting
>proceeds to immediately project
So between XIII and II which is the worst game in the whole series? No others even come close in terms of badness.
Cope with what?
II being bad is a stupid meme that needs to die.
8, 9, 10 and the mmos exist.
I actually like II but I like II in the same way I like Chargeman Ken and The Room. It is a fucking bafflingly terrible game, it is terribly designed in basically all aspects.
Drop the original XIII and yeah.
Also >Magic was useless
Magic is pure cheese at endgame and obliterates everything when you can afford to spam it, but it was honestly boring as fuck, and I hated that it took up the same slots as weapon skills, of which there were only two. Wish it got a proper remaster and not that travesty. And a new game. Well, that's not happening now.
Fully charged thunder spells sound like sex.
8 is great, it has one of the most interesting character building systems in any RPG ever made, battles are fun aside from drawing, Triple Triad rules, the story and setting are interesting.
9 is what I would consider one of the weakest of the good games in the series. Graphically amazing, but the battle system is worse than everything from IV-VIII due to how slow and dull the animations are. Character building is way too basic and shitty. Music is among the bottom of the series aside from X-2.
X has great music, the most fleshed out world, a fine battle system, unique character building, fantastic visuals that still look good despite how close it was to the PS2's launch.
Literal corridor garbage.
XIII fags should be shot into the sun
>Meh tier
It's a gigantic downgrade from the battle system and character building of each prior FF game starting with V. It's slow, it's clunky, it's bland, the music stinks, it just has gorgeous graphics, great character design, and a decent story.
So VIII had great battle system?
The Junction system gave you a huge amount of freedom and fun with character building, the limit break system was fun and added a nice risk/reward situation for staying at low HP, animations didn't take a million years like IX. Battles in VIII just seem much faster paced and more responsive than IX's. IX honestly is so slow and unresponsive half the time it feels like something is wrong with the game or your controller, it feels disgusting and way worse than the previous games.
when will XIV stop having a subscription so I can play it? I'd happily buy the game and its expansions if not for that.
Yeah, solid lumps of shit.
you can play a massive chunk of it for free though. lvl35 on all OG jobs is nothing to sneeze at.
Never dude. You still have to pay a subscription to play XI, a 2002 game that stopped updating 5 years ago.
>Lightning is one of the least likable, least interesting video game protagonists ever.
>Snow is a generic late 90s anime protag douche.
>Vanille and Hope are your standard JRPG teenagers of each gender and are written exactly as such.
Congrats smoothbrain, you completely missed the entire point of the game.
>Only Fang and Sazh are remotely decent.
It is staring you right in the face.
The entire point of the game was that the characters were shitty?
I've played every game in this franchise, Cloud and Squall were nowhere near the antisocial piece of shit Lightning is. Lightning is outright awful, I get that characters grow over the story but she doesn't really become any more likable in the sequel games, she's still a cold bitch.