1440p 60fps chad here. Demon's Souls was never designed to run this way and apart from some minor graphical text glitches, this shit looks better than Dark Souls Remastered.
Holy shit PS3 emulation has gotten good
Other urls found in this thread:
The playstation 5 will be released at the end of the year and some people are still excited about a broken emulated version of a ps3 game. How pathetic.
no thanks I refuse to play with 3rd world framerate
wake me up when 144 and above works without glitching up
any specific settings?
The game was originally 30fps 720p
Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
Demon's Souls is meant to be played with long loading screens and sub 30 FPS, faggot.
more like 15
Does the FPS still tank when you break barrels?
What's your set up?
You *can* run the game at 120fps, but it uses Havok along with some other proprietary Sony garbage. Going past 60fps will introduce all kinds of glitches, physics issues, collision errors etc. The game was fan patched to work at 60fps. Even going past 720p will result in graphical glitches. The higher you go, the worse it'll be. I doubled the resolution and I'm already seeing text glitches.
Post some webms niggy
The hell, I thought the GPU would be part of sysinfo. Well it's an RTX 2070 super
too time consuming. Plus the size limit here sucks.
>still can't run MGS3 on RPCS3
>still can't run it on PCSX2 without graphics issues
holy shit just port the hd collection already konami FUCK
>I only play games made after 2012
All that graphical fidelity doesn't make dogshit any more palettable.
I always though Demon's Souls looked better than Dark Souls. All of the spell effects just look terrific.
how is it broken? it runs flawlessly now
I still have problems with audio crackling. Do you know a fix for it?
holy fuck
What about audio?
That's where emulation struggles because audio engines are eldritch abominations, whose spaghetti code is not meant to be seen by mortal men.
I've tried 4 times now to get the PS3 emulator to run demon souls. It never works past the tutorial level.
That's the problem with Triple A developers. A lot of their games use very clever hardware and software tricks to really squeeze the hardware. EG: Rogue Squadron II is probably the last unplayable gamecube game, Sony's first party titles on the PS2 like Jak 2 or Ico use all sorts of memory and timing processes, hell even fucking Burnout 3 published by EA, once you hardware render in PCSX2, you'll have a permenant black sky.
looks even better with the gross green filter removed
Eh. It was kind of ugly, sure, but it did lend an otherworldly air, and the models look a bit primitive without it.
you're the reason pc gaming has turned into nothing but hand me down console ports and unity hipster shit. pc gaming use to actually be the place for cutting edge tech, now it's just the same shit you get on consoles but with meme framerates. wow, woopty fucking dooo.
Can I play the Uncharted trilogy in 1440p?
How to remove it?
A good place to start is the wiki
I followed this 60fps patch
Some forums say the "Write Color Buffers" under GPU fixes the sound. It's required for Demon's Souls anyway. I just imported my save from my PS3 so I need to do further testing
Boletaria Reborn graphics mod released earlier this year. It's a whole lighting overhaul. Here's the original Shrine of Storms for comparison
i see where you stand mr movie game shitter
go watch your shit games
Thanks user
I haven't played this but I think I like the original better. The lighting looks more foreboding. The only part I don't like is the distance blur.
I just jumped on nexus to see their comparison pictures, some look great while others look too saturated. Like in your comparison pics one has a completely different feel from the other but I wouldn't consider both of them bad. Your first pic looks like dusk while the second looks like it's gonna rain or there's a fire nearby
You can get this just to fix the lens flare and remove the depth of field
thanks for this
Any other recommended mods?
It's because the game in question is one of the greatest ever
What games are even worth emulating? I have my slim PS3 collecting dust and I can't even think of any games I'd like to emulate. Maybe God of War 3. Not sure how that runs right now on PCSX3.
>i5 9600k
>GTX 1070 ti
>16 GB RAM
You can also go to nexus and sort by most downloaded
Honestly I wish multiplayer was present on PC. The PS3 has a private server which you can find out more about here. I'm unsure how active it is currently. it's console only so that's a bummer
Games that never left the system, really.
Shadows of the Damned.
LAIR. (not actually good, but weird enough)
Tokyo Jungle.
Katamari Forever.
Heavenly Sword.
Infamous 1 and 2.
Dragon's Crown.
SIREN: Blood Curse.
Ratchet and Clank: The lamer trilogy.
3D Dot Game Heroes.
Resistance 3.
Some other shit. Demon's Souls. Just stuff that's not available anywhere else.
Don't know about the other games but Dragon's Crown is definitely on PS4
Drakengard 3
>not stylin on your enemies hard
I completed Persona 4 at 4K with the 60fps mod. It was beautiful. Royal fags don’t know what they’re missing.
Shit still lags on my poorfag CPU.
Gotta upgrade.
Emulating PS4 is a while off yet.
Is Red Dead Redemption finally playable on PC?
Where can I download it?
original looks better
I have RPCS3 installed solely for God of War HD collection, and I'm awaiting performance improvements for God of War 3 and Uncharted 2.
Is the game fully playable?
And where do you download the game?
No, that's dark souls. demon's souls ran well.
user, almost every single 7th gen from software game suffered from frame rate issues.
Demon's Souls wasn't one of them.
t. seething snoy fag
Haha boomer pooped your pants?
*interesting. It's too unbalanced to call it great imo
>looks better than Dark Souls Remastered
remastered looks like shit
Shadows is on xbox as well.
Really user whats the point of lying?
lmfao just go rent Indiana Jones on Blu-Ray or something. Same exact thing but it's cheaper and only takes a couple hours to watch.